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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. It's a division game, which will now have a more neutral crowd, and in different elements. Many fans make trips up to Buffalo just for the Miami game. We can talk about how the rivalry has cooled and all of that, but at the end of the day, we are being told by this move that nothing matters other than money...Nothing.
  2. Simms: "Reggie Wayne clearly tripped over himself." Umm, no. It was clear on the second replay that was shown that the knee of the Pat's DB bumps Wayne's legs into each other (which on the first replay, makes it appear as if Wayne trips entirely on his own). It's still isn't a penalty by the rules, but Simms shows his attention to detail as usual.
  3. I'm not saying the call on that play wasn't correct, but Wayne tripped over his own foot ONLY because the DB's knee knocks Wayne's legs into each other.
  4. Would love to move to the dish, ESPECIALLY now that it appears that Time Warner subscribers may actually lose the Fox Network in 2 days, but my apartment complex doesn't allow it. Good review, though.
  5. And guys, I found it too and either detox changed his password, or it limits the number of ppl logged in at once.
  6. From blogspot: Channel 14470 streamer left a message: "Computer died...sorry"
  7. ...and people that have to take care of the above. ...and people who have little money. ...and people who have families and responsibilities that preclude a several hundred dollar, 6+ hour per week investment. But kudos to you for not being in any of these categories. You've certainly "earned" the right to defend a defective rule by stomping on your fellow fans...Sorry, losers that root for the same team as you do. YOU paid, so YOU should make sure that no one but you sees any benefit from that. Of course, it shouldn't matter whether the rule sells tickets, is fair, or is the best thing for the league itself. All that matters is that we ALL should have (the ability) to pay like you. No room for freeloaders, the Bills bandwagon is for the elite only. After all, Buffalo IS a white-collar town.
  8. So all you babies and invalids out there...Look out!
  9. Yes, but then the makers of the movie "Major League" would sue the Bills for copyright infringement.
  10. I think we would want to play to our strengths, which would mean avoiding a coach that will take advantage of our weaknesses. Give me Baltimore (who we would have just beaten in their barn), San Diego (with Marty Chokenheimer as HC), or Indianapolis (who will again shoulder a ton of pressure to get to the big game). New England would be too much drama for a young team all hyped up. The Patriots would be unfazed, as usual.
  11. Perhaps, but the Dolphin's playoff hopes were a lot slimmer than ours are now when they were heading into the Pats game. They seem to be playing for redemption and next year, so the fact that the game is in Miami (and on Monday night) is a big factor IMO.
  12. I always thought that joke would have worked better if they had ever had Ralph use poor grammar prior to that line. My name is Steve and I'm a nit-picker...
  13. Agreed...Men love to say this type of thing until they lose their house and kids to someone who abuses the system (read: through no "fault" of their own).
  14. It's also on the road in a game that will very well mean something to the opponent. Maybe that will mean less pressure in terms of choking, but it will certainly mean more pressure in terms of Raven defenders bearing down on J.P.
  15. You're right...REAL Buffalo Bills fans eat their own.
  16. They are all welcome at my gruel tent.* * - (Limit 1 bowl per orphan.)
  17. Do your people root for the Bills because you like football or because you like belonging to something? Just curious.
  18. The NFL breaks divisional ties first, (grabbing the top team from each division,) before they move to the wild card tiebreakers. We would beat KC, but not Denver. However, since divisional tiebreakers are different, if KC and Denver tie, KC wins (divisional record), and thus, so do we.
  19. Just what we need...Another team that gets all the calls.
  20. Not to mention that Nate's play is related to how many games he has left before renegotiating by the inverse-square law...
  21. It doesn't mean anything, (other than the prevailing media covers CITIES and not TEAMS,) but if getting dominated while winning as the Titans did gets one a B, how does dominating a team and winning get one a B-?
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