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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I have to agree. Lamont Jordan was the last backup rb that was supposed to be unreal. They are backups for a reason, granted he is backing up probably the best rb to ever play the game.
  2. I still think cuse should be a 7 or 8 seed. Harris had a nice game however someone should teach him how to shoot. Guy is a great athlete though.
  3. I watched some psu games this year. Hunt would be a nice 2nd rnd pick.
  4. You mean the "polish prince", the tiny tot of the kilowatt. Isnt he dead?
  5. I dont think so. Im pretty confident they could draft Lynch @ 12 & he would be the opening day starter & the results would be pretty good. If Lynch is there @ 12 which I think he will be you grab him. I watch alot of Pac 10 football, believe me when I tell you he is that good.
  6. What exactly has he done for you to claim that he is a top 10 caliber back?
  7. I could care less if he trains at the U, has 3 kids, says he wishes the team moves to Toronto, doesnt want to live in blo, etc... My contention is the guy is not that good. If you get a 2nd for him, draft Lynch with your #12 pick & package a deal to get back into the 1st round & hopefully Willis is still there. That is my dream anyways.
  8. Your missing the point. If you think that is the only reason Marv has his heart set on getting rid of WM your nuts. The guy is an average back. Everybody has got to change their mind set of WM being a top 5 back. He just isnt. The guy did not even break 1,000 yards this year, was stopped constantly on 3 & short & hardly had any tds. If Marv could get a 2nd round pick from him I will take that. Anything less we let WM play out his contract. As far as henry, I blame TD for alot of things, trading henry is not one of them. The guy had serious baggage which none of us knew at the time. I dont even blame td for drafting a rb that year, he just drafted the wrong one. LJ would look really nice in a bills uniform right about now.
  9. Actually, clements couldnt cover him either. Moss lit him up 2 yrs ago even when he had a bad groin.
  10. Put $200 on Niagara last night. They were getting a point. Watched the whole game, very entertaining. Iam a college basketball junkie but I have to admit I have not really followed the little three or the big four or whatever the hell they are calling themselves nowadays(I graduated from Canisius). I watched the Gmason/VCU game @ 7 & the Niagara game at 9. Both very entertaining games. I love watching the mid major tourneys knowing that the teams that loose are probably not going to make the dance. I think Niagara will probably end up being a 15 seed. They will give some team a good game for about a half.
  11. Pac 10 does have some dogs in it(last yr Washington/Stanford) however UCLA, USC, Oregon & Cal were all pretty good this year.
  12. Your an idiot, & you are clearly no bills fan. For the last 10 years people have been complaining the bills neglect the oline. Well they finally bring in a blue chip lineman in Dockery(& that is exactly what he is) & young up & comer like Walker & you still have to complain. Try to get this thru your thick skull, we have been losing with Clements & Fletcher for the last 5 yrs, time to change it up & go in a different direction. Fletcher is on the wrong side of 30 & Clements is not a top 5 CB & some would argue he is not a top 10 CB. He will never live up to the contract he just signed.
  13. Hockey playoffs are definately exciting, no argument here.
  14. My bad, bc is definately going. It is going to be a shame seeing a team like Old Dominion or Hofstra left out.
  15. I think from the big east you will see Pitt, Gtown, Marquette, Louisville, Notre Dame, Villanova & Syracuse. From the ACC I think NC, Duke, Maryland, V Tech, Virginia & with their win over UNC yesterday G Tech. From the Pac 10 you will see UCLA, WSU, Arizona, Stanford, Oregon & probably USC. From the Big 10 you will see OSU, Wisky, Illinois, MSU & Indiana (I dont think purdue or michigan will get in) From the SEC you will see Florida, Vandy, Tenn, Kentucky & Alabama(as long as they dont get knocked out of 1st rnd of the tourney) From the Big 12 you will see Kansas, Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, So from the BCS conferences I think you will see 33 - 35 teams, given the fact that there are 33 automatic bids it should leave about 8-12 at large bids for the middle majors. Im pretty sure BYU, Airforce & UNLV are in from the mountain west. So that leaves 5-7 at larges. With all the strong mid majors this year, you better believe someone is going to get the shaft with that few of at larges left.
  16. Good, he could rot their just like Jonas Jennings.
  17. Funny you mentioned that. I have friend that after college moved to Cincy, said he had a real tough time following the sabres due to lack of coverage. Moved back here last year, the guy is like a fan possessed when it comes to the sabres. He has season tickets with us for the bills & has 2 seasons tickets for the sabres. Usually takes his wife, once in awhile will take one of the guys. It seems like he loves the sabres 10xs more then the bills. Ah, it is probably because they are winning.
  18. Did you happen to catch the Texas/Texas A&M Bball game last night on the deuce? There is not a hockey game in the world played in the last 20 years that could compete with that game last night for pure entertainment & excitement.
  19. Im not saying by the bills winning the super bowl it would change the plight of the city. All Im saying is it is tough to get in to the NHL during the regular season given the fact that when their main tv contract is with OLN & sports center gives the nhl the last 5 seconds for highlights behind NFL, NBA, MLB, College Bball/Fball, Nascar, poker, golf, lady's bball & lacrosse. I would much rather get into college bball & march madness & wait for the playoffs in April then watch a regular season NHL game on a nightly basis. For my money the 1st weekend of the NCAA Tournament is the best sporting event of the year. Just my preference I guess.
  20. Im a huge bills fan & a moderate sabres fan, meaning I watch 1 out of every 3 games & will get really into them once the playoffs start. The one aspect about the sabres & the NHL in general that makes it hard for me to become a die hard like Iam with the bills is that noone really cares about hockey outside a select few cities in this country. Argue all you want but if the bills win, it puts buffalo on the map throughout the country, if the sabres win, 80% of the country probably doesnt even know who won the cup last year. As far as those 2 idiots on 55, they dont like football. They even admit it. How they got this job is beyond me considering this is a football driven town.
  21. A little bit more???? Try tripling that figure to resign clements. As far as the contract goes, that is price of doing business in the NFL. Kelsay is just coming into his own. Kapmann got a similar contract after he had 5.5 sacks. Last year he got 15. I dont think Green bay is regretting that decision.
  22. I think you are going to regret it also. People never cease to amaze me on here. They complain we dont spend money & then when we do to retain a young de who is just coming into his own people complain about that. So what, we may have overpaid for him, that is what it took to keep him off the market. Barring major injury, the bills will challenge for a playoff spot & not just the last spot for the wildcard, Im talking taking a run at the pats this year. I said it all along, the bills find a good young qb to build a team around & everything else is going to fall into place. I think based on the last 1/2 of the year, we got that guy in Losman. As far as cash to the cap. The bills are basically saying we are going to spend 30-35 mill on new guaranteed contracts this year. Doesnt sound like they are being cheap to me at all. It is going to be a fun ride this year. To bad you decided you dont want to come along for it.
  23. I excercised some stock options this year & they tax the sh-- out of them, something like 42%. They took it right off the top.
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