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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. The way this is going, the final score may be 3-0.
  2. TJ & Butler would definitely give Josh some weapons on offense. I like it if we can fix the line in free agency.
  3. This is all part of the Belichick mystique. Where are the great coaches from his tree? As great as Belichick is, he wouldn’t have the status without Brady. There’s only one TB in the world. I’m not saying the Belichick isn’t a great coach. He is. But Brady is winning the games by making the reads and the plays.
  4. They are going tank mode for the 2020 QB draft.
  5. You can dream 1 year. Realistically it probably will take 2 years if all goes according to plan, without major changes to staff & plan. We will be relying on young players to fill holes and they take time to develop.
  6. Bs ref call. That should be a catch. The automatic ref call in New England is to protect the cheatriots.
  7. Another delay/TO br the bolts. They look like the old Bills - can’t decide what to do.
  8. Looks like they played the whole half with just 10 on the field.
  9. When you play Brady, you have to beat him and the refs. Ain’t gonna happen today.
  10. Luck’s passes seem like they are in slow motion. He has no zip left.
  11. Nothing wrong with the Packers. But I do think they should have had more Super Bowl appearances than they have had with Rogers. Like the Bills, they are a small market, very cold weather team that has not given in to the corporate demand for domes. I like that.
  12. Gotta be Dallas first, then Giants. I don’t care about the Redskins.
  13. I just hope his head doesn’t get too full of himself. Keep it team first man.
  14. Looks like he can play above the rim. Maybe he has had an attitude adjustment playing in the CFL. If not, he’ll be a training camp cut with nothing lost. He’ll get his shot at the big time.
  15. Wow, Jackson really does look like a quicker version of Tyrod. I don’t see what all the positive press is about.
  16. In all my years of watching football, I have never seen a kid turn his career around like Foster did. Thats an amazing story and inspiration for next years rookies who may get sent to the practice squad. I think it also shows just how much offensive success requires receivers and qb being “on the same page mentally” and that takes time and practice. I hope he and Allen have much success in the future.
  17. Metcalf, N’Keal Harry and Hakeem Butler are all big fast talented receivers. I will bet that we end up with one of them. At this point, I’m not sure who I would prefer but they all look great. I just hope we don’t get the diva. If I had to guess, I’d say we get Butler in the second round.
  18. That’s some great info you dredged up in the stats. I have never seen a receiver turn his game around like Foster has. He didn’t do much in Alabama. He couldn’t catch anything in preseason. Now he is leading the league in these stats. Amazing stuff. Also a reflection on Dabol and the development of Allen.
  19. Before the draft, after watching a lot of college film, I was hoping we would end up with Darnold first or Allen second. I didn’t like Rosen’s attitude and felt he was injury prone like Bradford. I also didn’t think Mayfield’s game would translate to the nfl. When I saw Allen in college, his arm was obviously a big difference between him and every other prospect. You also see his mobility and the ability to make plays that you just can’t teach. He also showed great balance being very nimble in escaping pass rushers. The big unknown with him was would any of this translate well to the nfl where he would be playing against elite athletes, instead of the mountain west. In college, he seemed like a kid with super human athletic ability who was trying to figure out how to make it all work. That canon of an arm needed to be tamed and trained and he didn’t have the coaching the other prospects had. Another thing in the back of my mind was that Allen had the same college coach as Carson Wentz. One from North Dakota, the other from Wyoming. Both schools are unknowns in the world of power college football. We knew Wentz was successful, but I mean, what are the odds of both of these guys being capable nfl starting QBs? Throw in the years of mental abuse I have suffered being a Bills fan, and I had plenty of doubt mixed with my fans hope, before the season began. Well, we now know that a whole lot of Allen’s game works in the nfl. He has shown athletic ability that is off the charts. His arm is getting tamed and trained. Mentally, he has everything you want and none of the stuff you don’t want. We have seen the worst he is going to play. Things will only improve with more talent and experience from here on forward. I can say that I now have a full on bromance with him, unlike any other Bills QB we have had. I know I will be watching his highlight videos over and over in the off season, just to get me through to training camp. Until then, can’t wait till next season.
  20. I have noticed the same thing. It seems to be automatic 1st down in those situations. That’s what 6’4” with a horse of a body and big hands can get you. I’ve seen Brady do that for years to sustain drives. I’m glad we have one of our own who can do it.
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