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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. This act is already old as my nutsack. Nobody said he has no input, of course, merely that he isn't all alone in the war room making picks to his desire. I would tell you how bad the team was when this regime started, and how far they've come since then, but I'm sure its been explained to you before. Some people are only comfortable wallowing in pessimism.
  2. I hear ya. Just throwing it out there. In terms of depth, I think offensive line comes first, though. We may need a new linebacker, as Crowell may walk. We may need a safety, depending on whether Ko sinks or swims. A new backup quarterback, most likely. Maybe an upgrade at tight end...perhaps one or two positions unexpectedly need attention. After that, offensive line should be back in the limelight. We'll probably need three new reliable linemen: a quality center who can push Fowler, a quality guard who can push Butler, and a quality tackle who can backup both positions. I don't see ANY of those on this team now. I can't think of a unit thats even close to being as starved for reliable backups as this one. The guys brought in need to have game experience if they're free agents, and they need to be 4th-5th round or higher if they're draft picks. I can completely understand why it didn't happen this year, but next year they'll begin the offseason with a pretty solid roster, and they'll have some flexibility for the first time since the new regime took over. Linemen get hurt in this league, and unfortunately, we're not at all prepared for it. This is something that screams for attention.
  3. Was Cleveland screwed last year with a rookie protecting Anderson's blind side? Just playing :devil:s advocate. Your post is spot-on. There were other positions that needed to be addressed this year, but next year's offseason will be devoid of excuses...whether its free agency or the draft, we MUST bring in some depth/competition on the O-line.
  4. Right...but the talent level of a Brad Butler or a Melvin Fowler or a Langston Walker can nearly be matched by a backup, so that there isn't much drop in performance in the case of an injury. Unfortunately, on this team, that isn't the case. Its definitely a concern.
  5. I've always found Denney to be a better pass rusher.
  6. Yes. He's getting more than 80 million a year. I don't know why I read through your drivel, sometimes.
  7. I'm a huge Whitner fan (considering dropping some cash for a jersey, actually), but I can't begin to understand the argument that he's an elite NFL safety. You can't just be solid, you need to be seen making an IMPACT on a game to be classed up there. He doesn't really need to be an "elite" safety to be a good pick and a great player, though, so who cares. Oh well, he's not Ed Reed...
  8. Guys like Ross Tucker, Mike Gandy, Marcus Price, Terrence Pennington, etc. Need that o-line depth. Is Dusty Zeigler still around?
  9. Really good points from both of you. I'm on the Freddy Jackson bandwagon. The split in carries should be about 65-35, keeping Lynch fresh and letting him do what he does best, keeping his legs churning, and pounding away on the defense. Freddy has alot to offer this offense if we're willing to give him a shot. He's quick, and he runs with a chip on his shoulder. We shouldn't be afraid to acknowledge there might be two good backs on this team. Whoever said Spencer Johnson, thats another good one. Getting 3.5 sacks playing behind two of the best in the league at his position is impressive, and he should see more snaps here. It would be great to have a good penetrating DT, as something tells me Stroud will be great against the run, but may not be the pass rusher he once was. There's room for an explosive pass rushing tackle.
  10. Seriously, I'm a big fan of the WR screen, and Roscoe is PERFECT for it. I hope Turk finds a way to make it work. Roscoe can do some damage on that play if you set it up right.
  11. You should've said the Mets leant him their batting gloves to pick up trash, figuring they didn't need them anymore. But your attempt was kinda cute, I guess.
  12. Honestly, when is the last time a true fullback went in the 2nd round? As someone has pointed out recently (maybe it was in this thread for all I can remember) there just isn't a premium on one-dimensional lead blockers in today's game. I wouldn't be schocked to see a couple good ones pop up here or there that went undrafted.
  13. I thought I remembered Schonert actually coming out and saying we were going to use a true fullback this year?
  14. The X-Men series and Batman Begins were also pretty good, I thought. Nice to hear a good review of this one. Thanks.
  15. Yeah, thats exactly what I said. This is a bit of a silly argument, so I'm done with it. We've both stated our case and there's nothing left to say. The idea is to get the ball to everyone. Both quarterbacks did a fine job of that.
  16. You're too kind, Tip. You flatter me. Its certainly nothing compared to your latest thread...I've just never read or heard or seen anything like that. Every Bills fan should read this!
  17. Amazing! Regarding that last paragraph, my father could say the same about me...the Bills are much more than a distant group of rich athletes, they're another member of our family. Its something thats been passed down through the family, and this team will always be important to me. Its amazing the way the team can link generations together. I can't imagine a championship meaning as much to any group of fans as it will to my fellow Bills fans. We've held this team so close, and endured more than most along the way. Its hard to say what it will be like when it happens. Remarkable post, Tip. Thank you. EDIT: Is there any way we could get this pinned? This would be the perfect representation of our board, and the more Bills fans who read the honesty and passion found in this post, the better.
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