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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. That is the great thing about rbs, some of them, if they are talented enough can usually jump into an NFL system & hit the ground running. This aspect is honestly why there is no trade value in Rbs anymore. That & they usually have a short shelf life. Let Willis play out his last year & no matter how well he does bid farewell when the season is over. Now there is exceptions to every rule(LT & Larry Johnson come to mind). If he does have an unreal year, the bills could franchise him. The bills are in a no loose situation here as long as they dont panick like they did with Clements.
  2. If you went to the games, or watched the games closely or even looked at the stat sheet you wouldnt have to ask this question. Spikes was brutal this year.
  3. It was dispicable. Typical Billy Boy. Another thing, it would of been interesting to see if Belijerk would of even shook Mangini's hand if the pats lost. I would of bet a steak dinner he wouldnt. The guy is a sore looser, I guess winning 3 super bowls in 4 years will do that to you.
  4. The problem with pennington is he is severely limited in what he can do due to arm strength. Whenever he has to fit a tight ball in, he cant do it. He is very smart & he does make the most of his talents & knows how to manage a game. He will never win a big game with the jets though.
  5. Their not going to have to take a personal financial bath. If the daughter had any decensy she would be willing to give a local buyer a hometown discount. Say someone in LA is going to give 750 mill, sell it to a local buyer for 500 mill assuming their is even a local buyer willing to do this. When your talking this dollar amount, call me naive but I really dont see how an extra $250M will create one more ounce of happiness in wilson's family lives. & spare me the financial business bs, Im an investment banker, so Im well aware of the importance of making money. Maybe it is because Im a die hard bills fan, but I think this case is unique. The whole collective psyche of WNY hinges on what happens. & no I dont think Im being overdramatic.
  6. You should put some money on the games to make them more interesting.
  7. It is interesting, perhaps drafting a running back that year was not the problem. Drafting the wrong one was. Larry Johnson went 2 picks later. No sane person could honestly say they would rather have willis then LJ.
  8. Weis said within three years he will be the third best qb in the league. That is good enough for me. I would love to have him on the bills. With that said, Im pretty happy with losman right now.
  9. Losman has 2 year left on his deal & evans has 3. Willis is a free agen after next year.
  10. It is not unbelievable. The schedule is predetermined every year. The NFL has no say into what teams play each other.
  11. What do you think this is monopoly money we are playing with??? In order to do everything you said, Wilson would have to shoot out about 30-35 mill just for signing bonuses. People need to realize that if we do by some slim chance resign Clements, that is probably it for us in free agency. That is why Im kinda against resigning him. I do like your draft, highly unlikely all those guys will still be around at the picks they were given. That would be great if they were though.
  12. I go to the bills games but I also got the NFL ticket. When I get home @ 4:30 often times I have found myself watching the 49ers games because of gore. The guy is a beast. He reminds me of a bigger faster version of travis henry.
  13. I lived in Denver for 2 years right out of college. Very wierd weather. They get alot of their snow in Late fall/early spring. One day it will be 20 degrees & snow & the next day it will be in the upper 60/low 70s. Not at all uncommon to be in the middle of feb there & have the temps hit 70. Also, not uncommon to be as cold as high teens/low 20s in april & october. One last thing, Denver gets more sunny days per year then anywhere in the state of florida. As for Buffalo, I have been back for 9 years now, noone can convince me that our weather is not totally blown out of porportion. It is not that bad. It seems like nowadays also that when it does snow it will melt within a few days. It is going to be around 50 here all weekend. In fact Im going out GOLFING tomorrow at Terry Hills.
  14. This is a great point. In fact I will go as far as to say NC will command more money then Freeney. If everybody here is willing to throw 50 mill to sign Clements, why not take that money & throw it at Freeney. You get Freeney & Schobel coming off the ends with a slight upgrade at dt & I dont care who you have playing CB.
  15. Yeah Iam married. The wife always complains about sports on tv. That is why I said. My poor attempt at trying to be funny.
  16. Why is it less of a hassle then a Dish? I switched 2 years ago & have not regretted it since. If you love sports it is the only way to go. & why would your wife be against it???? Price is comparable. Grow a set of balls you fuggin p*ssy.
  17. For what it is worth, my friend's dad is one of the assistant equipment managers with the bills. He has been with the team for 4 years now. He has told me on more then one occasion how it is night & day with Levy running the show compared to TD. He said when TD was running the show, the whole organization was on pins & needles, his word was the law, that TD would walk into the room & the room would immediately go silent. He said with Levy it is much better. Levy is concerned with trying to make every aspect of the organization a better place, getting insight from guys like Modrak all the way down to the janitors on how to make the organization a more efficiently run place. I think TDs downfall in the end was that he was too power hungry. It ended up costing him his job.
  18. I read not this draft but next years class is going to have 4 or 5 RBs worthy of 1st rnd consideration. I say run Willis into the ground next year, let him walk via free agency & draft your rb in the 2008 draft.
  19. Jauron is a retread that made Mangini look like a 2nd class jv coach 3 weeks ago. I like what they have done to their line(I love Mangold), but I dont think they are farther ahead of us because I feel we have our QB set next year, they dont. They are very limited in what they can do with Pennington & if they fall behind by more then 7pts their done. As far as Ralph not doling out signing bonuses, I think I read somewhere that the bills were like 5th or 6th in the league last year in giving out signing bonuses. So lets just see how the offseason plays out before we jump off that bridge.
  20. I was watching the jets game last night thinking the same thing. Kinda takes the sting out of the loss. You know even though the jets are a Raiders victory from clinching a playoff I really think the bills are ahead of them going into 2007. We got our qb, watching Pennington a few times this year, I dont know how the jets win with him. He was hanging out his receivers all night last night. My thought on the jets are that after they get destroyed by NE, Balt or indy in the 1st round of the playoffs, Man Boobs is going to realize he isnt going to win anything with pennington(if he doesnt realize it already) & turn the reigns over to Clements. The jets will experience what we went thru in 2005. Hopefully the coaching staff botches this up as much as meathead did with us.
  21. Actually, it is not going to be that cold. I think the high is supposed to be in the 40s. That is not bad for this time of year in Buffalo.
  22. What was the reason for the empty seats the last 3 home games prior to this one?
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