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Philly McButterpants

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Everything posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. Does any one here honestly not believe that the day after the Chosen One's inauguration that the MSM will "discover" that it is morning in America and everything is now sunshine and roses? How could the recession not be suspended at least temporarily? I say temporarily because once Big O's economic and tax policies take hold, Carter will have looked like a genius . . .
  2. Why is it that the absolute crappiest beers (i.e., Coors light and Bud light) seem to have the biggest ad budgets? I wouldn't drink either one short of having a gun to my head.
  3. Two thoughts on this one . . . 1) I ate food from this place once 2) I've been seeing this all over the web. Yahoo news, Breitbart, heck even Drudge has a link to this story. . . .
  4. That makes a lot of sense . . . I take a lot of heat for being a Republican, especially living in the Buff . .. That said, there's not a lot of difference between my centrist republican views and some of my friends centrist democrat views.
  5. Damn, got me . . . Lucy Pinder is the hottie in the avatar . . . Stupid, stupid, stupid
  6. Spot on iwth that. I'm tired of seeing our O-Line get out phyiscalled at the point of attack, and just plain out-hustled in pass protection . . .
  7. Gotta love this attitude . . . I'd rather give it to charity than give it to him.
  8. Rosie was the only one who could do the "giggle."
  9. Awesome . . thanks for posting. . Gave me goose bumps . . . "We're playin' some ball up here!"
  10. One of the links on the front page sez: OVERALL ANALYSIS The standings may say that the Bills are a first-place team and the Dolphins reside in last, but in terms of talent level, these two clubs are reasonably close. Buffalo has been more consistent in all phases because the Bills have been at it longer, whereas Miami is only six games into a rebuilding project that has yielded mixed results. But Jauron and company don't yet look like the kind of team that is going to go on the road and blow a lot of teams out, much less a division opponent that will be hungry to avoid a second straight home loss. Look for this one to be nip-and-tuck throughout, with Pennington providing the late-game magic that has been part of Edwards' makeup for most of the season. Sports Network Predicted Outcome: Dolphins 24, Bills 21 Really? I'll grant that the Phins have good running backs, but does any one in their right mind think that Miami's overal talent matches the Bills' at this point in time? I can't get too upset over this since Miami ALWAYS get postive press . . Not sure why . . .
  11. What could possibly go wrong with Democrats in control? You need only look at how WNY is flourishing as a result of 40 years of Democrat rule . . .
  12. Wow, and you accuse me of typewriter muscles? Thanks for making it to the ignore list, hotshot . . . As I used to say to studuents, act your age, not your IQ.
  13. Wow . . .you are so much better than me because the high school that you went to plays better football than the one my son goes to . . . I guess I'll go beat my wife and dog now, cuz I'm such a loser.
  14. Wierd, I had a thought just the other day that he hadn't turned up here is a while . . . Hmm . . .maybe I should be picking some lotto numbers.
  15. Eat. My. Shorts. Think about this for a moment. OP is Frontier's second biggest rival (behind cross-town Hamburg Central). I'm supposed to cheer for their rival? Puh-lease. That's like rooting for the Dolphins to win the Super Bowl because the Bills aren't in it . . . Call is sour grapes if you like, I call it good sense.
  16. We saw this one before. I believe the winner was: "Nice ass . . . get in the truck."
  17. Get over it . . .we already know that the "Kill Him" was made up by the reporter in Scranton. Oh, I forgot . . . you're on the left. Please proceed with telling a lie enough times that it becomes the truth.
  18. Well I'm glad to see that Rolling Stone, that bastion of impartial political reporting, has finally shed some light on this catastrophe
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