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  1. I could see him picking Rubio, just to degrade him and make him leave Florida. I could see him picking Scott, just to force him to get married. But I still see him picking Stefanik. I think the ***** move the needle more than race does.
  2. In other words, people were spoiled by the COVID money giveaways, the work-from-home schedules, etc. As economist Scott Sumner put it: There’s always a price to pay for unsustainable good times, and thus I expect the public’s mood to turn sour in the fall and winter, even as employment recovers—indeed because employment recovers. Someone has to do all those crappy jobs. That's the best explanation I've seen so far for why the economy is very strong by any objective measure, yet people say it's bad. It's been the shocking zap back into the ordinary sucky work world.
  3. Christianity and the Hypocrisy of the Left by Scott Hoganson The American Left is like a dog with a bone when it comes to attacking religion. Barely a day goes by without somebody holding some totalitarian worldview yelping about how Christianity in the United States is creating a new era of racism or anti-LGBTQism or some other form of generalized hate for something or other. The Left recently warned that flying the colonial era “Appeal to Heaven” flag is a leading indicator of one who is “extremely invested in the semiotics of American fascism.” No less alarming is how Christianity is fomenting an “ideology that justifies any tyranny that one’s nation might inflict.” Such dangerous behavior is surely fueled by the irresponsible rhetoric of the Right-Wing political class. Imagine the fevered ravings of a radical Christian Nationalist talking to and through the national media, to practically insist that freedom loving Americans abandon our civic norms with the veiled demand, “I ask you to join with me in prayer." This extremist invokes the name of “almighty God” with a hubristic request for providential intervention “to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization.” This theocratic rant then leads to imploring this almighty God “to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith,” and this toxic sentiment is punctuated with “O Lord, give us Faith. Give us Faith in Thee.” Perhaps the darkest passage comes when this man, this threat to democracy, tries to coerce mindless simps into submission saying “Thy will be done, Almighty God,” as if some spirit in the sky has anything to do with anything. He then demands that “people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer,” a hair's breadth away from the establishment of religion. It’s nothing short of a militant call for replacing our cherished freedoms with an oppressive, government-imposed belief system. In the parlance of the American Left, this is something we might expect from "Christian boogeyman" and House Speaker Mike Johnson or “fake Christian” Donald Trump or an "unhinged" Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene but it’s not. It’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressing the nation on D-Day. https://townhall.com/columnists/scotthogenson/2024/06/09/christianity-and-the-hypocrisy-of-the-left-n2640103 Link has the full address. .
  4. MORE: Georgia appeals court HALTS trial of Trump and codefendants so it can review 'conflict' challenge to Fani Willis based on her affair by Geoff Earle A Georgia appeals court has put one of Donald Trump's four criminal trials on hold, pausing his election interference case there to allow for a challenge based on Fulton County DA Fani Willis' affair with a prosecutor. The move comes after Georgia judge Scott McAfee issued a ruling allowing Willis to remain in her role as prosecutor after holding bombshell hearings on her affair with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade. The hearing featured dramatic testimony about lavish vacations and angry disputes about when the affair began and whether it had the potential to compromise the appearance or the fact of a fair trial. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13499297/Georgia-appeals-court-trial-Trump-codefendants-challenge-Fani-Willis-affair.html .
  5. Tim Scott is definitely the guy you choose if you want to neutralize any “racist” attacks, while also lowering the temperature for those reluctant to vote for Trump due to his personality. JD Vance is legitimately a strong politician. Well spoken, articulate and knows how to deal with the media. Both Scott and Vance are heavy hitter fundraisers. Rubio could work. Burgum seems like a Mike Pence type pick, but less weird and rich. Byron Donalds would be Trump saying F it and risk his campaign becoming unhinged for the chance of sweeping MI, PA and WI and making Dems nervous for future election realignment of a noticeable R pull of black men. Major risk/reward pick.
  6. Scott would be fun. It would be a good chance to see the tolerant and inclusive left show what they are made of. It wouldn’t be pretty, that’s for damn sure.
  7. JD Vance is the choice here Tim Scott, if he wants to play it safe
  8. The cult is REALLY upset this thread came back to life... right @ScotSHO? Scott doesn't care if his cult takes away FKN CONTRACEPTION - this freak is upset I am highlighting it... @Doc - not transformative, eh? Totes normal.
  9. Trump's lawyers and lawyer's pushing Trump's claims get themselves in trouble so often, it's hard to keep track. Thought it might be easier to just put the misfeasance in one place. I imagine I've missed a few but this is a good start. Lin Wood agreed to retire from law and surrender his Georgia law license to avoid disciplinary cases (NYT) Lin Wood was also sanctioned in Michigan (AP) Sidney Powell, Howard Kleinhandler, Julia Zsuzsa Haller, Scott Hagerstrom, Brandon Johnson, and Gregory Rohl were sanctioned and fined in Michigan (Reuters) Rudy Giuliani had his New York law license suspended (AP) DC ethics board recommended Rudy Giuliani to be disbarred (NBC) DC Bar officials recommend disbarment for Jeffrey Clark (Bloomberg Law) California bar court recommended disbarment for John Eastman (State Bar of California) Jenna Ellis was barred from practicing law in Colorado for three years (AP) Clifford Robert, Michael Farina, Christopher Kise, Michael Madaio, and Armen Morian were sanctioned in New York (NY Courts) Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and Ray Smith were indicted in Georgia (PBS) Stefanie Junttila and Matt DePerno were indicted in Michigan (Michigan Advance) Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty in Georgia (NYT) Kenneth Chesebro pleaded guilty in Georgia (NPR) Sidney Powell pleaded guilty in Georgia (NYT) Rudy Giuliani was indicted in Arizona (NBC) Christina Bobb, John Eastman, Boris Epshteyn, and Jenna Ellis were indicted in Arizona (Source NM) Alina Habba was sanctioned $1 million in Florida for filing frivolous lawsuits. (ABC - thanks @Scraps) Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations and other charges in New York (AP) Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million in Georgia defamation case (Reuters) Wisconsin AG charged Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis for the fake electors scheme. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) Maybe they should have taken Eric Herschmann's advice... Trump Lawyer Stats Lawyers in Trouble: Christina Bobb Kenneth Chesebro Jeffrey Clark Matt DePerno John Eastman Jenna Ellis Boris Epshteyn Michael Farina Rudy Giuliani Scott Hagerstrom Brandon Johnson Stefanie Junttila Christopher Kise Howard Kleinhandler Michael Madaio Armen Morian Sidney Powell Clifford Robert Gregory Rohl Ray Smith Jim Troupis Lin Wood Julia Zsuzsa Haller Jurisdictions / State Bars: 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals California State Bar Colorado State Bar Court of Appeals of Michigan DC Bar Georgia State Bar Georgia Supreme Court New York Attorney Grievance Committee US District Court Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division Superior Court of Fulton County (Georgia) Superior Court of the State of Arizona Supreme Court of the State of Colorado Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division Wisconsin Circuit Court
  10. Tim Scott Levels CNN Anchor for Deceptively Misquoting Trump After 'Hush Money' Conviction Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) made a CNN anchor look foolish during a segment discussing comments regarding a jury’s decision to convict former President Donald Trump in the “Hush Money” trial. During the conversation, host Abby Phillip deceptively claimed that, if elected, Trump would use his position to seek revenge against his enemies. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/05/31/tim-scott-levels-cnn-anchor-for-deceptively-misquoting-trump-after-hush-money-conviction-n2174903
  11. The GOP is not Trump. Trump is not the GOP. The people who are voting for trump, for the most part, do not like the GOP. They realize that it's a uniparty system at this point. They've been alienated by the Republican party dolts like Scott Walker, John McCain, and others over the last 10 years. Bush didn't do anyone any favors. The libertarian party took a left turn and not is radioactive. Trump is not the Republican party, for better or worse. The saddest part of all of this has become the tribalism that is the "magats" type statement where this is now acceptable to insult people who are your friends, family, and neighbors. It goes both ways. I don't like Trump but I loathe Democrats who are petulant children. I will never vote Democrat for what they have made of this political circus to persecute trump and what they did to Kavanaugh. If I was Republican I would beg everyone in power to go over every Democrats business record of 20 years for equal prosecution. Oh, and if I was Ohio I 100% would not put Biden on the ballot. Legally he should not be allowed.
  12. So who is the unnamed "athlete" here? In a different context, the story mentions Ben Roethlisberger (unlikely to be offended by Trump's antics) and figure skater Scott Hamilton. Somebody is no doubt going through the leader board for that 2006 pro am. BTW, Trump finished 62nd of 80 in the amateur event. And yeah, that's even after he cheated.
  13. Don't give us the BS Hillary was all over the air saying the election was stolen your a lying POS that twists things to your own agenda 90% of the time and IF you were to look and research it as hard for the others as you do against the likes of Scott you would find just as much evidence going the other way but that wouldn't fit or help your freakin agenda . So just stop with the BS ...
  14. Not defending Tim Scott, but just curious ... Do you promise to accept the results of the 2024 presidential election regardless of who wins?
  15. SLEEPERS, AWAKE! By Scott Johnson The new book by Victor Davis Hanson is The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation. It was published this past Tuesday. The New York Post extracted Victor’s thesis statement from the book for this column (the headline doesn’t come close to capturing the thesis). In the book Victor recounts the annihilation of Thebes, Carthage, Constantinople, and Tenochtitlan. Victor provides a précis in the publisher’s video below https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/05/sleepers-awake.php Wall Street Journal review of the book: https://www.wsj.com/arts-culture/books/the-end-of-everything-review-annals-of-total-destruction-c11777cc .
  16. THE BIDEN BETRAYAL By Scott Johnson President Biden publicly acknowledged his betrayal of Israel’s anticipated offensive in Rafah in an interview with Erin Burnett on CNN. The CNN story on the interview is here. As a practical matter, Biden supports Hamas. Biden opposes Israel. Biden’s declaration of “ironclad” support for Israel is “inoperative,” to borrow a term from Watergate. On Tuesday Biden gave a Holocaust remembrance speech decrying those calling for “the annihilation of Israel, the world’s only Jewish State.” Biden asserted that his support for the “security of Israel and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree.” In Biden’s world, the usual principles of rational thought do not obtain. Who says A need not say B. Who says A also says not A. “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden said in reference to the 2,000-pound bombs that Biden is withholding from the IDF. Biden also told Burnett that he’s withholding artillery ammunition. Biden labored to articulate his thinking, or his “thinking.” This is how he put it on CNN: “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah – they haven’t gone in Rafah yet – if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem,” Biden has proved himself a fool many times over. It has long since become redundant. This episode merely puts an exclamation point on it. Every friend of the United States must weigh the price of friendship, Biden style. Every enemy of the United States is experiencing the kind of pleasure that is usually limited to private experience. Much more at the link: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/05/the-biden-betrayal.php .
  17. I still think that there’s a good chance that it will be someone not being greatly discussed. But, If I had to put money down, I’d say Tim Scott. .
  18. Too bad the R operatives don't agree with the MAGA's here. She being the VP candidate would add a couple percentage points to the D ticket. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4642282-noem-scott-burgum-trump-vp/ “She’s just done, too much drama,” said one Republican senator who stays in touch with Trump.
  19. Who will Donald Trump choose as his running mate? What to know as potential VPs gather in Florida. David Jackson, Zac Anderson WASHINGTON Former President Donald Trump will spend part of his weekend hosting the latest episode of "The Apprentice," but this time it's the vice presidential edition. At least six contenders for the former president's running mate – Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio; Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.; South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and North Dakota Gov. Doug Bergum – will attend a Republican donor retreat Friday and Saturday in Palm Beach, Florida, in what looks like a series of auditions. "This is a wonderful opportunity for Republican leaders and supporters to come together," says the invitation to the event, which will also include panel discussions featuring campaign officials and Republican lawmakers that are closed to the press. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/03/donald-trump-vice-president-running-mate/73510077007/ .
  20. Good lord. If that poll has validity if the Republicans just ran a run of the mill candidate (Nicky Haley, Tim Scott, etc.) they'd win in a landslide. Trump is such a turnoff to suburban women who cost him the 2020 election.
  21. I feel like Uniparty, while a real thing, is more of a federal issue. Moving from New York to the South is DRASTIC. For anyone center/center-right who likes warm weather, in a good way. Lower taxes, more freedom, less crime outside areas where you’d expect it, along with a much bigger focus on family & religion. The local/state politicians all reflect that. It’s the federal level i.e. a Lindsey Graham, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio who prioritize the big things similarly to Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff that give off the very evident reality of a Uniparty. Locally though.. no, party still matters.
  22. What did Trump have to do with Acosta back in 2006? Nothing. And guys like him don't make decisions that don't come from higher-up. From what I can tell, Maxwell went into hiding before Epstein was arrested. She was finally found/caught. And again, why would Trump "wish her well" if she could embarrass him? Wouldn't he want to wish her ill?
  23. Mr. Plessy no doubt regretted his decision to fight that whole "separate but equal" thing. He really should have waited a hundred years or so when the composition of the Court was favorable to him. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1850-1900/163us537 Hell, for that matter, that foolish Dred Scott probably regrets not just returning to his slave master. He could've prevented the Civil War. Maybe even for another decade or so.
  24. Why wasn't Maxwell arrested with Epstein when he was FIRST charged in 2006? And after a two-year investigation, who gave Epstein that sweet deal of a single state charge of solicitation in 2008? Donald Trump's Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta. And who still wasn't arrested at the time? And who held on to the very end?
  25. Ghislaine Maxwell, his representative, was at Chelsea's wedding in 2010, which was 6 years after Trump ended his relationship with him. Did they ever disavow him prior to him going down? And true on that last statement. Which is why it was odd that they had Slick campaigning for Biden. When the least tone deaf thing to do would have been to let Slick just fade into the woodwork.
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