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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. You're exactly right...And it is taught & handed down by people like you who keep racism alive through ridiculousness like this.
  2. Decaf, huh? I suppose that's to mean my post made me sound overly excitable or something. I'll try to tone it down. Also, I'm not sure what you believe the word "sarcasm" to mean, but your statement was a direct response to my asking for an example of an "illegal reason" that you suggested could exist for this incident to have occured, and as such I took it at face value. Sorry to have misunderstood...Whatever it is you were trying to say.
  3. I'm not sure I defended what the ref did, but I defended it not having been done on purpose in post #22. The bottom line is that there is no good reason why this official would have done this purposely. Any motive involving the official wanting to either injure the QB or cause his team to lose seems ridiculous considering the game situation, the obviousness of the event, and the effectiveness of such an action. It's awkward and strange and foolish-looking. Hell, there are times when my cats have caused me to walk right into my own walls! I assure you that if I was recorded for three hours every week I would end up looking a retarded monkey sooner rather than later.
  4. So you think the following is more likely to have happened than this all being accidental: 1) The ref is offered money to not only fix a game, but to injure an opposing team's QB. 2) He is ok with it morally. 3) He believes he can, without pads, a helmet, youth, or a weapon, actually injure the QB. 4) He decides to try to accomplish his mission without any subtlty, with a weak forearm to a helmetted QB's head. Sure, it's possible. Is it more likely than this being accidental? Is it even close?
  5. I'd love to hear the illegal reasons you could give.
  6. I feel the same, although I'll be voting Libertarian.
  7. Oh, c'mon. Doesn't everyone here love to be able to say the old "don't let the door hit you in the ass..." to someone on a daily basis? Jonathan was just helping people express the hatred that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  8. Eh...I think the ref was trying to position himself so he wouldn't get run into by number 99 who he can see peripherally to his left and is barrelling towards him. I think he felt as though they were closer than they were, so he keeps shuffling toward the QB until he realizes he is going to be in the way. He does a little twist with his body because he thinks he's about to be sandwiched. The elbow and the weight he puts into the QB is part of him bracing for the impact he thinks is coming from behind/left of him. Anyone that thinks this ref was on the take is not giving people who ARE on the take enough credit. I can think of a few more efficiant ways to accomplish a fix than by openly tackling a QB on an inoccuous looking scramble.
  9. I really liked this comment on page 2 (from the first link). This kind of hits home for me. I used to live in Poughkeepsie, NY and went to a bar every Sunday where almost every team had a loyal fanbase of some size. Before the Pats made their run to greatness, I knew a lot of Pats fans that could only be described as "classy." While I'm sure success has gone to many people's heads, I can't imagine too many of those guys becoming the jackasses that seem to represent the Pats fanbase today. Boston as a whole has just been overstimulated with success. I look forward to the day when the Pats are no longer a consistant headline team and the (true) fans I used to know become the flag bearers for that organization again.
  10. Sigh...Fine. TE will never have to throw for 350 and 3 to lead the Bills to a win. I think you're being a little too over-protective of the "no negativity" mantra this board has taken to. Look, I can't wait to see how good TE gets. I'm as giddy as anyone else here. Just don't kill a guy for wanting to see a little more from a guy before all the superlatives come out.
  11. And let's not forget, Anthony was arguing that some of the talk about TE being one of the best QBs in the league may be a bit premature when he hasn't been asked to win a game by throwing for 350 yards and 3 TDs. We're really good, but we have flaws, just like any other team.
  12. I'm going to jump in on Anthony's side, except I'll frame it differently. As good as we are, if we could improve on our success inside the opponents' 35 (extended red zone), this team could go a long way towards being a SB contender. Turning missed FGs/turnovers on downs into FGs, and turning FGs into TDs just once a game would give us significantly better shot in any game against any team.
  13. I'd make this rule dependent upon the reason they didn't want to play for Buffalo, but otherwise I'm ok with it.
  14. Michael's Sports Cafe on Route 9 in Fishkill.
  15. One thing we do know about Denver: They play exciting games.
  16. But we didn't, because bad teams lose games like that. That said, I agree that the Saints aren't a "bad" team. I meant "big underdog," but that wouldn't fit in the subtitle line.
  17. I did say "seemingly." I figured that I had to add that after last week. Seems as though the Broncos can't hold a lead.
  18. The look really, really good.
  19. I'm pretty sure one of them is the color guy from Major League.
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