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Everything posted by rafter

  1. Solid person. Great teammate that locked down a position that was in flux for years before he arrived. I hope it's just limited to football and his life is unaffected.
  2. From sounds of this I'm not really concerned who it is with regards to the team.
  3. Tragedy is the only thing that could ruin the offseason. I'm hoping that if its career ending it's not also life altering for the player.
  4. Before FA/Draft so anyone on the team currently is replaceable
  5. Car accident? Hard to see what could be a career ender at this point in the year. As others posted they usually take this time off.
  6. I dread hearing who it might be for their sake, but for the team I doubt anything would ruin the offseason. If it was going to happen the timing of before FA/ DRAFT is better for the team.
  7. During their last high level business meeting.
  8. I was assuming he'd go the opposite direction. Make a prison league.
  9. agreed. gilmore is a goodplayer, but for the money his big plays are evened out by his weak tackling and blown plays.
  10. First thing I would do is make the outer shell a soft foam instead of hard plastic. They would get torn up, but dont they use new helmets every game anyways? The helmut could be soft inside, a reinforced plastic shell, then another soft foam outside. The hard outer shell is a weapon and it needs to go.
  11. Our secondary was not the problem this year.
  12. Are there any updates on his condition?
  13. Agreed. The 3 points the Jags scored before halftime I put on coaching.
  14. On defense they really do, and that was the difference today. Their D is STACKED.
  15. I didn't watch the game or play. Just going off his overall body of work. He might exhibit bad leadership tendencies at times, but he also has willed his team to wins. I think that must be a type of leadership. His record is what it is.
  16. If mccoy couldn't go it would've been mostly murphy with Tolbert sprinkled in.
  17. Thursday ate into MNF's value for sure. As a playoff team with newfound hype I agree we should probably get one.
  18. Perhaps Sean McDonough can use a chucky puppet without anyone noticing.
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