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Everything posted by BackInDaDay

  1. Henderson had a total of 4 plays where he did not handle his assignment well. 1. 1st Qtr 4:33 - bull rush by LB Houston description - rush didn't impact Taylor, who remained in the pocket and completed a 14 yard pass downfield 2. 2nd Qtr 13:35 - flagged for holding description - after engaging his man for over 4 seconds, Henderson grabbed him as Taylor abandoned the pocket to scramble right 3. 2nd Qtr 3:37 - speed rush by LB Hali description - rush didn't impact Taylor, who remained in the pocket and completed a 33 yard pass downfield 4. 3rd Qtr 9:50 - speed rush by LB Hali description - Hali strip / sacked Taylor overall, Henderson pass blocked well - often left in 1:1 assignments, he kept his side of the pocket clean. when needed, he comfortably picked up the one stunt the Chiefs ran at his side. his run blocking was also solid, including combos where he worked to the LBs. This is the play in the 2nd quarter, where Henderson was flagged for the hold. This shot is 3/4 seconds after the snap. note the clean pocket, and passing lane to Watkins running a crossing pattern downfield. this is that same moment from the endzone. this is 4/5 seconds after the snap.. when Taylor has begun to abandon the pocket - past Henderson's man. yes, the Hali play in the 3rd resulted in a turnover - but after watching every offensive play of this game, i think Henderson played well - doing everything he was asked to do. i don't understand why some of you keep repeating things you hear, without investigating the truth behind the rhetoric. for those of you who do attempt to find the truth, i give you credit for that - but if you think Henderson's play vs KC was more negative than positive, you don't know what you're looking at.
  2. maybe.. while i'm in Bard mode - i'm pretty sure i saw Roman channeling Richard's "a horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!" when he ran Boobie on that sweep left.
  3. Shakespeare's cowardly Falstaff would find fault with your assertion that caution must be thrown to the wind in the pursuit of glory. In Henry IV, his glutenous coward feigns his death on the battlefield in order to escape with his life - while uttering that "the better part of valor, is discretion". In time this unseemly rationalization transformed into the more recognizable, and more acceptable, "discretion is the better part of valor". a less romantic, and far more pragmatic point of view in approaching life's battles. i won't fault Watkins for protecting himself against the same type of rib injury that has already sidelined him for too many games in his young career. I much prefer he suits up each week, and forces opposing DCs to choose 'discretion' in how they defend his considerable talents.
  4. who'd they play for? my brother-in-law gave me that book after i told him how i was thrown out of the Peking Duck Bar and Restaurant for yelling - to no one in particular - about the hosing Bum Philips' Oilers were getting during their AFC championship game with the Steelers in '79!
  5. yeah, that it'll be interesting.. but you may want to focus on what's happening on current year successful vs unsuccessful kicks. that's what the ST coach probably has to do - eliminate correctable issues external to his player, before calling the hypnotist it could be something as simple as footwear.. does Carpenter have problems on particular surfaces in particular weather? see where i'm goin?
  6. i hear what you're saying about execution, but my intuition tells me that Reid's guys saw something to exploit after we shut them down so effectively in their first few possessions. something Rex wasn't prepared for. from your posts, i know you realize that sometimes it only takes a slight tweek to a play design to either give a defender something he doesn't recognize - or give him something he thinks he recognizes. this is what concerns me about Rex's defenses this season. that he either doesn't have smart enough players - whether because of backups playing, or not - to force an opponent to adjust where he wants him to.. or he's getting hit with counters he hasn't anticipated. either way, we're not defending at the level he himself thought we were capable of..
  7. take it from someone who lives in Jersey, and was subjected to his being called out on this repeatedly over his last few years with the Jets - yes. yes. yes. it's a lot easier to challenge a catch by your receiver, than quickly weighing the risk reward of challenging, and ignoring his pleas - just as it is, to dismiss a challenge because your receiver wasn't demonstrative in his reaction to the call. a head coach who leaves the management of a game to his players is going to going to get an invite to their kids' birthday parties, but is gonna leave plays on the field that may cost those players the game.
  8. he hasn't been 'right' all season.. i haven't noticed.. but did his holder change? is he hurt? is his ball inflated properly? on a team filled with f' ups.. keep him.. he fits right in
  9. we're the not as attractive young girl in the horror movie - the one destined to die a cruel and horrible death, if only to illustrate the extreme difficulties overcome by the film's heroine. we're never cheered. we're only mourned.
  10. i'm optimistic that the O line will continue to jell. Kromer may be our best position coach. i'm optimistic about our talent, but i'm not sure if their frequent lapses in recognition and judgement are correctable. i'm optimistic that Taylor will learn to digest a defense quicker.. and this will allow him to execute plays from a clean pocket, before abandoning it to improvise and raise his risk of injury. i'm not optimistic about Rex's ability to control anything football related - other than game planning his D.. and i'm not optimistic that he's capable of consistently keeping up with how offensive coaches are game planning his D.
  11. thought the entire o-line played very well.. hard to pass protect for more than 4 seconds, and change angles when your QB sprints out of a clean pocket..
  12. we should be solid in all phases - but we're a very stupid team.. players and coaches alike. ​i'm very disappointed in how our D played, and very confused by Roman's 2nd half adjustments. also, the fact that a missed extra-point forced us to chase points later in such an important game, tells me the first priority a place kicker must have with the new rule should be consistency, rather than distance. sure, the ability to hit a 55 yarder is a great weapon, but missing extra points can skew how the game is played. Carpenter has become a weakness.
  13. too bad they made that 1st, there was a plan in place to get Sammie the ball
  14. we lead the league in stupid.. and that's too much to overcome
  15. my reference to taking the deep middle throws out, was for the Pats game plan, and would have been done to keep Taylor from hanging up a floater between the hashes.. they were in cover-1 alot, and that part of the field would have been treacherous. there was at least one play where Roman ran Clay up the seam, past the LB, while running Woods in front of him - giving Tyrod the chance to option off the backer. when the LB bit on the short cross, Taylor could have hit Clay. but he threw incomplete to Woods rather than risk the throw.. and that's ok. the thing is, if Taylor isn't comfortable making certain throws right now, Roman has less field to threaten. Reid's staff will take notice how the Pats wide-9 - with little to no blitzing - and Tyrod's left knee, helped keep him under control. .. and Roman and Taylor know this.. it's a long season.. you work with what you have, and always try to give yourself a favorable match-up somewhere. i know it's cliche', but it's how it's done. Taylor is fine.. better than fine.. and he will improve with this staff, because Roman will give him the opportunities - like the hi/lo mentioned above - to improve.
  16. balls that aren't delivered on time and on target harder to complete. i'm wondering if Roman took the deep middle routes out of the gameplan after watching Tyrod throw in practice.. btw, as of yesterday - Taylor has gotten 'limited' practice time this week. lots of QBs are hurt right now.. some are too hurt to play.. i give Taylor credit for suiting up, and if Roman has to adjust to what his QB can do, so be it.
  17. watched the all-22 of the Pats game - focusing on Tyrod - because he didn't seem to have his fastball working. he's throwing flat footed. not bringing his weight to his front foot. since that front foot's attached to his left leg, i'm thinking his injured knee is an issue. before i saw his motion, i thought he may have came into the game with an injured shoulder.. but i'm pretty certain his knee's the problem. also - and i don't know if this has been a problem all season, or not - but he was locking onto his targets all night. but he could be compensating for losing a few mph off his fastball. edit - Alf, you pretty much said the same thing this morning - i think you're right.
  18. yes, and yes.. but i really don't think Taylor was 100% tonight.. in pror games he would have knocked McCoy over at the pylon with a shoulder high strike. just sayin
  19. no arguments here.. but i have a suspicion that Tyrod wasn't 100% at kickoff.. he beat Cassel out by throwing darts, not sailing his throws
  20. he had nothing on his deep balls.. so maybe that roll he took in the 4th only aggravated a bad wing he went to battle with.
  21. yes, there were mistakes - it's how we lose.. it's what beats us, because we're not a sound enough team yet to overcome them.. but my team of dumbasses played with a will to win tonight.. and didn't quit c'mon man1 the Pats are the best! we kicked Brady's ass, and he still sprung up for more.. our guys laid it all out there, stayed pretty disciplined on D, and had some chances offensively that we missed.. you want to see that as a bunch of losers, fine.. i see a team that just isn't mature enough to win granted, that was strange to see.. maybe that 4th qtr hurt was just the icing on the cake from something he walked in with
  22. if you can'rt appreciate the fight we put up against a better team, than i don't have any answer for you
  23. ..and this is the kind of effort that's gonna keep me rooting for them to find success. take nothing away from the champs.. they took everything we threw at 'em and kept coming.. and we took their best shots and didn't back down. some losses speak more to the character of the team than a win.. this was such a game this was not a moral victory1 this was a team pushing itself to be the best they could be, and coming up short. were they go from here, is up to them
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