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Everything posted by grinreaper

  1. That is a story that is just crying out for an honest investigation.
  2. I thought that even as a liberal you were at least smart enough to avoid this kind of schit. We, as a country have a 100x capability (could be 1000 or 10000) more than NK. Are we more dangerous to the world than NK? Game, set, match.
  3. Link? Greg, don't worry. That kind of stuff is available all over Santa Monica. Smile more often.
  4. We all knew what we were getting with him. Tune out what he says and watch what he does.
  5. Anybody can claim that any unnamed source said anything. Add into the conversation that MSNBC is the one claiming this and I immediately discount it.
  6. I have an unnamed source too. It says that you are really Tiberius, Gator's and Baskin's love child. I knew I shouldn't have told them all to go !@#$ themselves.
  7. Why? He laughs at people getting killed. Just mention Benghazi to him and he laughs so hard his side hurts.
  8. Why do you have to bring basketball into this, you racist?
  9. How many times did McCain vote to repeal the ACA when he knew the repeal would be vetoed by Obama?
  10. So, in other words, your sister who was dropped on her head is smarter than you?
  11. You put it in quotation marks, do you have a link or are you just practicing your usual assclown act?
  12. No, Dorkington has all the answers. From his post: Dorkington, on 02 Oct 2017 - 10:50 AM, said:
  13. You forgot to include global warming. Edit: I forgot about not having gender neutral restrooms too.
  14. What difference does it make? If he had been treated badly he wouldn't have offered a handshake.
  15. Again: It would appear that common sense escapes you. Michael Bennett, when his ordeal was over, offered his hand to the cop for a handshake. Would someone who was treated the way Bennett claimed do that?
  16. It would appear that common sense escapes you. Michael Bennett, when his ordeal was over, offered his hand to the cop for a handshake. Would someone who was treated the way Bennett claimed do that?
  17. You think I expected an answer from that fool?
  18. You put it in quotes, do you have a link or are you just being a disingenuous jerk that likes to make stuff up?
  19. Common sense would indicate that Bennett was lying. If he was racially profiled or treated poorly he would not have offered his hand for a handshake. It appeared that at the time of that handshake he realized that the cops were just doing their job. I guess he subsequently decided that being an NFL star wasn't enough and he needed to get am extra 15 minutes of fame. Anyway, his actions aren't much different than the black guy who burns down a black church so it can be blamed on whites and further racial tensions.
  20. Tell that to the people who wanted to visit previously unmanned monuments during the government shutdown. The Obama administration actually manned them to prevent people from visiting them. Tell that to the people who were evicted from their homes during the shutdown just because they were on leased federal lands. Obama set out to make the shutdown as painful as possible so he could blame it on republicans. Real respectable person.
  21. http://www.gopusa.com/?p=31004?omhide=true The Colin Kaepernick Foundation donated in April $25,000 to Assata’s Daughters, a Chicago “direct action” resistance organization honoring Assata Shakur, who escaped prison and fled to Cuba after being found guilty in the 1973 murder of Officer Werner Foerster. The grant includes $2,500 for CopWatch, a program that trains volunteers to follow and video police, and $15,000 for teen training, part of the group’s commitment to “develop and train young people, ages 4-19, in the Black queer feminist tradition and in the spirit of Assata.” Apparently Mr. Kaepernick is also a fan: He retweeted a July 16 message wishing Shakur a happy birthday.
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