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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. Prisco Grades: Week 15 Another clown who "analyzes" games he clearly didn't watch.
  2. We do (have the TB over the Jags), but probably not for the reason that's been mentioned the most here. H2H only comes into play if there was a sweep of one team by all other teams in the tie, or an "oh-for" by a team against them all. So the H2H would only come into play if JAX and BUF end up tied after all other teams have been eliminated. JAX will have a weaker conf record than the Bills should they lose 1 of their last 2. I like the argument made above concerning why we may want JAX to BEAT the Pats. It comes down to which you think is more likely: The Bills beat a BMore team with nothing to play for and KC beats JAX at home, or The Bills beat a Ravens team that HAS something to play for. To me, that's a tough call.
  3. 1. Apply division tie breaker to eliminate all but the highest ranked club in each division prior to proceeding to step 2. The original seeding within a division upon application of the division tie breaker remains the same for all subsequent applications of the procedure that are necessary to identify the three Wild-Card participants. What you quoted only applies for a 2-team tie.
  4. Since the NFL uses the division tiebreakers to eliminate all but the top team in each division, the division tiebreaker process will ALWAYS be applied if we end up tied with the Jets. So I'm pretty sure that the Jets clinch the tiebreaker over us if they beat Miami (as their division record would be 4-2).
  5. No problem...Meant to put a happy little smiley face there. If you can't laugh at the Bills...Well, then it's gonna be a long season.
  6. It was a designed swing pass...I'm no Holcomb fan, but wait until it's actually his fault.
  7. Oh, it's pre-season for us nay-sayers too.
  8. And herein lies the problem. So many laws are made to "protect" certain classes from harm that the civil rights of all are trampled. The problem for white males is that none of these special protections apply to them, therefore they suffer the biggest net-loss in the whole mess. As for the false accusation debate, if the standard of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt", what is the problem with it being a crime to intentionally attempt to ruin someone's life with a lie? At the very least we're talking about slander in those cases, no?
  9. I think any charge, be it rape or the fabrication of rape, should be held to the same standard of proof. If I can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a women knowingly attempted to ruin my life with a false charge of rape, I would expect her to pay for it accordingly. This shouldn't scare any legitimate plaintiff, as it is clearly harder to prove that someone lied WITH malicious intent then it is to prove that the physical act of rape occured. Even if enacted, a law of this nature would have an almost insurmountable barrier of proof to meet, and would likely be reserved for only the clearest cases of wrong doing. I can't imagine how that would scare anyone.
  10. I'm not sure how "unintentional" what you describe is, but I certainly agree with you that many women are bullied into filing rape charges. The current state of the vocal feminist movement has nothing to do with equality, or even women's rights in many cases. It's just another special interest out for power and money. Feminism stopped being about real injustices 25 years ago, and now tends to champion the very injustices they fought against through the 60s and 70s...Just toward men instead of women. There 's some good websites out there that fight for men's (mostly father's) rights. Just try to steer clear of the misguided clowns (sadly, they're everywhere) that support things like the repeal of the 19th amendment and violence as solutions to the problem. Anyone interested can PM me if they'd like.
  11. I'll answer that...THEY DIDN'T SEE IT! There's no excuse for not seeing that play as an INT.
  12. Exactly...What "memo" is going to explain this joke?
  13. Either the rule is TERRIBLE, or that is the worst of all the bad calls today.
  14. First ballot HOFer, IMO. He has been amazing on and off the field as long as I can remember him being in the NFL. As much as I'm not a Steelers fan, I really respect the bus.
  15. Which is why I said that I WOULD have thought...Anyway, TD probably knew it, but figured he could sell more tickets with his "fun" picks. In the end, he might have been right about that, but it didn't save his job. TD = PT Barnum.
  16. Exactly...Those "skill" players are always limited by the abilities of those big fat guys on the lines. I would have thought every NFL GM would know this.
  17. This begs the question...Would you rather have had the Bills' season which, while terrible DURING the games, was at least humorous OFF the field, or the Colts' season followed by this incredible collapse? It will be tough for the Colt players to get over this, while perhaps the Bill players will flourish with the all new brass.
  18. Using Netscape, my browser can't even find sabresreport.com anymore. I do remember seeing something about the board going down though... Edit: IE seems to have no issues.
  19. Well, that's true. I suppose a good way to look it is how much a team can be hurt in either sport if its timeouts are misused.
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