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  1. What major impact? If you mean Hillary correctly claiming there was Russian interference, then the impact of that would have been to STREGTHEN AGAINST it happening again. Was she a sore loser? yup, but you're comparing a mountain in 2020 to a mole hill in 2016. It's actually quite laughable. Making objections is nowhere close to a plot to reinstate fake electors to CHANGE the LEGITIMATE outcome. Did you see how the possibly not lying judge was flying YET ANOTHER flag at his beach house, which was also flown on Jan 6th? Maybe her bad neighbor ALSO had a beach house next to theirs, or an eerily similar bad neighbor like that one??? He's LYING.
  2. There's a large difference between calling it illegitimate, because of the Russian interference, which WAS happening, and setting up a plot between states and with congressmen to change the outcome. I got no love for the democrats in 2016 or Hillary, so that's moot. I would have rather had anyone than trump, but I'm just glad the legit winner took office.
  3. You know it's bad when they think Hillary stumping would help. Lmao. The comments
  4. Thank you !! If anyone wonders why Iran hates the US so much go back and research the American involvement in their elections . This is almost like the situation when someone that is cheating on their significant other they are usually the one casting stones or saying that the other person is the one that is doing the cheating when in fact it's them . The US and it's politicians Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Schiff, Romney, (& many more) all of these "career politicians" that have been a part of this kind of thing for years are the ones complaining the most which kind of leads me to believe they have been in on so much more of those types of things than we know & that they will admit ...
  5. Hope Hicks, ex-Trump adviser, recounts fear in 2016 campaign over impact of ‘Access Hollywood’ tape “Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign was seized with worry about the potential political damage from a tape that showed Trump bragging about grabbing women sexually without their permission, longtime Trump adviser Hope Hicks testified Friday at his hush money trial.” *** “Once one of Trump’s closest confidants, Hicks provided a window into the chaotic fallout over the tape’s release just days before a crucial debate with Democrat Hillary Clinton. It was recorded in 2005 but was not seen by the public until Oct. 7, 2016, about a month before Election Day. Hicks described being stunned and huddling with other Trump advisers after learning about the tape’s existence from the Washington Post reporter who broke the story. Hicks forwarded the reporter’s request to campaign leadership with the recommendation to “deny, deny, deny,” she said.” *** ““I had a good sense to believe this was going to be a massive story and that it was going to dominate the news cycle for the next several days,” Hicks testified. “This was a damaging development.” She added: “This was just pulling us backwards in a way that was going to be hard to overcome.”” *** “But, Hicks said, Trump eventually came to believe that burying Daniels’ story was prudent, saying he thought “it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election.” *** “But when asked if Trump was also worried about the story’s impact on the campaign, Hicks responded that everything they spoke about during that time was viewed through the lens of the campaign. Trump would often asking her, “How is it playing?” as a way of gauging how his appearances, speeches and policies were landing with voters, she said.” Wow. When you read what she actually said it does seem that Trump was concerned about the impact to the campaign, not just Melania. If you find Hope Hicks believable, I’m guessing you might now be thinking Trump did violate election laws…
  6. You mean they hacked the computer that Hillary left unsecured with top secret info on it? I care but you see no fault in Hillary being openly incompetent
  7. Russians have a willing ally in Dems since without Hillary no one believes the Steele Dossier for one minute and without Biden the war would have already come to an end with a treaty and the destruction of Ukraine would stop. Why are you so excited to watch the entire young male population of Ukraine be thrown through the shredder of war?
  8. Maybe not as he is mentally done but Obama, Hillary and the rest of their crew certainly are coup plotters.
  9. But Biden won. Nothing was stolen. Hillary was right, we won. Period. Hillary was right, we were not going to back down. Why should we, WE WON! Did they put together fake electors? No, they accepted it. Big difference, why can't you understand that? Next time you will see that mob Trump gins up taken down hard. Can't wait, bring it on.
  10. Don't give us the BS Hillary was all over the air saying the election was stolen your a lying POS that twists things to your own agenda 90% of the time and IF you were to look and research it as hard for the others as you do against the likes of Scott you would find just as much evidence going the other way but that wouldn't fit or help your freakin agenda . So just stop with the BS ...
  11. Hillary demanding in no uncertain terms that Biden not concede under any circumstances.... Which to sane people who live under a blue sky means that Hillary is saying there is no imaginable scenario under which Biden should concede the election in 2020. Crazy how she seemed to be able to predict the future with the election week drag out too, isn't it? Undoubtedly commies like The King, Tibstain and Billsfuk.c are saying... But that's different!!
  12. The Appearance of Michael Cohen: A Wreck in Search of a Race By Jonathan Turley, May 13, 2024 Michael Cohen is to criminal justice what car crashes are to Nascar: few want to admit it, but he is the perverse draw for the wreck-obsessed. The difference is that Cohen was already a rolling smoking wreck when he pulled up to the track. Even for those of us who have long been critics of this case and its dubious legal theory, it has been surprising to see that the prosecutors had no more evidence than what we previously knew about. The assumption was that no rational prosecutor would base a major criminal case virtually entirely on the testimony of Michael Cohen who was just recently denounced by a judge as a serial perjurer peddling “perverse” theories in court. The calculus of Alvin Bragg is now obvious. He is counting on the jury convicting Trump regardless of the evidence. He believes that all he needs is to check the boxes on the elements of the crime, no matter how unbelievable the vehicle. The reason is that Bragg likely fears a directed verdict more than a jury verdict. After the government closes its evidence, the defense will move for a directed verdict on the basis that the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction. In other words, when the prosecution rests this week, Trump’s counsel will stand and ask Merchan to end the case before it is even given to the jury. Many of us agree with that assessment. After three weeks of testimony, there is still confusion on what crime Trump was allegedly seeking to cover up. Bragg has vaguely referred to using the denotation of payments to Daniels as “legal expenses” as a fraud committed to steal the election. However, the election was over when those denotations were made. Moreover, many believe that such a characterization for payments related to a nondisclosure agreement was accurate. (Hillary Clinton’s campaign claimed in the same election that hiding the funding for the Steele dossier as legal expenses was perfectly accurate). Judge Juan Merchan, in my view, has failed repeatedly to protect the rights of the accused in this case. However, he can claim that there was enough alleged to give Bragg the chance to make his case. Thus far he has not done so and, if he is truly neutral, Merchan should grant the motion. Bragg is counting on not only a motivated jury but a motivated judge to keep this anemic case alive. All he hopes that he needs to do is get this to a Trump-loathing jury to set aside any reasonable doubt. To do that, he found the ultimate motivated witness with a record of saying whatever serves his interests and those of his sponsors. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/05/13/the-appearance-of-michael-cohen-a-wreck-in-search-of-a-race/ .
  13. Applying the standards of today to the past is a fool’s errand, yet it doesn’t stop lots of people from doing so. It is interesting, however, that many of the same people fixated on society 100+ years ago doing so had no hesitation in casting a vote for a, say Hillary Clinton and her declaration that tens of millions of citizens were both deplorable and irredeemable simply because they disagreed with her vision for the country. It’s fair to wonder which side of justice those people would have fallen on back in the day.
  14. Also remember Hillary's noble and wise advice to Biden to not concede under any circumstances. How very patriotic and pricipled in her efforts to save our democracy.
  15. Raises my opinion of Chelsea? Not the Stanford grad thing. No - the thing about getting s-faced every weekend. That's the way to do it. The Webb Hubbell thing is hilarious. I must have missed that nutso theory. Chelsea's appearance is clearly a mash-up of the worst features of Hillary and Bill.
  16. Webb Hubbel and Hillary's daughter, Chelsea is a Stanford grad. We had an undergrad student in the lab one semester that was in the DKE fraternity. DKE was the closest to a real life Delta House there. He said Chelsea would attend all the weekend parties and get s-faced every weekend. The Secret Service would stand guard outside the frat house. DKE got kicked off campus the next year.
  17. No because the challenger was Hillary whose husband is the real sexual deviant. Then we have Obama who is married to a tranny and has had gay sex supposedly. Then Biden loves to smell kids and shower with his daughter and we all know about Hunter. Not a lot of non-creeps running for president these days so choose based on policies because everyone is flawed.
  18. This is the stupidest "there must have been fraud" theory ever. How many people flocked to Eugene McCarthy rallies in 1968? George Wallace rallies that same year? As opposed to Nixon rallies. Did more people show up for Bernie vs. Hillary? What makes anyone think that those who attend rallies are representative of the electorate in general?
  19. Who can forget Hillary being the presumptive favorite the day before the election 2016? Or Steve Kornacki standing in front of his board a week before the election saying Trump has no path to victory. And the 2022 mid terms. All based on polling. I think in the current political world some people don't like to tell pollsters they are voting for Trump. The election is 6 months away. Lot of crazy stuff gonna happen before then. I'm with @Tiberiuson this one Looking at polls now is useless. But what are polling companies gonna do? Poll.
  20. Campaigns are required to disclose their spending. Paying for an in-kind contribution to the campaign from his business (instead of the campaign itself) and not properly reporting it, Trump violated the disclosure requirement. Had he paid Daniels from the campaign, Trump would not have this legal exposure to the Manhattan DA. He might have faced a fine at worst from the FEC. But then he would have to disclose the payments to the FEC, which makes the reports public. So he took actions to conceal a payment that he believed would help him win the election and thereby cause Hillary lose it. This creates legal exposure for Trump under a couple of laws, mainly: NY Law 17-152: Conspiracy to promote or prevent election 52 USC § 30118 Notably, the FEC reached a settlement with AMI over AMI's violation of 52 USC § 30118(a) for the catch and kill of the McDougal story
  21. Reminder: If you still cling to the belief that the Hillary led Russia Hoax was real, your other opinions suffer.
  22. True. That's because Trump has turned it into a pure Cult of Personality. We saw that with how DeSantis (more Trumpy than Trump on policy) fizzled. There is never a Juan Peron Jr. And Melania ain't Evita even if she were eligible. To be fair, that's what happened with Obama too. There was a kind of Cult of Personality there too, and Hillary (and then Biden) clearly didn't have the same political talent. I don't know where the Republicans go in 2028 whether or not Trump wins. I do see some new talent on the Democratic side. Watch out for Wes Moore. I don't even know much about him on the policy side, but he's got the "it" factor. The dingoes.
  23. Thats the BS propaganda they are using so that people don’t question why they didn’t do the same to Hillary and Joe…we know how the game is played- and it’s called election interference…👍
  24. Then so is Biden and Hillary…I don’t care if Trump is prosecuted so long as there is equal just, which everyone can clearly see that there isn’t…👍
  25. Again, the reason Biden (illegally) raided Trump is because Trump declassified (via memo on 1/19/2021) and kept his personal copy of his Crossfire Hurricane presidential records. Biden, through his Deputy Counsel White House Jonathan Su, waived Trump’s claim of executive privilege. Biden AG Merrick Garland personally approved the raid. These Crossfire Hurricane records are devastating to Obama, Biden, Hillary, Clapper, Comey, and so many others. They made up the Russian collusion hoax in 2016. Because Russia almost certainly hacked Hillary’s home server. Evidencing her Clinton Foundation foreign corruption as Obama’s Secretary of State. If Russia leaked the hacked material before the election, Hillary wanted to blame a Trump dirty campaign trick—falsely accusing him of colluding with Russia. Conspiracy theory? 51 former intel agents, working with the CIA, ran the same play with Hunter’s laptop of Biden’s foreign corruption in 2020. This is a criminal conspiracy. Trump could have publicly disclosed these declassified Crossfire Hurricane records in his civil lawsuit versus Hillary over the Russian-collusion hoax Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, a Democrat operative who bashed Trump on Facebook, was forced to recuse from that case. Six weeks later, Reinhart’s clear bias against Trump (somehow) didn’t matter anymore. Reinhart approved Biden’s (through Garland and Jay Bratt, now Jack Smith’s counselor) unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid on Trump. For presidential records Trump was allowed to have in the Office of the Former President, per the Presidential Records Act. In other words, Obama and Biden have politicized and weaponized law enforcement and intel agencies to interfere in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections against Trump. Because Obama and Biden know Trump has the goods on their ongoing Russian-collusion criminal conspiracy.
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