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  1. Since the last thread was deleted by parties unknown ( ) ... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/08/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-charges.html ( @Alaska Darin If we can merge the old thread into this new one, that would be swell -- not sure if it's possible. Thank you!)
  2. JD Vance is the choice here Tim Scott, if he wants to play it safe
  3. Scott would be fun. It would be a good chance to see the tolerant and inclusive left show what they are made of. It wouldn’t be pretty, that’s for damn sure.
  4. Tim Scott Levels CNN Anchor for Deceptively Misquoting Trump After 'Hush Money' Conviction Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) made a CNN anchor look foolish during a segment discussing comments regarding a jury’s decision to convict former President Donald Trump in the “Hush Money” trial. During the conversation, host Abby Phillip deceptively claimed that, if elected, Trump would use his position to seek revenge against his enemies. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2024/05/31/tim-scott-levels-cnn-anchor-for-deceptively-misquoting-trump-after-hush-money-conviction-n2174903
  5. Not defending Tim Scott, but just curious ... Do you promise to accept the results of the 2024 presidential election regardless of who wins?
  6. I still think that there’s a good chance that it will be someone not being greatly discussed. But, If I had to put money down, I’d say Tim Scott. .
  7. The cult is REALLY upset this thread came back to life... right @ScotSHO? Scott doesn't care if his cult takes away FKN CONTRACEPTION - this freak is upset I am highlighting it... @Doc - not transformative, eh? Totes normal.
  8. Why wasn't Maxwell arrested with Epstein when he was FIRST charged in 2006? And after a two-year investigation, who gave Epstein that sweet deal of a single state charge of solicitation in 2008? Donald Trump's Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta. And who still wasn't arrested at the time? And who held on to the very end?
  9. Well, buckle up, hold on to your hats, whatever you need to do to prepare yourself for the new scary gun in town: the ZOMBIE GUN! https://twitchy.com/laura-w/2024/03/22/zombie-guns-maxwell-frost-n2394258 .
  10. Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ comment comes back to bite him as Tim Scott mocks the president leaking minority voters. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/2958479/bidens-you-aint-black-tim-scott-mocks-president-leaking-minority-voters/#google_vignette
  11. I could see him picking Rubio, just to degrade him and make him leave Florida. I could see him picking Scott, just to force him to get married. But I still see him picking Stefanik. I think the ***** move the needle more than race does.
  12. Why wouldn’t they use Francis Scott Key? Has anyone said they are changing the name?
  13. Ghislaine Maxwell, his representative, was at Chelsea's wedding in 2010, which was 6 years after Trump ended his relationship with him. Did they ever disavow him prior to him going down? And true on that last statement. Which is why it was odd that they had Slick campaigning for Biden. When the least tone deaf thing to do would have been to let Slick just fade into the woodwork.
  14. Tim Scott is definitely the guy you choose if you want to neutralize any “racist” attacks, while also lowering the temperature for those reluctant to vote for Trump due to his personality. JD Vance is legitimately a strong politician. Well spoken, articulate and knows how to deal with the media. Both Scott and Vance are heavy hitter fundraisers. Rubio could work. Burgum seems like a Mike Pence type pick, but less weird and rich. Byron Donalds would be Trump saying F it and risk his campaign becoming unhinged for the chance of sweeping MI, PA and WI and making Dems nervous for future election realignment of a noticeable R pull of black men. Major risk/reward pick.
  15. What did Trump have to do with Acosta back in 2006? Nothing. And guys like him don't make decisions that don't come from higher-up. From what I can tell, Maxwell went into hiding before Epstein was arrested. She was finally found/caught. And again, why would Trump "wish her well" if she could embarrass him? Wouldn't he want to wish her ill?
  16. Good lord. If that poll has validity if the Republicans just ran a run of the mill candidate (Nicky Haley, Tim Scott, etc.) they'd win in a landslide. Trump is such a turnoff to suburban women who cost him the 2020 election.
  17. So who is the unnamed "athlete" here? In a different context, the story mentions Ben Roethlisberger (unlikely to be offended by Trump's antics) and figure skater Scott Hamilton. Somebody is no doubt going through the leader board for that 2006 pro am. BTW, Trump finished 62nd of 80 in the amateur event. And yeah, that's even after he cheated.
  18. So says master prognosticator Scott Adams, who somehow didn't see his 3rd wife's divorce filing coming ...
  19. https://notthebee.com/article/baltimore-mayor-brandon-scott-says-white-people-should-be-scared-of-him-because-his-purpose-in-life-is-to-put-their-way-of-life-at-risk
  20. Perhaps Scott Campbell should read some more, beore throwing all the lemmings into a frenzy.
  21. Too bad the R operatives don't agree with the MAGA's here. She being the VP candidate would add a couple percentage points to the D ticket. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4642282-noem-scott-burgum-trump-vp/ “She’s just done, too much drama,” said one Republican senator who stays in touch with Trump.
  22. If the payments were made by Trump in order to benefit the campaign but were not reported as campaign expenses, then that constitutes a campaign violation even (and especially) if the funds did not come from the campaign. The argument being presented is that the arrangement to pay Stormy Daniels came on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape. Since the tape was very damaging to Trump, the possibility of Daniels’ going public with him cheating on his wife right after their son was born would likely be viewed as a problem for the campaign. So Trump arranged to pay for something that benefited his campaign in a manner that concealed it from campaign finance reporting requirements. It’s a bit complicated if you’re not familiar with the issues here, so I’ll give a hypo: Let’s say that in addition to Bill being on the Epstein flight logs, Hillary herself was on them a bunch. During the 2016 election with all of the Pizzagate stuff, Hillary realized that her name on the logs would be a problem if it were made public. But if she arranged to pay off Epstein / Maxwell with campaign funds, she’d have to report it to the FEC. So instead, she used Clinton Foundation money to pay Epstein / Maxwell to keep the logs secret during the campaign. That would be a campaign finance violation because the money was spent to benefit the campaign but wasn’t properly done under campaign finance laws.
  23. Don't give us the BS Hillary was all over the air saying the election was stolen your a lying POS that twists things to your own agenda 90% of the time and IF you were to look and research it as hard for the others as you do against the likes of Scott you would find just as much evidence going the other way but that wouldn't fit or help your freakin agenda . So just stop with the BS ...
  24. In other words, people were spoiled by the COVID money giveaways, the work-from-home schedules, etc. As economist Scott Sumner put it: There’s always a price to pay for unsustainable good times, and thus I expect the public’s mood to turn sour in the fall and winter, even as employment recovers—indeed because employment recovers. Someone has to do all those crappy jobs. That's the best explanation I've seen so far for why the economy is very strong by any objective measure, yet people say it's bad. It's been the shocking zap back into the ordinary sucky work world.
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