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  1. Ok, the Democrats followed the rules, so I guess that matters, right: In 2001, House Democrats challenged the certification of electoral votes for then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush, a Republican, but the objection failed because no senator agreed to sign the written objection. “The objection is in writing, and I do not care that it is not signed by a member of the Senate,” Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said during the 2001 joint session of Congress. “The chair will advise that the rules do care,” then-Vice President Al Gore, ceremonially presiding over the session, told Waters. Gore was overseeing the very session that would confirm his loss to Bush. A similar situation occurred in 2017, when then-Vice President Joe Biden oversaw certification of the electoral votes that handed the presidency to Donald Trump. House Democrats challenged the electoral slate, but to no avail, because they lacked support in the Senate. “It is over,” Biden told Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who objected to the election results during the 2017 session. The certification challenge in 2005 was the only instance in recent years in which both a senator and a House member signed a formal objection to an electoral slate. Then-Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, and then-Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., together challenged Bush’s victory in Ohio on grounds of alleged voter irregularities. The House and Senate adjourned and met separately for no more than two hours, as the Constitution stipulates, but ultimately neither Jones nor Boxer was able to gain enough votes from their respective colleagues to alter Ohio’s electoral slate. The riot nonsense is just that, nonsense. Poor deflection, and off topic. For poops and giggles, you should probably be most concerned with Scott Walker's advisors: During the Madison protests, while 16 people were arrested, none of the arrests were linked to violence or weapons. Madison Police characterized the protesters as assembling “peacefully” and “without violence.” Wisconsin politicians from both parties were harassed and received threats but were not physically harmed. An uncovered email and a secretly taped phone call showed Gov. Scott Walker had been advised to stage a violent “false flag” event to discredit the protests and considered it, but said he decided against the action. Investigating Trump had zero to do with elections. A non sequitur. Heck, you guys argue every day that this stuff HELPS his campaign. The announcement by Comey about Hillary Clinton, on the other hand??? Not so much
  2. House Investigation Into Afghanistan Withdrawal Already Exposing Biden Administration's Incompetence By Jeff Charles FTA: During a hearing earlier this year, the committee heard testimonies describing the withdrawal effort. “This whole thing has been a gutting experience. I never imagined I would witness the kind of gross abandonment, followed by career-preserving silence of senior leaders, military and civilian,” Lt. Col. David Scott Mann (Ret.) said. There are approximately 775,000 Afghan war veterans. According to a survey, 73% of them feel betrayed by the withdrawal and 67% feel humiliated. Those who were there say they still suffer from what they experienced — including mothers carrying dead babies, the Taliban beating people, and people running for their lives. “I think we’re on the front end of a mental health tsunami,” Lt. Col. Mann said. “Calls to the VA hotline have spiked 81% in the first year since the Afghan withdrawal and they keep coming.” House Democrats have attempted to shift blame to the Trump administration for the botched withdrawal. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2023/12/18/house-investigation-into-afghanistan-withdrawal-already-exposing-biden-administrations-incompetence-n2167703
  3. OK, so boring football games this afternoon so I watched most of this. Review: rehashed information about Jeffrey Epstein and the Maxwell family. She has apparently written one thousand pages about this, which sounds impressive, but there's no indication that she actually did anything other than read the internet. In other words, no interviews, etc. And here's all I need to know to dismiss her as a joke: At 36:50, she suggests that Ghislaine Maxwell is going to play along with the coverup, and as a reward for that she got moved from the facility where Epstein was found dead to a low security "country club" prison in Florida. Well. A quick Google search of where Epstein died would've told her that it was at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in Manhattan. That's a holding facility that is adjacent to the federal courthouse where Epstein and then Maxwell were facing their criminal charges. And guess what? NO ONE who is sentenced to more than a few months is held there. That's not what it was for (it's closed now). It was for pre-trial detainess facing charges in the adjacent courthouse. In her hours and hours of research, leading to some kind of publication of a one thousand page tome, she somehow didn't bother to look at the Wiki page for the MCC? If she had, she would have learned this: The Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York (MCC New York) is a temporarily closed United States federal administrative detention facility in the Civic Center of Lower Manhattan, New York City, located on Park Row behind the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse at Foley Square. It is operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the United States Department of Justice. MCC New York holds male and female prisoners of all security levels. Most prisoners held at MCC New York have pending cases in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. MCC New York also holds prisoners serving brief sentences.[1] Oh. Nevermind. Maxwell was sentenced to twenty years. There was never any chance that she'd serve that at the MCC. None. So there goes that conspiracy theory. I'm sure there are other similar nuggets in this 90 minute Glen Beck (He's still around? And apparently not blind, which is where we collectively forgot about him about a dozen years ago) interview, but given this jaw droppingly stupid "argument" - one that may be refuted with a five second Google search - I don't really see the need to pay any further attention. Thank the good Lord you have me here or some of you might have been convinced by poorly researched conspiracy theorists. You're very welcome.
  4. Editor’s Note: This article is part of “If Trump Wins,” a project considering what Donald Trump might do if reelected in 2024. After four years of Joe Biden, China’s leaders would likely be relieved to have Donald Trump back in the White House. Compared with his predecessor, Biden has operated quietly. Trump launched a trade war; slapped tariffs on Chinese imports; and infuriated Beijing by referring to the coronavirus as “the Chinese Virus,” blaming the Chinese Communist Party for its spread, and even at times humoring theories that the party may have played a role in its creation. But Biden has hit China harder than Trump ever did. Armed with a more determined foreign policy, he has inflicted acute damage on the country’s economy and geopolitical ambitions, from which China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has struggled to recover. “A Biden-led U.S., probably from the Chinese perspective, looks like a more formidable challenge,” Scott Kennedy, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., told me. The most telling example is Biden’s technology policy. In 2022, his administration effectively barred the export to China of advanced semiconductors and the complex equipment required to manufacture them. The controls will likely set back China’s hopes of building a competitive chip industry for years and hamper its progress in other key tech sectors, such as artificial intelligence. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/why-xi-wants-trump-to-win/ar-AA1l1FNk
  5. If you don't believe there was plenty of substance to the debate and you want to focus on a poop bag rather than all the stats he was rattling off then that means you came into with a preconceived dislike for him and no matter what he was going to say you wouldn't support. There are plenty of voters like you who don't really care about the cultural issues that helps create the rot in our societies and as a father of two girls that are in school, I care very deeply about all the things that schools and corporations are doing to inject ideologies that aren't rooted in science and that are created to help indoctrinate these minds into believing things such as Critical Race theory, faux DEI concepts, transgendered males competing against women, corporations attempting to run roughshod over politicians and a number of other things. I'm Floridian, so I'm biased for DeSantis but I can tell you this, I was never biased for Rick Scott, Jeb Bush, Charlie Crist back when he was a Republican. What DeSantis did during COVID and all the bold items that he promised and delivered on, I'm thankful. I feel like what he was able to accomplish specially COVID that I am indebted to him. He'll very likely lose and Trump will be the nominee, but I am 100% convinced he would end up being a much more disciplined, energetic, organized and effective executive than anyone else running on either side of the aisle.
  6. Is that when she was talking about transhumanism? I thought that whole part of the conversation reeked of paranoia. I found it humorous that she talked a lot about Epstein and made it clear (from her POV) that yes, Trump had a relationship with Epstein, but Bill Clinton's relationship is worse... and then went down the rabbit hole of Robert Maxwell, fund raising, and recycling conspiracies and Vince Foster. She never shared anything about Trump and Epstiein's relationship - not even once. And I don't think she ever mentioned Trump's name more than a couple times, if that. She also said she doesn't want our government run by the mob. Which is ironic - she failed to acknowledge the GQP's mob boss: Conald.
  7. If you recall, the Republican Party did not put out a platform ahead of the 2020 election. I suppose that's because they had no idea what Trump would be saying as the election approached, and particularly if he won. They also didn't want to be pinned down by stupidity they couldn't defend. But of course that hasn't stopped Trump. Recently he's said not only that he would end the Russia-Ukraine war immediately without saying how (without surrender by Ukraine), but also that it's no problem for a fixer like him to eliminate the federal debt within 4 years. Remember: the federal debt is now $35 trillion. But Trump knows his base isn't very smart, so idiotic promises like this are just fine and dandy. “We’re going to pay off debt — the $35 trillion in debt. We’re going to pay it off. We’re going to get it done fast, too.” How's that gonna work? Economist Scott Sumner tells us: it's idiocy. Current taxes only bring in 1/7 of that per year. You'd have to: (1) stop federal spending entirely; AND (2) raise taxes to previously unheard of levels. Federal revenue is less than $5 trillion per year. Thus even if spending were cut to zero, it would require huge tax increases to pay off the debt in 4 years. But spending cannot be cut to zero, as the government is legally required to pay interest on the debt. That means even more massive tax increases would be needed. One possibility is that Trump is proposing that non-interest spending, including the military and Social Security and Medicare all be reduced to zero for 4 years, and that all of the tax rates be roughly doubled during that period. And even that may not be enough, due to “Laffer Curve” effects. Another possibility is that Trump is not serious; he’s making the promise to repay the national debt because it sounds good. That raises the question of whether any political promise should be taken seriously. Why even watch the debates? One response is that voters are able to distinguish between sincere promises and insincere promises. But I doubt that voters are that smart. I recall back in 2017 chatting with a trucker who was excited about Trump’s promise to rebuild our infrastructure. I was excited by Joe Biden’s promise not to build a wall on the southern border. In fact, Trump never even proposed a major infrastructure initiative. Biden abandoned his promise not to build a wall. And yet these promises initially seemed much more plausible than the promise to repay the entire national debt. https://www.econlib.org/how-important-are-the-issues/
  8. I've been busy, so I didn't get a chance to finish watching this until this morning. Hopefully won't take as long for today's hearing. RECAP Rusty Bowers (GOP Speaker of the Arizona House): Wanted Donald Trump to win a second term of office, but Joe Biden won the election in Arizona Despite Trump’s assertions otherwise, Bowers never told Trump that he won the election nor that the election was rigged. Rudy called Bowers saying that he had proof of fraud, including illegal immigrants and dead people voting. Bowers asked for the evidence but Rudy never provided it. Rudy wanted Bowers to hold an official committee meeting to remove the electors and replace them with Trump electors. Bowers told them that they were asking him to violate his oath. Bowers asked Rudy and Jenna Ellis for the names of people who voted illegally, but they never provided any evidence. Giuliani: “We have lots of theories but we don’t have any evidence” Nobody every provided Bowers with evidence of fraud to question the outcome in Arizona John Eastman told Bowers to decertify the electors but Bowers replied that this would violate both his oath to the constitution and to the state of Arizona Bowers has received 20,000 emails and 10,000 voicemails and texts. On Saturdays, groups will come by his home with video panel trucks and blaring loudspeakers proclaiming him to be a pedophile, pervert, and corrupt. This was when his daughter was gravely ill and living with him. One man had a shirt with three bars on it, carried a pistol and threatened his neighbor. Brad Raffensberger (Secretary of State of Georgia): Wanted Donald Trump to win the 2020 election, but Joe Biden won. Ballots were counted three times: scanned, hand recount, and scanned again. All results were consistent. 28,000 Georgians skipped the presidential election and voted down ballot. The GOP congressmen got 33,000 more votes than Trump. Trump claimed that 5,000 dead people voted and filed lawsuits that 10,315 did, but the actual number was four. Trump claimed that there were 66,000 underaged voters, but the actual number was zero (17-year-olds can register so long as they will be 18 by election day). Trump claimed 2,424 non-registered people voted: actually zero Trump claimed 2,056 felons voted but it was really fewer than 75 Raffensberger offered to send Trump a link to the entire election counting video that would disprove his claims but Trump responded that he didn’t need it since he had a “better” link. Trump (audio from phone call): The real truth is that I won by 400,000 votes at least. So what are we going to do here folks?” Trump (audio from phone call): “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state” Raffensberger was doxed and got threats from all over the country. His wife got threats that were sexual in nature. His daughter-in-law’s home was broken into. Raffensberger followed the law and the constitution. At the end of the day, Trump came up short. Gabriel Sterling (COO in Georgia Secretary State of Georgia: in charge of voting systems and COVID voting): Received a call from a contact at Dominion who was audibly shaken. They were receiving threats. On the claim of suitcases full of ballots: Investigated it and found it was normal ballot processing If you watch the entire video, the election workers were under the impression that they got to go home around 10pm so they were packing up and putting ballots to be counted into tamper proof containers. The election monitors were still there. The Secretary of State’s office called and told them to stay, and you can see the director slumping at his desk, not wanting to tell people they can’t go home. He tells them, and they take their coats off and resume counting. On claims of double counting: Standard procedure for a miss-scan is to delete the count and rerun Any issues would be discovered during the manual tally Hand tallies can have a discrepancy of 1-2% but because of how Georgia runs elections, the hand tally was within 0.105% of the total votes cast and 0.0099% of the margin Kenneth Chesebro (Trump Laywer) memo: Outlined a plan of competing slates of electors in the battleground states won by Biden. Then Pence can pick the Trump electors from those states. Cassidy Hutchinson (Aide to Mark Meadows): Giuliani, Meadows, and some members of Congress were involved in the dual electors scheme White House counsel told them that the plan for alternate electors was not legally sound Ronna Romney McDaniel (RNC Chair): Trump and Eastman called and told them it was important for the RNC to help with the dual electors. Robert Sinners (Trump Campaign Staffer): We were useful idiots and rubes at that point [for working to get the dual electors] After hearing testimony from others on the campaign he was angry that nobody cared about putting people like him in jeopardy Would not have participated had he known the three main campaign lawyers were not on board Laura Cox (Michigan Republican Party Chair): Was told the MI republican electors were planning to meet in the capitol and hide overnight so they could fulfill the law of casting their vote in the Michigan chambers Documents from campaign: Electors had to cast ballots in secret Electors asked for the campaign to pay legal fees Fake electors signed certificates that they were the correct electors Wisconsin officials texted that the Trump campaign wanted someone to fly their fake electors docs to DC Staffer for Sen. Ron Johnson texted Pence staffer that Johnson wanted to hand deliver fake electors. Pence staffer said do not give them Audio of call between Trump and Francis Watson (GA investigator): “I won by hundreds of thousands of votes. It wasn’t close” “Whatever you can do Frances it would be, it’s a great thing. It’s an important thing for the country, so important. You have no idea, it’s so important and I very much appreciate it.” “Do you think they’ll be working after Christmas, to keep it going fast? Because, you know, we have that date of the 6th, which is a very important date.” Shaye Moss (Fulton Country department of registration and elections): In a decade of service, she had never received threats before Loved her job because she was told by her grandmother how important it was to vote and that people in her family didn’t always have that chance. Giuliani called out her and her mother as part of a scheme to run ballots through multiple times. This was not true Giuliani said they were passing around USB drives like cocaine. It was a ginger mint. Checked Facebook and there were a lot of death threats, telling her that she’ll be in jail with her mother. “Be glad it’s 2020, not 1920” Her mother, Ruby Freeman, helped with the election. On Trump call to Raffensberger: “We had at least 18,000, that’s on tape, we had them counted very painstakingly, 18,000 voters having to do with Ruby Freeman, she’s a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler.” Moss: Felt it was her fault for wanting to be an election worker. Felt it was her fault to put her family in this situation where they were now getting threats Doesn't want anyone to know her name. She won’t go places with her mom in case she shouts her name. She won’t go out at all. Gained 60lbs. Second guess everything that she does. It has affected her life in a major way, all because of lies. People showed up at her grandmother’s house. Grandmother called her screaming at the top of her lungs that people were at her home. They knocked on her door, she opened it and they pushed their way into the house claiming they were making a citizen’s arrest, looking for Shaye and her mom. Shaye had to tell her not to go out or answer the door At night, people would continually send pizzas over and over and she was expected to pay Nobody from the video is still a permanent election worker or supervisor. Shaye left her position. Ruby Freeman’s recorded testimony: Used to wear a shirt with her name on it but now she won’t tell people her name. She’s worried about being identified or having to give her name in public. She’s lost her name and her sense of security Stayed away from her home for two months for her safety “There is nowhere I feel safe. Nowhere. Do you know how it feels to have the President of the United States target you? The President of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not to target on. But he targeted me, Lady Ruby, a small business owner, a mother, a proud American citizen who stands up to help Fulton County run an election in the middle of the pandemic.” TAKEAWAYS: This hearing mostly focused on the dual electors scheme and the threats made to the people involved in the elections. On the latter, I don't have much to say other than it's heartbreaking and that forcing people out of their jobs through threats and replacing them with the kinds of people making those threats is a danger to our country. Especially since those jobs are responsible for our elections. On the dual electors scheme, it was clearly illegal, they knew it was illegal, and they tried it anyway. Some of the electors signed affidavits that they were the true electors. Those people should be prosecuted. As to Trump himself, I've thought that Georgia has been his most pressing legal exposure and the evidence here definitely puts him in jeopardy. He is on the record saying he won the election by 400,000 votes but that he just wanted Raffensberger to add 11,800 to his tally. This is telling the Secretary of State to input a number he knows is false (because he thinks the real number is about 400,000 more) and meets the prima facie case for election fraud under Georgia law. That does not mean he will be indicted, or if he is, that he'll be found guilty, but this seems pretty clear to be a crime. Finally, a lot of the pushback I've seen here on the hearing is that it is partisan because it's only the people who believe the Democrats. Given the actual witnesses, the two sides really seem to be who will testify under oath and who will not (which should give you a hint as to who is more believable). But most of the people testifying are Republicans that wanted Trump to win, people who worked to get Trump elected, or people appointed to their positions by Trump. Here is the list of some of the witnesses and authors of documents so far: Jared Kushner Ivanka Trump Bill Barr Jeffrey Rosen (Acting Attorney General) Richard Donoghue (Acting Deputy Attorney General) BJ Pak (US Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia) Bill Stepien (Trump Campaign Manager) Jason Miller (Trump Campaign Senior Advisor) Matt Morgan (Trump Campaign General Counsel) Alex Cannon (Trump Campaign Lawyer) John Eastman (Trump Campaign Lawyer) Kenneth Chesebro (Trump Campaign Lawyer) Robert Sinners (Trump Campaign Staffer) Eric Herschmann (Trump White House Lawyer) Derek Lyons (Counselor to the President) Sarah Matthews (Trump White House Deputy Press Secretary) Mark Short (Pence's Chief of Staff) Greg Jacobs (Pence's General Counsel) Ben Williamson (Aide to Mark Meadows) Cassidy Hutchinson (Aide to Mark Meadows) Ronna Romney McDaniel (RNC Chair) Brad Raffensberger (GOP Georgia Secretary of State) Gabriel Sterling (GOP COO for Georgia Secretary of State) Shaye Moss (Georgia election worker) Ruby Freeman (Georgia election worker) Rusty Bowers (GOP Speaker of the Arizona House) Al Scmidt (GOP City Commissioner of Philadelphia) Laure Cox (Michigan GOP Chair) Ben Ginsburg (GOP Election Lawyer) Michael Luttig (Conservative judge) Chris Stirewalt (Fox News Politics Editor) Sean Hannity And here are just some of the people the committee has subpoenaed that we haven't heard from: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Rep. Mo Brooks Rep. Ronny Jackson Rep. Andy Biggs Rep. Barry Loudermilk Rep. Jim Jordan Rep. Scott Perry Jeffrey Clark (Acting Assistant AG) Kenneth Klukowski (Senior Counsel to Jeffrey Clark) Mark Meadows (WH Chief of Staff) Christopher Liddell (WH Deputy Chief of Staff) Stephen Miller (WH Senior Advisor) Michael Flynn (National Security Advisor) Peter Navarro (WH Trade Advisor) Daniel Scavino (WH Deputy Chief of Staff for Comms) Judd Deere (Deputy WH Press Secretary) Kayleigh McEnany (WH Press Secretary) John McEntee (WH Personnel Director) Brian Jack (WH Director of Political Affairs) Kash Patel (Chief of Staff to Def. Sec.) Nicholas Luna (Trump's Personal Assistant) Molly Michael (Special Assistant to the President) Max Miller (WH and campaign staffer) Keith Kellogg (Pence's National Security Advisor) Steve Bannon Jenna Ellis (Trump Campaign Attorney) Boris Epshteyn (Trump Campaign Strategic Advisor) Angela McCallum (Trump Campaign National Executive Assistant) Sidney Powell (Trump Campaign Lawyer) Michael Roman (Trump Campaign Director of Election Day Ops) Gary Michael Brown (Trump Campaign Deputy Director of Election Day Ops) Robert Peede Jr. (Met with Trump on Jan 4 to plan rally) Kimberly Guilfoyle If this was truly just a partisan witch hunt, any of these people could accept the invitation to testify and blow up the entire narrative of the Jan 6th committee. But most of them are fighting as hard as they can to avoid testifying under oath for some reason...
  9. Our October 7: The terror attacks coming to the US 11/03/23 | D. Parker Now they tell us. Officials from the Biden regime are issuing heightened warnings after years of lying that the border was closed and after they admitted that millions have illegally invaded the country. Amid an unprecedented surge in illegal entries into the United States and mounting calls for a global jihad as the Israel-Hamas conflict escalates, U.S. officials are vocalizing increasingly urgent warnings that the U.S. is vulnerable to a terrorist attack. FBI director Christopher Wray took a break from investigating President Trump and his supporters, parents attending school board meetings, and Catholics to warn the Senate Homeland Security Committee of the increasing likelihood of an attack from real terrorists: “This is not a time for panic, but it is a time for vigilance,” Wray declared in response to questioning from Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott. “What has now increased is the greater possibility of one of these foreign terrorist organizations directing an attack in the United States.” https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/11/our_october_7_the_terror_attacks_coming_to_the_us.html
  10. Tim Scott's Hail Mary Plan to Go All In on Iowa KAREN TOWNSEND Tim Scott’s presidential primary campaign needs a boost. This week he is aggressively shifting resources to Iowa in a move to go all-in in the first state to hold primary caucuses. Every campaign wants to win Iowa and have the wind at their back going into New Hampshire. Scott plans to have staff numbers “in the double digits” by the end of this week and he will open a West Des Moines headquarters. Television ad buys are being shifted from New Hampshire to Iowa. Scott plans to campaign every week in Iowa after the November 8 Republican debate in Miami until the caucuses on January 15, 2024. The campaign is worried but his campaign manager is putting a happy face on the move to ratchet up campaigning in Iowa. https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2023/10/24/tim-scotts-hail-mary-plan-to-go-all-in-on-iowa-n587161
  11. Someone else posted this at another site. "Just a quick refresher course ‘lest we forget’ what has happened to many “friends” of the Clintons. FEEL FREE TO COPY AND PASTE THIS LIST........... 1-James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation. 2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was togo public w:th her story of sexual harassment in the White House. 3 – Vince Foster –Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide. 4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide. 5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992. 6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotelroom in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”. 7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events. 8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house. 9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas 10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.. 11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones. 12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee. 13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor. 14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds. 15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death. 16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident. 17 – Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating MenaAirport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation. 18 – Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at MenaAirport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his WashingtonDC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death. 19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal. 20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce. 21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash. 22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother. 23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident. 24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole. 25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released. 26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded. 27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAD INFORMATION ON THE IVES/HENRY CASE: 28 – Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88. 29 – Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988 30 – Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989. 31 – Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989. 32 – James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to natural causes”. 33 – Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990. 34 – Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989. THE FOLLOWING CLINTON BODYGUARDS ARE DEAD 35 – Major William S. Barkley, Jr. 36 – Captain Scott J . Reynolds 37 – Sgt. Brian Hanley 38 – Sgt. Tim Sabel 39 – Major General William Robertson 40 – Col. William Densberger 41 – Col. Robert Kelly 42 – Spec. Gary Rhodes 43 – Steve Willis 44 – Robert Williams 45 – Conway LeBleu 46 – Todd McKeehan Quite an impressive list! The public must become aware of what happens to friends of the Clintons!"
  12. A right-wing factory worker complaining about someone else’s lack of common sense. This is rich. Maybe you and Rick Scott can hang and talk about how bad social security is.
  13. As Janet Paulsen prepared to leave her husband, who had become increasingly volatile over their 15-year marriage, she slipped down to his gun safes one night while he slept to try to change the combination locks. “There were 74 firearms in my house,” said Paulsen, who was stunned by how many guns she found, but could not figure out how to change the codes. “When I went to get my protection order, I brought pictures of all of those firearms with me.” Georgia, where she lives, is not among the 21 states with gun surrender laws that can force people to relinquish their weapons while they are deemed a risk to themselves or others. So Paulsen’s husband, whom she accused of threatening and erratic behavior, was only ordered to stay away from her and their 13-year-old twin boys until a court hearing. That changed a few days later when she said he tried to track them through a phone locator app, a violation of the protection order that prompted a misdemeanor charge, two hours in jail and a court order to confiscate his guns. As Paulsen and the boys rode out the week at a motel where they had taken refuge while he moved out, deputies removed more than 70 firearms from their home, a modern Craftsman nestled in a lakeside community about 30 miles northwest of Atlanta. Police, though, left a handgun in a pickup truck parked in the driveway, unsure if the order covered Scott Bland’s vehicle, she said. Five days later, Bland ambushed Paulsen in the garage as she stopped home with groceries. He used the 9 mm semiautomatic pistol to shoot her six times, as she tried to flee, before killing himself. “It took me five years to get up the courage to divorce him, because I knew I would pay a price. And you know what happened when I did? He shot me,” said Paulsen, 53, a former property manager and endurance athlete who was left partially paralyzed in the 2015 shooting. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/abuse-victims-gun-surrender-laws-save-lives-supreme-104506698 A federal appeals court, in a Texas case, deemed the practice unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has agreed to review the issue on Nov. 7 — but no one knows if it’s to overturn the Fifth Circuit ruling or double down on it. The Supreme Court seems to have a growing interest in gun rights cases. The conservative 6-3 majority voted last year to overturn New York’s longstanding restrictions on concealed weapons. That has led lower courts, sometimes begrudgingly, to overturn more than a dozen state and local gun safety measures. Domestic violence advocates worry that so-called “red flag” laws, which keep guns away from people in crisis, may be next.
  14. MORE: Did Rep. Jamie Raskin lie when he claimed that Donald Trump's DOJ found the FD-1023 form accusing Joe Biden of bribery to be not credible? That's the allegation being made by the House Oversight Committee after recent testimony directly contradicted Raskin. Specifically, former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady, who was part of the decision-making process regarding the investigation, confirmed that they found enough indications of corruption to refer the case to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware. {snip} Returning to Raskin, someone should ask him where he got his original claim from. Who fed it to him? Was it the FBI? Was it the Biden administration? It seemed too specific to have just been made up by Raskin. Clearly, the cover-up attempt was in full swing the moment the FD-1023 was released to Congress. This entire incident is reminiscent of Rep. Adam Schiff's time on the Intel Committee, where he used his position to spread numerous falsehoods regarding the Trump-Russia hoax. On more than one occasion, Schiff claimed to have seen direct proof that collusion occurred. He has never produced it to this day. Raskin appears to be the next Democrat in line seeking cable news hits by repeating falsehoods. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/10/26/new-house-gop-provides-evidence-jamie-raskin-lied-about-biden-bribery-investigation-n2165579
  15. Florida Sen. Rick Scott, who chairs the NRSC, has been attacked by Republicans for featuring himself in ads and releasing a policy agenda that caused trouble for the GOP, leading to quips that “NRSC” stands for “National Rick Scott Committee.” NRSC funds had reportedly reached $173 million this election cycle but were already down to $28.4 million by the end of June. The committee spent more than $12 million on American Express credit card payments with an unclear purpose, along with $13 million for consultants and $9 million on debt payments, the Post said.
  16. What has Rick Scott done with the RNC's money? Ha ha, the Republicans put another criminal in charge of there money!! Ha ha
  17. Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to head the EPA - and the typical commies lost their ***t because an agency under their thumb was going to have new management. You have to believe in the right science to head certain agencies. You have to acknowledge a certain number of genders to head them. Unable to define a woman? Straight to the SCOTUS. Less Federal Government is always the answer. You can recycle and ban all the plastic grocery bags you want in New York or California. Fumble all your groceries out of the store.
  18. Abortion, racism, eugenics: Charles Payne and Sen. Tim Scott say the quiet part out loud by Monica Showalter https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/05/abortion_racism_eugenics_charles_payne_and_sen_tim_scott_say_the_quiet_part_out_loud.html
  19. Thank you Senator. Tim Scott Gives Knock out Response to Biden's Treasury Secretary for Saying Abortion Helps the Job Market During a Senate Banking Committee hearing, Scott was questioning Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who was in the midst of testifying on Tuesday about how abortion is beneficial to the economy. “Just for clarity’s sake, did you say that ending the life of a child is good for the labor force participation rate?” Scott asked. Yellen gave the typical drivel about how women could better serve the economy by being able to abort pregnancies at will, making it easier to navigate the job market and live their best life. She noted that financial security was a big part of satisfaction and that children throw a wrench into the gears. “And one aspect of a satisfying life is being able to feel that you have the financial resources to raise a child, that the children you bring into the world are wanted, and that you have the ability to take care of them,” she said. Among those getting abortions are teenagers and women in poverty, specifically those in black communities. “It deprives them of the ability to continue their education to later participate in the workforce,” said Yellen. “So, there is spillover into labor force participation, and it means the children will grow up in poverty and do worse themselves.” At that point, Scott had to cut her off. “I’ll just simply say that as a guy raised by a black woman in abject poverty, I am thankful to be here as a United States senator,” said Scott. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2022/05/11/tim-scott-gives-knock-out-response-to-bidens-treasury-secretary-for-saying-abortion-helps-the-job-market-n562908
  20. SCOTT GERBER: The Constitution won’t interpret itself. Ketanji Brown Jackson owes us an answer on her judicial philosophy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2022/03/25/ketanji-brown-jackson-judicial-philosophy/7152062001/ EASY EVEN FOR A NON-BIOLOGIST: Five (Easy?) Questions for Ketanji Brown Jackson. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/03/24/five-easy-questions-for-ketanji-brown-jackson-n1583845
  21. Scott makes so much scratch off this place. Well worth the headaches.
  22. Guess PPP is out of a job. Time to make it official Scott. The order has come down from Vladimir. Shut it down.
  23. Biden Administration Seeks to Subordinate U.S. Healthcare Crisis Management to the WHO By Scott Powell The Biden administration’s government against the people is visibly self-evident in burdens placed on American citizens from the open southern border, the high cost of fuel from the willful shutting down of domestic energy production, the disgraceful and hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan that unnecessarily cost American lives and surrendered some $80 billion in U.S. military equipment, and out-of-control federal deficit spending, debt growth and economic mismanagement resulting in high inflation and heightened risk of a U.S. dollar collapse. Now the Biden regime has facilitated the next critical stage toward the ‘Great Reset’ to be potentially consummated May 22-28, 2022. That is when the 75th World Health Assembly led by the World Health Organization (WHO) will be convening in Geneva, to vote on amendments formulated by the Biden Administration that would transfer the sovereignty of key functions of America’s health care administration to the WHO. These proposed amendments were developed by Biden administration officials during the first year in office, and they were quietly sent to the WHO on January 18, 2022, without an official statement or a single press conference. Very few are even aware of these critical developments. And now in a few days they will be voted on. Should these amendments get adopted they would empower the WHO to unilaterally intervene in the affairs of any nation, including the U.S., that is merely suspected of having a “health emergency” of concern to other nations. The Biden amendments eliminate the prior restrictive language in place from the inception of the WHO in 1948 that specifically limited the U.N. agency’s role to a consultative one and required consent from each individual state to allow intervention or adoption of outside recommendations. An increasing awareness among the public about the World Economic Form agenda has prompted concern that elites are anticipating and may even be planning the next pandemic to advance their globalist agenda. And it should be noted that the WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus along with many other heads of U.N. agencies are prominent participants in the World Economic Forum. If these amendments are approved, the WHO would have the power to declare an “international health emergency,” nullifying the sovereign powers of nation states, which is a key objective of the World Economic Forum. The WHO could then declare health emergencies at will and impose mandates that could justify ostracism of some countries or impose financial and economic restrictions—like lockdowns and business closures—on any country with an alleged public health problem. https://townhall.com/columnists/scottpowell/2022/05/19/draft-n2607474
  24. Let me see if I can find some sources...👍 Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it...https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Treaty_on_Pandemic_Prevention,_Preparedness_and_Response Here is another article about it...https://thecountersignal.com/governments-commit-to-who-pandemic-treaty/ Here’s an interesting tweet from Senator Rick Scott about the treaty...
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