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Everything posted by SuperKillerRobots

  1. Absolutely. This is a terrible thing if he's here for three years.
  2. That's about what I was thinking. Maybe somewhere in there Roswell cures cancer too...
  3. Hardy's to small to play on the line as a TE. Bell is more of a tackle than guard and probably doesn't have the bulk to be effective as a guard. I think a better option would be to draft a guard and have the rookie and Chambers abttle it out for that spot. The other option might be to have Bell play the right tackle spot and move Walker inside to play guard.
  4. You have a lot of faith in the innovation of the defensive coaches here.
  5. The best would be if TO decides he likes it here, it changes him fundamentally as a person, he re-signs after the season for a hometown discount so he can "win three more Super Bowls like this last one", retires and moves here permenantly to open a store on the west side and continue Losman's clean up Buffalo initiative. That's best case scenario right there.
  6. Chris Ellis is like 6-4 and 265 - I think he's a lot bigger than Maybin. Not sure how I fell about Jackson at 11 though...
  7. I'm going to call the sleeper pick now: Pick #1: Best DL available (Raji, Brown, Orakpo, Maybin) Pick #2 (trade up to bottom 1st rnd, top of 2nd rnd): Duke Robinson They need a guard to come in and start from day 1 and they aren't going to sign anyone, sicne they already have 5 guys on the o-line that are on their second contracts. You gotta have somebady on the cheap at that position.
  8. 10 Wins: Miami NYJ (in NYC) KC Atl TB Cle Houston Jax NO Miami Miami and NYJ are too up and down from year to year for me to think, going into pretty much every season, that we'll go any worse than 3-3 in the division (obviously, I'm comfortable being disappointed often). We also play every home game close, so there's even a chance for a win against Indy. We almost beat them DJ's first year in Indy (Lindell missed a field goal int he 4th and we lost 17-16). At the least they're all winnable games.
  9. I didn't renew before the 2008 season, but I think I'm going to have to make a come back.
  10. Tim, not trying to be an ass, but no sense from who's perspective? TO or the Bills? Seems like the Bills take a chance on a future HOF WR in a year where the coach will probably be fired if he doesn't go better than .500 in the first 6 or 8 games. This is win now for them and very little downside - they could always cut him mid-season and it would be the same if the contract were not guaranteed, no? If a vet is on the roster for opening day, I was under the impression their salary was guaranteed anyways, so the Bills could cut ties easily. For TO I can see him being embarrassed at being cut in that fashion and not having a lot of suitors, so he signs with the Bills on one year dealt o prove his worth. Then, with a good year here (both on the field and in the locker room) he signs one more big deal and gets a solid last contract. The Bills get a look at a good, but troubled WR for a year - worst case he goes somewhere else after 2009 and they might get a comp pick, while Hardy and Johnson develop, best case he decides he loves it here, signs long-term to finish his career here and opens up a flower shop on the West Side after his playing days are over. Maybe he runs for mayor. Just wondering what you think about the behind the scenes reasoning on this development, since all I can do is guess at intent - like putting a 1,9000 piece puzzle together and all the pieces being face down!
  11. For this reason alone I am happy we signed. I want to go to a TO party! I hope he buys Losman's house near Children's and I can't think of anything better than seeing Fergie in Buffalo.
  12. This makes us better in a year where the coach will be fired if we don't go better than .500 during the first 6 games of the year. Worst case scenario is that he is terrible and a cry-baby and we cut him mid-year. Best case, well use your imagination...
  13. Yeah, and if Gilbride would have run the ball at all that year, we would have been great.
  14. OK, I know the real reason DJ wanted him here. Because when we play like crap next year, he has yet another excuse why the team can't win a friggin game! In all seriousness though, sign the SOB to a one year deal and see what happens. He's this decade's James Lofton for Buffalo (except for the obvious differences of course).
  15. I say yes. I don't like the idea a lot really, but I do like winning and this (along with any talk about Holt coming in) makes me think of James Lofton coming here to pair with Reed. I don't like Owens and what he stands for, but if it meant having a really good offense, I would gladly take him for a year or two.
  16. I think this is the most interesting point and I wonder if this is the real problem with our defense. If the coaches did a better job of mixing up cover 2 calls with man under calls, straight man calls (blitzes), and coverage calls, they might have better sucess against offenses. For example, if the team did play press coverage every once in a while, the offense would be surprises and it might even lead to a turnover. Part of my problem with the cover 2, at least the way we play it, is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of strategy: the DL rushes the passer through their gaps, while the LBs plug for run plays and cover for pass. What I don't get is why they don't try to incorporate a little 2 gap scheme as well. In this way, they could be less predictable while still looking rpetty much the same on defense. Now for those who say that we don't have guys to do a bit of a 2 gap scheme, I say that is true if we were to run it a lot, but I am thinking more of running it maybe 10% of the plays over a season. This way, we would be less predictable and it might help us to get a pass rush, since we could hopefully tie up an extra interior linemen and get some free on the outside. Just a thought...
  17. Come on Rev, didn't Jason Taylor win Defensive Player of the Year when he was 32? Also, I don't think you can discount Boone's arguement either. I'm not saying the position couldn't use an upgrade - because it could - I'm just saying that to say that the two starters should be cut so that two players who aren't on the team right now can start, is a bit ridiculous. I like the idea of keeping the top four, cutting Copeland Bryant, and drafting some one who can take over fo rKelsey either this year, next, or certainly after he is an FA.
  18. I believe that she couldn't take the snow and moved back to CA. I think it was after his rookie year and might have coincided with the beginning of his law troubles.
  19. I gave up my season tickets before last year. I had them for five or six years. I almost crapped myself when they started out 5-1 (thinking what a dumbass I was for not re-upping). I actually went to the opener and Oakland game, thinking I would come back. Then, everything became familiar to me after that point. The team fell apart and once again this decade, hope was basically gone after game 10 or 11. I don't blame you for your decision, I just wanted to offer this advice, since you have to know that there will be games when you wish you had them. I actually felt like Brett Favre last year - unsure about quitting at first, but then finally validated.
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