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Philly McButterpants

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Everything posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. I think every one will agree that McDoofus was, and still is a talented player. The problem is/was, the team had so many other holes at the time that drafting an RB, who had to sit for a year, while you had a 1400 yard rusher on the team, was a luxury that the team could not afford at the time.
  2. the same thing it will do over the next 2-4-6-8 with the Dems in charge . . .
  3. This is why I try, and I do try, to stay the hell away from this forum. There is no opportunity to engae in a dialogue. If someone says something you don't like, tear him down and insult his (or her) intellect, character, writing skills, whatever rather than dealing with the point. While I will admit that I used sarcasm to make my point, you didn't address, nor did you reply, to what I consider to be a valdi point, which is: What over the past 8 years have you, or any other democrat done, to demonstrate bi-partisanship? Cooperation with Republicans? reaching accross the aisle? Funny, now I hear an echo . . . .
  4. I was always PO'd at the way the fans treated Ruben Brown. I thought he was a very good lineman and deserved at least 7 of his 8 ProBowls. A$$hats like the "coach" on GR made him out to be a less than stellar performer. Same thing with Glenn Parker. A$$hat said he played like a "fat girl." so we ran him outta town and he went on to play a few more seasons with the Giants, and made the SB . . . As for Peters . . .Yeah, maybe he got in on rep this year, but who else is there at LT? Let's not run one of the very few one legit stars we have outta town cuz he made the ProBowl on an off year . . .
  5. And in other breaking news, pot calls kettle black!! Film at 11 . . . Funny how partisanship and being "divisive" only applies to republicans . . . the left gets to do whatever the f*ck it wants (including asinine BS like blaming 9-11 on Bush), but it's never partisan or divisive. Where's your "Sarah Palin is a c*nt" shirt? Framed and hanging on your wall as an expression of patriotism?
  6. Kid on Youtube . . .this one is kinda funny My Whole Family . . .
  7. Good God, that means we go winless next season!!??!!??
  8. Isn't Concord a little north of Charlotte? Big race track there? BTW, congrats! Nice to hear some good news in this area. . . .
  9. Irrespective of one's views on Bush and the war to liberate Iraq . . . I would like to see what would have happened to this Iraqi journalist if he had thrown his shoes at Saddam Hussein . . .
  10. It was refreshing to see our o-Line out-physical another team for once . . . Fat lot o'good it did us . . .
  11. It is astounding the level of incompetence that he brings to the QB position. He makes Drew Bledsoe's time in Buffalo look like Hall of Fame play . . .
  12. My reaction to this news was negative. While I do lean right, my objection has nothing to do with the fact that she is a Kennedy. My objection comes from the fact that she is a political novice who will be expected to represent a state in terrible financial shape to DC. She has no experience with anything related to NY that doesn't begin or end in Manhattan. Upstate needs more representation, not less. Chuck Schumer, while a die-hard liberal, is visible and present in upsate all the freakin' time. At least I know he's putting in a day's work for a day's pay as my rep in the senate.
  13. Jim Beam on the Rocks . . . or, if available a fine California Pinot Noir.
  14. Takes a while to load, but funny Beware the Doghouse
  15. I can remember many nights of blissful stupor at the Rockpile watching the Bisons while consuming $5.00 Molson's in a glass the size of my head . . . Inflation Sucks . . .
  16. Sorry to hear that, TR. Jobless in Buffalo is not a good place to be. What's next? Vegas? Biloxi?
  17. I had 4 months left with D-TV . . . I got out for $11/month . . . Not sure what the hike would be for 10+ months. . . Maybe Fez would know . . .
  18. First, I'm a sucker for Blondes . . . That said, I'm a big fan of all of the usual qualities sought out by the superficial male, but I really fall for a great smile and a nice laugh. Last, I like 'em a bit (just a bit) curvy. Who wants to screw a skeleton with boobs?
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