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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Capitalist dream if you sell drugs or are a slum lord. A beautiful state, rich in culture and abundance of land but what did she add, drugs, injection sites, illegal rights, poor education. You don't have to drive too far from Stanford Cardinal land to see the other side of what she has helped create in a state so lush and wealthy.
  2. Cali has freedoms? And I wouldn't watch Fox news if it was the only channel. In fact, in Canada you have to pay a premium to watch it...that would be a waste. But freedom is not giving my money to illegals for housing, food, education, medical and protectionwhen they do not even pay taxes. Freedom for illegals in her mind is more important than mine or yours. She is the ultimate NIMBY. I didn't see Obama open his Martha's house for a busload. Protection for drug users, injection sites, no penalty, is nothing more than taking away freedoms from other tax payers and enhancing cartels business plans. It has forced military style policing. Have you read crime stats at all. And tax paying citizens foot the bill. The balloon is over inflated. And by the way, I think trump was the second biggest mistake the US citizens ever made in Presidential elections. Obama was the worst and regardless of some minor break in during the greatest election victory in 100 years Nixon was an incredible Pres. So as you see, I do not pick sides, just issues.
  3. Let's see...AOC is freedom? Nancy is freedom? Joe is freedom? Seriously Tibs..... Is freedom giving a country over to illegal immigrants, Is freedom tax and giveaways Is freedom allowing your enemies control your energy sources Is freedom having your government pass more laws in a month to control you than most countries pass in a decade Is freedom allowing career criminals back onto the streets to terrorize working citizen's I certainly have chosen freedom, and pre 1990s so did the US. Then Clinton, Obama were the ones who limited freedom. The latest version of dems is worse.
  4. Oil is necessary to fight a war, collectively the Russkies and Saudi criminals have a great deal to control access. Biden rejected oil from Canada which gave Putin the chance for the choke hold. So, America must establish supply lines from Canada and SA to stay safe. Nato must find a way to keep warm or Putin wins. If nukes get used....who gives a flying F.
  5. Is it time to consider first strike option... Nukes on Ukraine border, nukes near Alaska, nuke sub coming into Atlantic? Do you give Joe Frazier first punch?
  6. Zubaz, Bud, Italian sausage on bbq, flag up, Go Bills salute.
  7. He is at least a Michael Vick, who was never really great except in the press. I always find it amusing how some spend their time saying how much TTa is better than you think when entering the NFL and also how poor Josh will be. Hmmmm
  8. He did his job, it is the judges that fail the system.
  9. 53, say it ain't so SDS. That makes Chandler97... not 81
  10. Sorry, wrong. When a pass catching rb enters game and never runs the ball, it helps the d. Change of pace backs are also easy prey for Def coordinators. Even Thurmans successful back ups were similar styles. If you do not have a dominate back who gets you 100 yards, you really have no running game to be feared. It is the fear to Def coordinators that changes a game plan.
  11. Having read too much of this thread, I want to suggest there us a major difference between 100 tushing and a 100 yard rusher. Having a dominate player on the field every down is more important than by committee.
  12. I have a very serious, yet innocent question, not meant to be disrespectful. Assuming there are actually some docs at MLgo, and that Donald T. is an intelligent man, what would be the motive to take these docs from the White house and the archives people? Personal notes I could see taking. Why put yourself in this situation?
  13. 1000 yards was a measurement that showed skill, and ability in a running back. That was in a 12 or 14 game season. The scale for a good back today should be closer to 1500. Running for 55 yards in a game is not a sign of ability, just a sign you were given enough chances. We have forgotten history where your running game won you games, not just closed out a game or ran draw plays because of throwing 45+ passes a game. We need 100+ yards per game and will only get it infrequently with Singletary and Moss. Only Cook with his breakaway speed will influence defences enough to help Josh get time. Nobody in NFL is afraid of the other 2 guys to influence a game plan.
  14. Too good, he is going to another team.
  15. You are not wrong, but the right did the same by allowing the oil, chemical industry to dominate our pocket books to.
  16. Cowherd, is, has been, and always will be an idiot,
  17. So why didn't Fox News ask for info on Search Warrant? I was surprised it was NBC, ABC and NY Times. Hard to cry conspiracy if facts come out? Thoughts?
  18. Let's settle this like the Talib bros. One of you gets a gun, the other gets surprised.😉
  19. And 20 years later, countless deaths, murders etc there is nothing anyone can do to stop them short of destroying the dust bowl. Russia tried for 20 years. The US should never have been there. Like Vietnam, you cannot tell the good guys from bad, you cannot believe anyone, or trust anyone. Put a ring around them, toss them some guns and ammo and make a deal with the survivor. The only thing of any value there is coke and dust and not worth lives. Bringing their wars into North America is not worth it. Letting them into the rest of the world is way too dangerous. IMHO
  20. I understand, but the relationship was with a few military folks and government officials, 380,000,000 other don't give a flying foodoo. There are millions of citizens who have history with Ukraine. Afghanistan is seen as uncivilized, ancient, non Christian and in a religious civil war they have to settle on their own. If you stand between them they both shoot at you, look at Israel and Palestine. The US has 50% of the population with Christian religious believe against abortion. Not supporting female independence of their own body. Why do the want to get into a relationship in a non Christian ancient dust bowl because some unexplainable terrorists called Taliban stomp on female rights. IMHO.
  21. May be to help dems, but more likely 2 other reasons. Ukraine is more important than the dust bowl. The only relationship the US has to Afghanistan was military and that has ended. Before that the US population had no relationship to Afghanistan and no relationship to its people. Taliban and Muslim in the headline and frankly most, including me have no interest. They can kill each other..amen. move on. Nothing we can do. Roe v Wade more important. The quality of Biden decision was debated and filed away in people's minds.
  22. Yeh, and we thought Frank Gore was a good guy. A lot of sickos out there
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