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Everything posted by BackInDaDay

  1. they should compliment each other.. not as in "nice shoes", but in how they're used
  2. maybe Orchard Park will be an Islamic 'no go' zone by next fall
  3. this is what happens when you punch a bully in the nose
  4. major hangover after getting knocked out.. they're not playing.. hate to use the most feared four letter word in football, but 'quit' comes to mind
  5. the 2015 roster has far better offensive talent than the 2014 team, and Darby improved an already talented defensive unit. I think the front office and coaches worked well in getting and keeping who they wanted. I see no problem here, other than an attempt to utilize the defensive talent in a manner that lessens their value. if the report was centered on a disagreement regarding that, I'd take it seriously.. the fact that it's centered around how many targets our receiver gets, makes it nonsense.
  6. before judging the job that any defensive coach/coordinator is doing in the NFL, i think it's only fair to be conscious of the very real bias the league has developed for offensive production. the ancillary gaming industry depends on high volumes of offensive statistics from a high volume of players to support it's 'fantasy' leagues, and the NFL game has been transformed to produce those volumes. that said.. like many, many American football coaches.. Rex eats, sleeps, and ***** defensive football.. and to his credit, he's recognized the need to develop a playbook that may be flexible enough to slow down an NFL offense operating under the league's current conditions. i keep going back to Rex's comments following the Steelers pre-season game, where he challenged his D to recognize and execute some of the more complex coverage schemes in that playbook. it's been a learning process, no doubt... and personally, i think the D has improved to the point of being sound. i think Rex and his defensive staff have done a good job teaching the playbook to the players. they've played more disciplined ball as the season's progressed.. probably because the players have gotten more comfortable recognizing where their individual responsibilities are on each given play, and executing them. far less spinning around like tops out there. so my problem isn't with the complexity of Rex's defense, it's in it's application. all of this borrowing from Peter to pay Paul stuff he's doing schematically, has taken the aggression out of his gameplans. why would he do this? is he overly concerned with leaving his secondary exposed to this new NFL offensive paradigm - that makes all defenses susceptible to big game-changing plays? i think he may be.. he seems more intent on using his flexible defensive playbook to throw a blanket over as much of the field as possible.. and introduce aggressive plays in measured doses. as HC, i'm guessing he has to balance his impulse to have his beloved D wreck a game, with the risk that it's failures could be responsible for a team loss. i may not agree with this approach, but it's the manner in which a very good defensive coach thought he could improve upon a very good D... and that will be open to second guessing all off-season.
  7. ok.. you know i luv ya , but you know what i learned since reading your post? that the LG Britt was a back-up RT last season, and was smoked this preseason when playing RT.. so i'm thinking Cable moved him inside, because he's not so hot playing in space, and that their OL has had comm problems all this season.. oh, and this one i already knew - that Tom Cable loves zone blocking schemes, and that pass protections can be set as man, zone, or a combinations. so my first assumption is Cable's center was changing the zone to man on the left side, because he had a LT and RB to pick up two outside defenders - a 9-tech down lineman, and an LB blitz threat.. so he needed his LG to pick up the DT, so he could take care of the LB threatening an A gap blitz. they already had numbers to their advantage - on the right side - with 3 blocking 2 - so i'm assuming they we're gonna stay in zone there.add to this, you got the LG looking back at the QB as the C appears to be making the change, and bingo - ya got yourself an assumption that the LG missed the change, stayed in zone - where the discipline is normally to play the zone to your playside on a run and strongside on a pass- which would have made that A gap defender his priority - instead of the DT to his left.. who would have been the LT's. my only question is, who told the writer it wasn't the LG's fault? the LG? now.. could Wilson have been giving his LG specific instructions while the C was changing things up? sure, there's an outside chance if he was gonna audiblie to a draw or screen to his side.. but that wasn't the play he was trying to execute.
  8. I think you paraphrased his point perfectly here.. "He is saying that without knowing what play was called and whether it was correctly communicated, any assumption made about what went wrong is only that, an assumption." ... and I think that point is invalid. if I understand what a '2' represents in an equation, but don't understand what a '3' is - I may mistakenly interpret 2 + 2 + 3 to equal 4, because I can't account for the '3'. someone who recognizes the '3' will get the right answer without making assumptions.
  9. I've been critical of Williams' play, because he sometimes lets his passion get the better of him.. but it's because of that passion, that i hope he jumps up and smiles after his next big hit..
  10. the better an understanding one has of what's being attempted, the better an understanding one has of how and why the execution succeeded, or failed. it's why coaches watch film of their opponents. they don't need intimate knowledge of that team's method of communication to know what was being run, and why. they may have to make an assumption that a particular player is either deaf or stupid, to botch his assignment the way he did.. but they know what that assignment was. and nowadays, there are some fans who can get close to this understanding if they care to take the time to learn the game. here, we have a casual fan, being paid to watch the game.. and wonder of wonders - realizes he doesn't know what he's talking about. whatever..
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