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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. Health is the equalizer. Players who cannot stay on field are harmful to the team and our good young players who get picked up by other teams.
  2. Sitting in row 23 behind Bills bench one late fall game. Temp was 25/27 degrees. Ball was around 20 years line. Time out called. Coaches walked a few yds onto field as RJ jogged over. He went around them to find his coat. He wasted 10 seconds for 15 seconds of personal comfort. His teammates stood in the cold (not real cold for sure, but dull day), his coaches and waited. No leadership. He was not concentrating on the game. He should never even been thinking about the weather. It really matter little and had minimal effect. It was just a selfish display. I turned to my son and said...he can never be a leader of men. Personal comfort was most important...career over. He had an arm, could run, but the challenge was too much.
  3. I hated Flutie and now I know I was right. JOHNSON, HE THE MAN.
  4. Likely not Biden will say not enough done. No matter what...it is not enough. Crime gangs and drugs first.
  5. I think the path is short and only smoke screen. There are cultural issues and extremely huge crime issues that are the root causes.
  6. All just smoke and mirrors. Little chance it stops violent acts like we gave seen. Drugs and gangs need to be faced up to if any gun legislation is to have an effect. Restrictions just makes money for gangs and gun shows. Cannot fix one problem with out solving them all.
  7. I want to know who the democrat is that has been orchestrating such a huge conspiracy against trump and the country. He/she would be the one I would want to tun the country. Not one of these guys like trump and Hilary who got caught and exposed.
  8. Well let's try this experiment. Next State if the Union address let's give all congressmen and Senators loaded guns along with all guests. Let's see the wild west take place. Let's see Greene and Cortez. You see, Canada like the rest of the world are non violent societies for the most part. Canada has lots of illegal guns smuggled by gangs and indigenous people from the US making some citizens concerned, but the would be no more than 5% of citizens. Safety comes with common respect not the OK corral. Canadian law enforcement like Engkand prided themselves in law and order with reason. US system developed from Wyatt Earp style, survival of the finest.😀 Now all you guys don't over react...just stop and think a moment.
  9. For sure. The Afghan gum is getting stale, the world has limited attention span, political will drops, and new crisis hits the front page. Maybe in the end it is better for a solution under the radar.
  10. I agree, but these types of crisis happen around the world and Ukraine is more important in status, TODAY. The people who die every day in US are people too. Likely more die daily from drugs than in Afghanistan.
  11. Let's have a show of hands for those who care! It's a dead subject for most of the world. A dust bowl who kept Russia and America busy for 40 yrs. Billions of dollars and many lives. Afghan drugs have killed too many lives. Just another way of looking at the problem. If Afghanistan cared about US they would stop drug trade. If the US cared they would stop the drug trade. So whose humanitarian crisis is this?
  12. Understand, but the inference was that a judge has to approve the gun removal before it us done. I think way too much time passes. It is not an eviction from an apartment, it is life and death. 🙂
  13. Why do you need a judge to run your policing. The judges already have too much authority. If the cops say you are dangerous, just do it. Pretty soon the flippin Supreme Court will be making all the decisions after all the appeals.
  14. Zero need for drugs, but nobody cares. And drugs are the cause of the need for guns being available.
  15. Sponsor...I think not, but the American public tolerates, guns, gangs, and drugs. They loved Al Capone. Learn from the prohibition lesson, ban does not work.
  16. Voters are not responsible. They vote and want the current conditions. Reap what you sew...as long as there are no abortions...
  17. Come on Btime, they can write all the laws but nothing will change. There will be loop holes and an illegal market will develope because the business of gun production is big business. Drugs are illegal and every school is filled with them and many more kids die from drugs. Nobody cares. The Right creates courts that are too tough at times putting everyone in prison and lifelong criminals, and the Left too lenient on drug, guns immigration and gangs. This is far more complicated than banning a gun and a phoney background check. Consider the US has the biggest gun problem and drug problem on the planet...
  18. I read and comprehend your rants when they are coherent, but they usually end with you insulting someone because you disagree or turning on the curse of religion. Debating with btime is a waste of time. You expect to influence him? That like debating the late Rhino who was reassigned by Putin. Hilary is not pure, just like Bill C. We are 6 yrs past Hilary...let it go. Trump certainly is not pure and a case can be made for him trying to be a dictator. He continues to try and be relevant, so he is fair fame.
  19. So being religious makes you a more important citizen.? Care to rank the most important to least important? Are Baptists ahead of Catholics? Do Muslims get to vote?
  20. Now we are debating the obvious. A waste of time, sorry. If you love Putin...well If not, it matters little what you call him. People who live in Russia know the communists run the place. I have no further interest in wasting energy on this debate with you. Burgundy, Pinot Noir, Chablis, Chardonnay...
  21. Yes, Russia is communist...dictatorship. What the Kremlin is just an old boys club. Part of Russia has climbed out of control for sure, to allow friends of the party to get rich, even parts of China's economy does not appear communist, but is control by CCP. As far as I am concerned Africa can stay and fight for themselves. Our climate cannot withstand another emerging industrial economy that ignores pollution like we have seen here, China, India, Russia etc. They need to develope agriculture before they industrialized. Cow farts are better than coal smoke.😁
  22. Without NATO, without USA in Nato, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Moldova, Romania and others would be in the new Soviet Union thanks to Putin.
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