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  1. No it doesn't. It dutifully skipped the part that J6 was permitted and sanctioned to occur on Capitol grounds just like any other protest. You know that pesky 1st ammendment and all. or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Again for the useful idiots who will point out "peaceably," that of course is what parts 2 and 3 of Davis' post addresses. Those who either trespassed or were violent should be APPROPRIATELY charged. Those who remained peaceful are PROTECTED. This is why you morons are commies.
  2. ⬆️ Like this waste of skin. No single litmus test needed for billsfuk.c though. it might as well have useful idiot tattooed on its forehead.
  3. Defcon 1 if Don Jr. did anything remotely close to the stunts Hunter has pulled over the past month. Of course commie useful idiots are commie useful idiots so the massive hypocrisy is always lost on them. Please ignore them. Commies: Ignore in '24!
  4. And we have useful idiot A#1 The friggin King who went through the sham J6 hearings with a fine toothed comb. Admonishing anyone who dared to call out the sham partisan committee for ignoring testimony under oath. The iron law of commie projection indeed.
  5. You do realize it's binary for it and it's merry band of useful idiots, right? You criticize Biden? You're MAGA. You don't criticize every single thing that Trump does? Yep, you're MAGA. You question Ukraine policy? MAGA. You don't support drag queen shows and pornographic books at schools? MAGA Etc....
  6. All debts get paid. Fact. You might as well say spaghetti TV bed kinase to useful idiots.
  7. Hey RFK...everyone knows this except useful idiots. We have a useful idiot problem. A full blown useful idiot.
  8. Yes. Fuk.c.ed regardless. With a Biden win it will be a long painful swirling of the bowl over another four years and beyond. The only satisfaction I'd get out it is the slack jawed looks of disbelief when the useful idiots inevitably start getting purged themselves. Trump wins? Ha. It's gonna be U.G.LY. Fast. Ignoring everything else about these two, the ripping of the band aid that will result from Trump win is better for long term hope for the country. If we're going down the sh.it.ter then I'd prefer to get it over with quickly to get to the other side of what's most certainly coming regardless.
  9. 2016 Schiff to Tucker.. "You're carrying water for the Kremlin..." It's been the same tired RUSSIA! nonsense for years. Useful idiots eat it up.
  10. I don't believe anyone should be banned by mods unless repeatedly violating the board TOS. Now PPP has always been a bit of the wild west where behaviors are typically allowed to continue that wouldn't be allowed elsewhere on the board. For the most part anyway.....and I'll leave it there. So if you want to remove a cancer from PPP, don't rely on a mod to remove the cancer. Instead modify your own behavior to promote the cancerous poster to self ban. Here's how: Ignore. Use the ignore function. Use it and stick with it. Do not override the ignore function once you've put it on your ignore list. Encourage others to put it on ignore. If they won't do that, then at bare minimum, ask them politely to please not quote the poster when uselessly engaging it. If another poster excessively quotes the cancerous poster, put them on ignore too. If you get 80-90% of non useful idiot posters here to adhere to the above tenets with religious zeal, then it will self ban in short order. It thrives on ATTENTION. Deprive it of its oxygen. IGNORE. IT. Thank you.
  11. 😂 Finding Qanon... STILL thinks that I'm DR. Love it! Lab tech? I was a lab tech once upon a time, I built my lab chops tremendously oh those many years ago. But that was well before all the publications, patents and starting my own successful business. I think FQ may be compensating here. Perhaps it's merely a para legal? 😂 Either way, it warms the cockles knowing that it has both DR AND myself living oh so comfortably in it's useful idiot head.
  12. Equality is promising equal OPPORTUNITY. Equity is promising equal OUTCOMES. The first is a bedrock principle of free societies. The second is a bedrock principle of Marxism. It's easy for most people to see the difference. For useful idiots? Its impossible.
  13. Cultural Marxism you friggin dolt. Nobody is talking about this in terms of an economic system. JFC. Wake. Up. Almost nobody is a card carrying communist. But you're a friggin useful idiot by following cultural marxists who are everywhere.
  14. I believe that SoCal left PPP not long after he coined the King nickname for chigoose. He was given this nickname precisely because he is incapable of engaging in good faith. Useful idiots are fascinating to observe.
  15. The peaceful transition of power occurred on Jan 20, 2021 as required. In fact DC was far more peaceful that day than it was during the previous peaceful transition on January 20. 2017. Fact check: True. Now let's assume that on January 6th 2021, the unarmed "insurrectionists" who ended up turning around and going home all on their own that day, instead decided to occupy the Capitol and declared that Trump was going to remain President after January 20th, 2021. Ummm yeah...the peaceful transition of power would still end up happening on Jan 20th 2021 as required. Commies and useful idiots are absolute clowns.
  16. Let's make this is as simple as possible, but alas not simple enough for useful idiots... If person A lends person B $1000, and person B pays person A back in full. Who paid the debt? Person B paid the debt. If person A lends person B $1000 and person B pays $0 to person A. Who paid the debt? Person A paid the debt. ALL DEBTS ARE PAID.
  17. Also file under party members and useful idiots being eaten by the very regime they helped bring to power. CCP’s show trial of Jiang Qing after Mao’s death. Jiang was Mao’s widow and an active player in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. There was no doubt that she committed numerous crimes and was mostly hated. But trial was purely politically motivated and the decision was made even before the trial began. The goal was to blame everything on her and her accomplices called the Gang of Four so that Mao and his legacy could be preserved, without which the CCP would lose its legitimacy. Jiang was given a suspended death sentence. She later committed suicide in prison. The show trial was the first since the CCP took over China in 1949. In the Mao era “justice” was carried out in the “People’s Court” by mobs. Some compare Jiang’s trial to Trump’s, with important differences. At least it was very clear what Jiang was charged with: insurrection, counterrevolution…; Jiang was allowed to speak; and the trial was televised for the entire nation to watch. It’s terrifying to see a worse version of history repeating!!
  18. This case is an absolute litmus test for useful idiocy. If you still at this point buy the J6 pipe bomber story, or lack thereof, then congratulations you're one of the useful idiots the regime depends upon.
  19. After the SS missed it sitting in plain sight while sweeping the building because Kamala Harris inexplicably needed to visit DNC HQ on J6. Useful idiots are so useful to commies.
  20. Every leader in the regime, except Biden in another recent dementia moment where he forgot the script, has insisted that the border is secure. If the border is secure then why is it the GOPs fault for not securing a border that's already secure? Twist away useful idiots...
  21. You won't get one. That's why there's no point in engaging with anyone who even looks the other way on this stuff (useful idiots) let alone condones it (marxists)
  22. Wrong. They can prove that an election was the most secure election in US history in just a few short days. Just ask any useful idiot.
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