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Everything posted by mannc

  1. Disagree. If Wilson waits until after the draft, teams will make other plans and he could find himself out in the cold. Pittsburgh is perfect for him…pretty solid team around him, he’ll get to compete for the starting gig, and they are unlikely to draft a QB early. Please explain how he could have done better…no team is handing him a starting job.
  2. I forgot about Goff…definitely better than Baker. So is Cousins
  3. I think there is at least a 20% chance they trade the pick and stick with Fields.
  4. Yeah, that Rapp contract is a bit of a puzzler…he wasn’t even a starter last year. Maybe they just really want to have some continuity… Maybe they aren’t drafting Williams😎
  5. Off the top of my head, I'd rather have Stafford, Purdy, Love, Prescott, Murray and maybe Hurts. But Baker is probably the best QB in that sinkhole known as the NFC South, at least for now...
  6. I didn't read the details, but $50 million guaranteed suggests more than a one-year commitment.
  7. Jones could make a lot of money and have a nice life as an NFL backup for the next 10 years. Seems like a role he is made for...
  8. I'd say it puts them firmly in QB purgatory...they are committed to a guy who's at best a top 12-14 QB in the league. Maybe good enough to win the woeful NFC South, but that's the limit.
  9. That’s a typo…Chop weighs 254…Maybin sized
  10. I don't agree with the bold part--I think the preferential treatment is explicit and obvious--but I agree that the league has done a good job of threading the needle, both legally and from a PR standpoint.
  11. Government agencies like the EEOC could challenge it without having to worry about standing, but that is highly unlikely, for a number of reasons.
  12. The bold is why I believe the policy has never been legally challenged. Who would actually have legal standing to challenge it? Not an easy hurdle to overcome, but the policy is discriminatory on its face.
  13. The bolded is simply not true. The policy is discriminatory on its face: Black coaches are given preferential treatment on the basis of their race...Teams that hire and develop them get rewarded if someone else hires them and that's not the case with white coaches. People just assume that in a league where more than 50% of the players are Black, at least 50% of the coaches and executives should also be Black, but that is a flawed premise. There is no known correlation between success as a player and success as a head coach or GM. If you look around the league, only about 1/3 of head coaches and a few GMs are former NFL players. Most of the best coaches in the league right now have no NFL playing experience. Why should the percentage of Black coaches (and especially GMs) be expected to greatly exceed the percentage of Black people in the general population?
  14. There are literally over 20 starting safeties on the FA market…it’s a buyers’ market for sure.
  15. That’s way more than the Bills would be willing to pay for a safety. They should be able to land a solid starter for $3 or $4 million/year.
  16. The draft and the salary cap are entirely legal because they are the result of collective bargaining with the players' union. You are correct, however, that they would otherwise be illegal and could not have been unilaterally imposed by the league. On the other hand, the awarding of incentives for the hiring of minority coaches is, to my knowledge, not part of the CBA, and at any rate, a union and an employer cannot collectively bargain to allow discrimination on the basis of race.
  17. That's debatable. Kincaid is really more of a WR...I'd say they are 1A and 1B.
  18. Everyone assumes KC is going to go after a WR with their first round pick (either at 32 or in a trade up), but their recent drafts have slanted heavily toward defense and it wouldn't surprise me to see them again use their first pick on a defensive player or an offensive tackle. They have their own plan...
  19. That's the thing...the NFL doesn't actually award comp picks for hiring minority coaches...they are awarded for having your minority coaches hired away from you. It makes absolutely no sense, but awarding teams picks for actually hiring minority coaches would be so flagrantly illegal, not even the NFL could get away with it. It's a complete joke.
  20. It's a hard position to learn in the NFL. Plenty of TEs have had their best seasons in their late 20s and early 30s. Knox is 27 and he's a starting caliber TE. If we cut him, we'd need to develop or sign another TE. Dalton Schultz is a comparable player and Houston just signed him for 3 years and $36 million, about what Knox is getting...
  21. Knox is still young and TEs often take a long time to develop. It's entirely possible that his best days are ahead of him. Although it's not a great contract, I don't see much downside in extending him.
  22. Marino is far and away the best Bills podcaster. Really puts in the work and his show just keeps getting better. Indispensable.
  23. It is overt and explicit discrimination on the basis of race…always illegal. The way they have structured the rule would make it a bit more difficult to bring a successful case, but I don’t think there is any way that program would withstand legal scrutiny.
  24. I’m actually surprised no one has sued over that rule. It is blatantly illegal. I’m guessing no one wants to rock the boat…would be career suicide.
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