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Everything posted by BackInDaDay

  1. jeez, hope he didn't put much of his Flacco game plan together before figuring that one out.
  2. just finished watching the back to back Paul Brown and Cleveland '95 pieces. both were outstanding.. never would have recognized this young gopher on Belichick's staff
  3. story reads like a missing chapter from North Dallas Forty.. too many people living out of control lives, in frantic orbit, feeding off their collisions with one another.
  4. don't mind me.. i was just having some fun over Rex's foot fetish.. lots of good close-ups that might interest him.
  5. how long did Rex hang out at those foot pics? has anyone seen him, lately?
  6. yes, it takes a complete team effort to get wins.. but let's not excuse our problems against the best teams in the league - unless we're not trying to be one of them. yep.. who knew that we had a three horse race when Marrone and Mularkey were here? do we lead the league in coaches who quit?
  7. maybe the question should be - who does he lose first, the fans or the players? in NY, it was the fans.
  8. i'm thinking that last season's efficient pass rush hid our deficient pass defenders.. Gilmore is a good CB . Darby will be better. both seem to get lost in space when playing anything but press. Darby corrects by occasionally holding, but he'll learn. Gilmore.. i don't know what he's doing some plays.. someone ought to tell him the field isn't 200 yards long. our Safeties and LBs often lose focus on what coverage is called, and the Safeties don't give help quick enough when our CBs give up inside position downfield. solution? limit their exposure by forcing QB mistakes
  9. i hear ya, but i'd settle for accountability at this point..
  10. maybe Rex should have added to his remark about making the playoffs, with "if the defense can execute my new system before we find ourselves eliminated" edit - look.. Ryan's never been a 'complete' football coach.. the delegation of offensive responsibilities to his staff leaves him with little to put his stamp on. so there's no way he wasn't going to change our D this season.. but like a lot of people, i'm surprised it's been such a steep learning curve. something tells me that if he emerged from a hot tub time machine and found himself replacing Ditka in '86 - he would have his father tweek that D to his liking.
  11. for me, playing tough and smart is a step forward, and anything less is a disappointment - regardless of where either lead
  12. has the bar really been set so low, that the idea of this team sniffing a wildcard spot - playing the way they are - excites you guys? this roster has talent and a professional coaching staff to prepare them. if they can't get their collective head out their collective ass in the second half, and dominate opponents - then i could care less about them stumbling their way into a post-season tourney. you play to make your mark. you compete to win. they may still have it in them to play tough disciplined ball - to becoming a team with a purpose. if we see that happen in the next 9 games - then let the chips fall where they may.
  13. he will get the ball out quick, if he can. front those slants and he can't. we have the talent to pressure everywhere.. use it
  14. overload the middle to force them to keep a back in to help on our 2 DTs and occasional A gap blitzes. force their OTs to engage our wide DE and LB in 1:1 matchup. this should force them to flex a 2nd TE to help out. play press cover on inside shoulder of wideouts to force outside release. use non-blitzing LB and DBs to take away inside slants. the idea is to get in Brady's face and don't let him climb the pocket when being flanked. bring pressure while taking away his short options. get to him early and often and give him no time to wait on mid to long routes. the key is taking away inside routes and making him throw to men running away from him.
  15. commercials were clearer than telecast.. but toward the end of the stream.. the screen went blank, and an old announcer's voice urged that "time is short.. take a spin".. ..and then this came on.. ghost in the machine?
  16. let's just hope Sammy doesn't pull a muscle getting down from his soapbox
  17. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/10/27/nfl-says-bills-headsets-were-wired-and-working-in-london/ yep, they were testing a new technology during our game, and the reason for it's failure has now become a 'he said/she said' argument between reported league and team sources. why does the league treat this franchise like a lab rat? Pegula better get this straightened out with Goodell before we have to use footballs shaped like shoeboxes against Miami.
  18. you all realize this is gonna get worse before it gets better, right?
  19. used a win10 machine hardwired to a Fios router, and watched on a 20" flat monitor. everything was very good to start - but the audio seemed a tad out of synch the stream degenerated from there. by the 4th qtr, i was using the minimum sized window that could display a resolution that comparable to the bounced european streams i usually watch
  20. i think a thorough analysis would include the inspection of any event that may have moved the needle - inspect the circumstances surrounding an injury, the anticipated performance level of the player lost to injury, the source of his replacement, the effectiveness of his replacement, the impact to productivity of the injured player's unit, the duration of that impact, etc. - are all parts of the season's anatomy. Unfortunately, in our case, they've already contributed quite a bit. i'm not sure how past moves would be weighted in the analysis. i suppose if the actions of anyone in the organization formed a net pattern of poor decision making, their responsibilities would be adjusted or terminated. in the specific case of our GM, his riskier decisions may be considered as high risk - high reward moves that in their worst case scenarios, could be absorbed by the team over a short time. but i don't have a clue how a paid consultant would evaluate them. personally, i think he's done a solid job overall. Pegula may believe that too - but that's exactly why an outside expert is needed - to expose all the unseen rewards and consequences his managers were responsible for.
  21. i suspect that Terry Pegula is as surprised as we are about his team's current status.. . but regardless of how it plays out, i think Pegula will hire an outside consultant to audit the season - basically rebuild all the decision making that took place from last season's end to this season's end. he'll report his findings to Pegula, who will act on his report.
  22. "is a dream a lie if it don't come true or is it something worse?" ~ Springsteen (the River)
  23. when i read posts like this, i'm reminded of images from an old movie - where a hopeful child watches from his orphanage window as shiny new cars carrying handsome young husbands and their beautiful young wives arrive, day after day, to the orphanage. as they appear, his little heart leaps - only to be broken as he watches them cheerfully depart with someone else. the OP reminds me of such a child. i in turn, am the cruel, sad man he's grown into. screw the Bills!
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