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Everything posted by SuperKillerRobots

  1. We need to get bigger at LB, so June doesn't make a lot of sense. The idea with Mitchell was that he would make the LBs bigger, since he would be the weak side guy. He can't really cover that well and isn't great in space, so I wouldn't want him moved to the SLB. June would basically be a more experienced Ellison at the SLB spot.
  2. My problem with June is that I don't knwo how much better he would be than Ellison. They both have the same strengths and weaknesses. June might be better just because of experience though. Mitchell is the perfect WLB for this defense, but they need to find a SLB who can cover and hold up against the run to really help with the gap control issues they have.
  3. Well done; great animal really. What do you think about the signing of Florence for the defensive backfield? Will he play nickle or dime? Will he hold up in zone? Does this mean that the defense will continue to play more man than the previous years (as seems to be the trend since DJ and PF got here)? Thanks for stopping by.
  4. Hey man, hope springs eternal around here, but we are not getting Cutler.
  5. I would not do that at all, Freddy is worth way more than a 32 year old guard, especially when you include the fact of their ages and contract statuses. Out of the two - Freddy and Marshawn - I hate to say it, but Freddy would have to be the logical one to trade. He is much older and cheaper at this point. I would think you could get a good deal for him. There probably hasn't been much speculation on him since he is an ERFA and no one can talk to him other than the Bills.
  6. The part I like least about not signing Greer is actually the trade bait that McGee would have become. I think he could have gotten a 2 this year, which we could have put into the OL or DL. A rookie guard is exactly the type of thing you can use when you have four guys on the OL on their second contracts.
  7. That's a hell of an idea. They can't be more than $2-$3mm per year guys anyways. Especially if they got 2 or 3 year deals, maybe less.
  8. I was thinking along these lines as well. I like the idea of having a guy that can be legitimately moved around (not Kelsey and Copeland Bryant standing up at the LOS before the ball is snapped) on defense. I think it really gives an advantage based solely on the fact that it is at least another thing for the offense to account for. The problem I came to - and I am more of a supporter than most of the coaching staff - was that I am not sure that the coaching staff can effectively use him in that role. It seems like every time they talk about doing something like this, it's only training camp BS and they are the same old team on Sundays. Remember Whitner before last year was supposed to be this do-everything safety who was going to be put in positions to make all sorts of plays? That turned out like crap. They never really were able to do it (granted it probably had a lot to do with Ko sucking it up, but still...)
  9. Weren't they 6-10 the season before and had an aging roster?
  10. I think this is one of the biggest reasons he isn't effective for us. If you look at Welker in NE, he is always catching the ball on the run out of the slot. The only time he is stopped and catching a pass is on occasion when they do a quick WR screen to the slot.
  11. The jury is still out on Greer, since he hasn't left yet and the rest of those guys were all let go by the previous regime. I think if anything this FO has been characterized by re-signing the marginal talent left to them by the previous regime. In some cases it worked out (see Reed, Butler, Evans), in others it didn't (see Kelsey, Price). I think that if the FO has the chance to stay together for more than the first half of this year (meaning the team actually wins games consistently this year) that they would go ahead and re-sign most of their draft picks as a priority. FOs like to re-sign guys that they drafted or acquired, which only happens when you have a FO together for more than three years generally. On a side note, looking at that list of players let go by TD, you have to wonder how much better the team would have been this decade if they had just re-signed Winfield and Williams. Probably could have traded Clements instead of franchising him and letting him walk a year later.
  12. It sure seemed like that safety against the Dolphins might have been on Dock. By the way, praying doesn't work.
  13. That's great news. He'd be a good re-signing for us - especially at $5mm or under per.
  14. Coles may not be the best option, but he has played in the division and had success, so that might help us with the Fins, Jets, and Pats right there. Not to mention the obvious scenario that this would put us in: having two legitimate starting WRs. We'd be just like other football teams!
  15. One man does not a sports station make. I agree - there should be a real sports station, but people would complain about that too. Most sports shows for professional sports are mostly interested in ratings (thus saying outlandish things) just like the idiots on WGR. There is no real sports radio anymore.
  16. I'll bet he'd still be an exclusive rights FA if he sat out the upcoming year.
  17. Did you get chills when you typed that premonition this morning?
  18. The news article also stated that he was supposed to receive a $1.75mm bonus in the coming weeks, so I'll bet that had something to do with it as well.
  19. You'd have to think that a release like this signals that the Bills will be major players in FA or trade. This has to be freeing up money for something. The only other thing could be that Peters finally got his new contract at the expense of the guy who came here to play next to him!
  20. This guy makes any Buffalo sports team owner look like freakin' Santa Claus.
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