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I'm Spartacus

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Everything posted by I'm Spartacus

  1. Yea, but they got "Fireman Ed". Ed can will the Jests to victory with his stupid antics. He & Buffalo's "Elvis" should duke it out.
  2. I would like to think the front office is trying to get it RIGHT this time? But something tells me it is also a patented marketing ploy to stoke the fans excitement for this coming season. Russ Brandon is a genius you know....
  3. All I know is that on SUNDAY, we can all relax and watch the Ten Commandments..... This of course, after the Bills sign Fred Davis on SATURDAY, and Chris Brown gets fired on FRIDAY.
  4. Show some faith Marky! Williams will be another "Hit & Run" for the Bills!
  5. Would that be for some Genny Cream Ale (warm and in the can)???
  6. Oh wow! That's from the 60's when I followed the Bills as a kid from Kensington. I'm 55 now. If I'm not mistaken, those shots were from either Niagara University or when they worked out at the hotel in Hamburg off the Thruway. Ahh....memories of the old Rockpile!
  7. I thought McKelvin was an Irish beer drinking special teams guy.
  8. Please increase your font size from micro-text to readable, then....lets get Barkley at #8!
  9. Just resign yourself to the fact that nobody cares...
  10. So what....Pegula has tons of money to burn. Whoops! Sorry = I'm talking about the wrong loser Buffalo sports team!
  11. I really liked Bobby April. Wish we could have brought him back to Bflo. He had a lot of energy & enthusiasm on the sidelines.
  12. I am in the process of writing a book on the Bills futility over the past 15 years. Please, everyone buy a copy from me?
  13. I am hoping that this year's draft will be decided by "committe". Marone and Whaley need to have a BIG say in final decisions - not just leave it up to southern hick SEC boy, Nix. Aside from a few picks here & there, Nix has not been too impressive on draft day IMHO.
  14. St. Bonaventure changed their name (nick-name) from the "Brown Indians" too. Too much political correctness these days, in my opinion. "Buffalo Bill Cody" whom the Bills are named after, killed 4,280 Bison in his day. Should we change the Bills name because it might offend the tree hugging PETA people?
  15. Pre-game shows are all pretty bad now. I just tune in for the kick-offs....
  16. I tell 'ya, I AM Spartacus! As a side bar, Leodis needs to learn ball skills, as well as learning to speak without marbles in his mouth
  17. McKelvin is like the "McRib" = every once in a while they re-surface and make a play. Keep him for Special Teams at least.
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