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Everything posted by SuperKillerRobots

  1. If he is placed on the PUP, he isn't eligible to come back until week 6.
  2. I think you said it all in the part I bolded. Putting the best 11 players on the field probably means we're playing nickle all the time. Put those three players in along with Whitner, Wilson, or Florence. A rookie DT or Ellison won't be as god as those DBs. The problem with running a 4-4 is that because teams are so good at passing, you'd have to worry about getting burned down field all the time.
  3. Good one, but there's still a space in there.
  4. I actually hope that they do take Morgan the more I think about it. I've read about him not being able to play OLB in a 3-4, but I've also read about him playing both OLB and DE in a 3-4. I like the look of him and the idea of getting a top notch pass rusher to pair with Maybin's potential. A lethal pass rush on defense covers up a lot of other deficiencies on a football team - even on offense.
  5. I'm just of the opinion that what players do during the offseason on their own time (outside of working out) has no affect on what they do on the field. Let the guy do and hang out how he wants and judge him on what he does on the field. I think most star players are contrived pricks, but that doesn't stop me from cheering on anyone who can help the Bills win.
  6. This mock is why I'm starting to think more and more that they will be going pass rusher in the 1st.
  7. QB: 2 (assuming the same oline) LT: 1 (assuming he was healthy all season) If the line we had just stayed healthy for the entire season: 4 I don't think the problem was any one position, but I do think an LT would have made more of a difference than the QB. There was so much turnover at all those positions, I don't think any LT would have made that huge of a difference other than the assumption that he was healthy all year. As soon as Butler went down, we were sunk.
  8. How do you know that he is partying all the time? What does that even mean? Is he drinking a bottle of vodka per night? Is he sleeping with loose women? Does any of this matter during the offseason? What does it matter if he does pose nude for a magazine? Are you trying to question his sexuality? It sounds like you're jealous he's doing something on a Saturday night while you're arguing with a guy recovering from surgery (me) on the internet from your basement. I would suggest you go out and drink some vodka, sleep with some loose women, and see how you feel after that. You might find it fun - I know that's what I'd be doing if I could get out of bed.
  9. Why does it matter if he poses for a swimsuit shoot? How does that have any impact on him being a good football player?
  10. That's an !@#$ move - I don't know how anyone in good conscience can wish someone gets injured. You deserve anything karma brings you.
  11. How does it show he is lazy? He's obviously not a fat guy. He looks in good shape to me. Does he sleep in too late for you? Not make his bed maybe? Do you know him personally? That's one hell of an inference.
  12. I'm sure Ralph wanted Orakpo the entire time on the clock, but when consensus couldn't be reached he called Poz, who also doubles as Jesus, Zeus, and the Penn State scout for th Buffalo Bills, and was convinced to take Maybin.
  13. You're saying that he is a poor worker off the field because of his haircuts and twitter posts!?! Come on - he's in his early 20s. All I've ever heard of his partying has been during the offseason and all that is due to his use of the twitter account. Have you seen him out at a bar the night before a game or something like that? I think the fact that he put on a ton of muscle weight last year in between the end of the season and the combine speaks for itself as far as what he does during the offseason. I would not question his weight room usage. As far as I can tell, he was the same person from when we drafted him until right now. He was always cocky. You can say that's a bad thing, but don't act like he was some farmboy from Indiana who as soon as he signed his contract became a party-animal. I personally like the cockiness. I do believe that his play leaves something to be desired from last season, but I have to think you take into account his young age and little experience from college. Maybe you really don't like the regime that drafted him, which is cool, but let the guy have a night out in Miami. I think even the most dedicated players have to cut loose during the offseason - who cares how he goes about doing it. Schobel saying that he has to work a lot harder if he wants to get better is probably pretty accurate too. He didn't play that much in college. I think that has something to do with his awareness. I think we can all tell you don't like him and haven't. It sounds like you're mad at him for his body not maturing fast enough.
  14. Hold on there buddy. The guy posted that a month ago, before Cogs signed with the Fins and I think before Butler announced his retirement. Unless he's Nostradamus I think he was right in posting that then. No need to berate him for not seeing the future in mid-February before FA started.
  15. I hate the idea of taking a RB in round one, but that being said I like the idea of taking a game-breaking player at any point. This is the type of pick that everyone loves if the guy is the next Chris Johnson and everyone hates if he is anything other.
  16. I wouldn't mind him if we didn't have to pay him $11mm per season. The problem I see with this scenario is that he then takes the place of a developmental QB we could potentially draft later on. I'd almost rather see some youth unless we were absolutely certain he could play and start here. Then again, I guess we could still get rid of one of our current guys to take the developmental guy. This move just doesn't jump out as something that I could see working out.
  17. Assuming his brain is in better shape than scrambled eggs, can he as a career dome-player throw the ball in the wind? I don't know enough about him, but I thought he had questionable arm strength... Any color on that thought?
  18. I agree with your reasoning and believe that it is entirely possible that you're right. It seemed like in the first year of the DJ-led regime, the draft was filled with safe but unspectacular picks and lots of those players turned out to just so - Whitner, Ellison, Butler, Youboty to an extent, etc. That seemed to work well when we needed to fill a lot of gaping holes on the team, but looking back on it now, that wasn't the best way to go. I think Nix will place a premium on players who will not only be here in four years, but also big contributing starters. Even if that means not every hole is filled in the order of its actual importance to the team. This is why I could see them taking a pass rush guy over a marginal LT just to fill the position. The BPA at a position of need goes beyond the top two most needy positions.
  19. Some fans and the media speculation of course. Nix saying explicitly that he does fit is either his real thought on the matter or smoke-screening for trade leverage. I for one have absolutely no problem keeping the best defender on the team in the hopes that a niche is carved out for him. I was just saying that if we could get at least his value to the team or more in return for him, I would be open to it. It would most likely have to be a fleecing.
  20. Our team doctor is also one of the most well-respected spinal injury doctors in the medical community across the country. If he cleared this guy to play, I would take his word over any other team doctor.
  21. I was thinking kid of the same thing. I am now of the opinion that we will take a PASS RUSHER unless Okung, Bradford, or (to a lesser extent) Clausen are still on the board at 9. I also wouldn't surprised if they tried really hard to the point of not getting full value at trading down. There are going to be a lot of players that would work well for us in the late teens that we would probably take at 9 anyways. Guys like Graham, Morgan, Kindle, etc are not going to make far into the 20s, but will be there in the late teens. Hopefully a lot of DBs and WRs will be taken in the top of the first. Also, I'm starting to think that a surprise pick of an offensive play-maker might come up in the first few rounds, depending on value.
  22. I wouldn't be opposed to trading K Williams as long as we got at least what he is worth to this team for him. To me that's two picks in the top 100 in this year's draft at the least. Or maybe a low first/top eight second plus a 3rd next year. He's a good player, entering the prime of his career, signed to a reasonable deal, near Pro Bowler (now, but I expect him to get better), and is probably more well-regarded by FOs around the league than any fan. He plays every down and does so with leverage and has a quick first step. He could be a near dominant 3 tech in the right system. He was frequently the best player on the field for our poor defenses over the past few years, with or without Schobel in there. I would trade him because his talents would not be exploited to their fullest in our new system, but I still believe that he could play a very good role for us. Unfortunately, he does not take away the need for an NT and you can only pay so many guys at the same position.
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