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Everything posted by Whitner20

  1. Seattle Seahawks for me.... according to that link. hahaa
  2. Totally agree with you there. Their fans deserve a title, Andy Reid deserves a title and they have a very nice group of unknown WRs who are making a name for themselfs this year. It's a great story with Garcia and all. So i'll watch most of the games without any personal interest, but if i had to pick one team to hope wins it all, i'd say Philly. But i just don't want the Patriots, Jets, Colts, Cowboys or Giants winning the SB.
  3. no, it's just stupid. I could be some book nerd and you could be some jacked jock, or you could be some dorky ass 45 year old... we just don't know and i could really careless, it just doesn't add to the discussion. I just want to talk football!
  4. First of all i doubt it since i was with a group of 5 big dudes, 2 of whom play college football, so i doubt you'd even say a word to us and second of all, it's not cool to talk tuff on a internet message board. I'm just saying, when the stadium stands for a big 3rd down, i do too.
  5. The stadium was rocking all game that day.... maybe you wern't there to know.
  6. So she tells me to sit down, but everyone around her is standing and people in front of me are standing and the defense is telling everyone to get up and be loud..... and yet i'm the a-hole to tell this lady off??? lol if you feel that way, more power to you.
  7. I voted for Adalius Thomas but i'd love to have Drew Bennett in Buffalo. He'd be the perfect player opposite Evans... Bennett or Jarrett in Buffalo next season would be amazing! But i voted for Thomas because i don't see Fletcher returning.
  8. Why? because i'm not a fat b@stard and i want to stand and cheer for my team instead of sitting and eat hot dogs during games? If i wanted to sit on my hands and stuff my face during a football game, i'd stay home. I've never broken anything at RWS, but all i am saying is, i've seen people smoke, break seats and stand... and security just gives them warnings, even a 2nd or a 3rd warning in the same game, so that is why i said i was shocked to hear people actually got arrested for it. Standing during play is a must. RWS ain't a church.
  9. Way too much talent for that team not to win. And with all of their off the field troubles, Marvin Lewis doesn't look like that great of a choice anymore. He had tons of talent and ruined each year. I can't imagine how his team would look without 5 stars on offense, and a pretty solid defense.
  10. wtf are these serious? I've seen all of these happen and noone gets in trouble, just a little talk with security. I've seen the same person smoke many times during the same game only for the security guard to tell him, two or even three times to put it out. I don't smoke myself but i can say i've seen MANY get away with it. Breaking cup holders happens all the time too, i mean, people even break SEATS! And the 24 year old, let me guess, the dude got up too many times and people kept telling him to sit down? At the tennessee game, i kept getting up and a lady (a good looking milf i must say) kept telling to sit down cuz she couldn't sit, i ignored her, but as more annoying as she got, and more drunken i got, i told her to eff her self.... but i'm in rochester too so oh well, if you think this is bad, stop at the penbrooke rest area (i think its penbrooke, with burger king)... lol always 3-4 state troopers there, always destroyed bathrooms and yelling and even fist fights while people wait in line for food.
  11. I just don't think theres anyone out there who is like a stud to must-have at RB. Kenny Irions? And Norwood was a 3rd round pick.
  12. I do agree with you on the playoff thing. I think BCS is cool though, you play for pride and it's all big schools and theres lots of money invloved. But the rest of the bowls are useless. And i think i only like BSC cuz it matches up a solid team vs. a solid team, which is what a 16 team playoff would do anyways so i totally agree with you. lol i just wanted to point out the bad comparison to the nfl... lol.
  13. No thanks. Dude has had 3 serious injuries in college. He is not durable enough for the NFL.
  14. Anyone think theres any possibilies of getting another mid-2nd round pick and selecting Micheal Bush? Or even this guy dropping to the 3rd round? Bush could sit and rehap, with no pressures since it's Willis' contract year, he will be running like crazy and when he leaves town, Bush will be ready to go.
  15. 1. Line 2. A protected Chad Pennington due to the #1. I expected the Jets to be even worse then us this season, so i definetly give them credit for what they've done. I still don't understand how Leon Washington is their best rusher and only has like 600 yards. lol
  16. My problem drafting a 1st round CB is what if Youboty becomes real good like many suggested? Youboty didn't play enough this year to warrent him starting time next season, which makes it real hard, but i've heard Youboty has lots of upsight and many people think highly of him. What would we do in 2 years when McGee, Youboty and our 1st rounder are ready to play? I think fixing the pass rush and the run is priority, getting a cheaper replacement for Nate and hoping Youboty develops nicly.
  17. Willis definetly has attitute problems. I think his problem is, unless he's playing for a winner, he is disinterested. I would call for his head, but welcome to the NFL in 2007 boys. When Losman and the defense started to make their late season push, you definetly saw a different Willis, he was running stronger, stopped dancing as much. He was a pressure to watch. No matter where he goes, if the team is bad, he'll be bored and unhappy, but if the team is playing, i can see this dude going for like 120 yards a game.
  18. Ok, you sounded good until this point. You come our clearly stateing that a WR is the last thing this team needs, which is totally false, but i'll go with it, but then you come and say we should select a RB..... umm I think we need to select a RB in this draft but in no way we can give a first round pick on a RB. We still have Willis MaGahee and i know you can be like well it's his last season next year but i'd take the risk unless there is someone who can can't pass up, and in this draft there is no RB's who you cant pass up on. Peterson and Lynch have their problems too. Imagine if Evans had a tall guy on the other side. Our redzone offense would go way up, there would be little pressure on him and i think he would have a Roy Williams type rookie year, 640-700 reciving yards with 7-8 touchdowns.
  19. Colts. Their defense isn't that good but Tomilson will run wild on them but it won't really take much to get Rivers off his game. And Rivers will lose the game for San Diego. High scoring game, but when it matters most, Rivers will be the goat.
  20. Not all game, but on the long 62 yard play he was and he burned Hall. There was a few times he burned Hall.
  21. No way. Jarrett is a special player. His breakaway speed from the time he grabs the ball in something else and his leaping is crazy. And three times he went in the middle to try to grab a airball, the guy plays with no fear. I always thought he'd be a great #2 in Buffalo, but idk, this dude might be a #1... imagine having 2 #1s.
  22. fox news shows first video of the event, all but the actual hanging. but fox news reports, iraqi tv did tape the entire hanging and will release the rest of the footage in a few hours!
  23. Obviously big news, but nothing earth shattering. We all knew this would happen. But i definetly can not wait til this hits the internet, im sure someone had a camera!
  24. OMG talk about sour grapes. God.... Mike Schoop doesn't OWN wgr. He works for a radio station. If his Sabres talk was so unpopular and if his BOSS kept recieving calls and letters saying they hate hockey talk and want more Bills talk, then BELIEVE ME, he'd talk BILLS! What a joke of a thread this is.
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