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Everything posted by Keukasmallies

  1. DC Tom, any chance of adding the Secretary of State to the manifest....
  2. Jimmy Clausen will be the next wannabe, but never was. He won't make the transition to the NFL. He doesn't have the big time cojones needed to step in and step up.... Wait and see....
  3. First, let me say that the following comments come from a context of my having been in public education in western NY for thirty-six years, the last ten as Superintendent of Schools. With that caveat, I believe that there is no single format for learners; some do well in public schools, some in private, and some in in homeschooling programs. The purpose of education is to develop and encourage learners--English, math, football, whatever the topic. The trick is to find what's best for your child. Once you make your decisions, you acknowledge there are some things that you will not have in order to have the greater good things that powered your initial decision, e.g., homeschooling often means no participation in the programs of the public schools. That appears unacceptable to you, so maybe you need to examine private school offerings. Look for a private school that "thinks the way you and your family do" with extracurricular programs that you value. Of course, the price of that decision is just that...the price. Rather than attempt to build a football program from scratch, it appears to me that time and effort might be better "spent" devoted to supporting an academic and extracurricular program that currently exists. Maybe you'll have to move to another area, but if you are as passionate as it appears you are, in terms of building a football program, that shouldn't be a problem in the long run. I'd reexamine the private school route....
  4. See, that's just the kind of thing that happens when someone inserts actual factual knowledge into a perfectly good rant based on errant info....Damn it!
  5. Gee, what a pleasant series of replies. Makes me wish I could have read them on Easter morning....
  6. Meazza, thanks for the complete and incisive response to my question? And they would be....? Could it be that you don't know either....
  7. Point of Order: Who does make the post, no post decisions? A week or so ago I got a PM from someone who said he wasn't allowed to post here any more.... Just asking for my own information.
  8. Re #3 above: So I hate my father, Lieutenant in NYSP, and brother, Officer in local PD? You need to focus your broad brush...or continue to point your mantra: "All police officers are always right; those who question are always wrong"...at something other than this topic.
  9. I goess that's why the post is titled If you're in Monroe County, NY....
  10. Isn't the title of this post a world-class example of an oxymoron?
  11. Just when is a cop supposed to keep his mouth shut? When a fellow officer breaks the law? When an influential citizen provides a special favor in return for a special favor? When a citizen is arrested for an action that is ignored when a fellow cop is involved? When the truth is sought in a courtroom? Is there a whole parallel system of laws that only apply to cops? May you never be the victim of a cop who is willing to sacrifice you for her/his own ends.
  12. Same in my world. The point is that Rahn disgraced his office, his town and now is being defended by a shyster who pooh poohs twelve years worth of underhanded dealings and blue wall corruption. The police I back are honest, public serving, and ashamed at the actions of this bozo.
  13. George...Yeah, you did miss something; you missed the whole thing....
  14. It's my understanding that Democrats never get sick, make others sick, nor in any way deviate from a true, moral, righteous course along life's pathways. Ergo, no need for the poltices, balms, nor salves of mere mortal world. Why, just look at Charles "the Righteous" Rangel and bretheren of his ilk. Think John Edwards, the current Democratic definition of integrity and fidelity. And then there's ... well, just fill in the blank spaces....
  15. Give this a go.... http://www.democratandchronicle.com/articl...s-on-stolen-gun
  16. heard the name Merritt Rahn. Sadly, you've also heard the name John Parranello. Is there a more pathetic human being than Parranello? Can you imagine actually believing the sound bites he spews in Rahn's defense? How do defense attorneys keep from laughing out loud in court, having to listen to their own patter?
  17. One has to take a figurative step back and remind one's self that we's all God's chillin' after viewing that clip....
  18. Fellas, let's all meet in the park at 6:00 AM to see who can truly pizz farthest, OK?
  19. George Bush wanted to open up the leases in the Gulf of Mexico and promote drilling for oil = environmentally scaborous; an ecologically disastrous, ignorant, backward, mindless proposal by a Republican knuckle dragger. Barak Obama wants to open up the leases in the Gulf of Mexico and promote drilling for oil = great idea, strategically appropriate in view of the middle east situation and 21st century needs; a wise movement of resources across the vast chessboard of resource availability by a shrewd Democrat well schooled in environmental issues. As Colonel Sherman T. Potter would say, "Horse hockey!" When doubt, hug Al Gore....
  20. A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. -- Thomas Jefferson
  21. One way to rationalize Glenn Beck is to think of him somewhere on the right side of the continuum of entertainment offerings on TV. Once you have him pegged to your satisfaction, just leave him there, he's harmless. When he feels that his rants against "progressives" have run their course, he'll shift gears. I do think he would be better served if he used sidewalk chalk as it is more fitting to many of the points he is illustrating.
  22. I'm thinkin' legalize mary jane; then elect the stoners to office; then there would be a good reason why there is no effective efficient government at any level. We could have the same level of productivity as now, just less acrimony. Can ya' just see Nancy P after a blunt or six....?
  23. I intend to throw a virtual brick through the virtual window of every 'mocrat that decided to ignore the wishes of myself and 50 - 60% of the population with regard to the recently finalized health care legislation. Each time I toss one of my virtual clay clods, I will be reminded of my pledge to vote against ALL incumbents this fall--'mocrats, Repubs, Independents, whomever: If they are in an elected office, I will do my best to turn them out. Consider ordering a skid of virtual bricks for delivery to your own driveway so they'll be handy upon receiving the next throat-rammer our government drops on us....
  24. Ah the conscience of America, Al Dullton strikes again. Must be some money in the weeds at the end of his immediate rainbow.
  25. Actually a good idea; it will insure that everyone gets screwed.
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