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Posts posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. First off, this is not a referendum on my charitable giving.  I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of anyone who might call this a Christian country while espousing a decidedly un-Christian mindset and social policy.  If this is not you, certainly don't self-apply it.


    But the idea behind most social programs, misguided or not, is that ultimately, it's for the good of society.  Because people don't just fade into the distance when they're poor.  They beg, borrow and steal.  And as much as you'd like for the problems to go away they are somehow going to be governmentally supported until they can earn a fair wage for a job, whether that's through prison, through social programs that I'll agree are inadequate and don't solve all the problems, through educational funding to perhaps better themselves.  You can't execute people for being poor so there has to be another solution, unless you're one of the statistics masters on this board.


    At what point do you cease to simply cede to the market and realize that paying people below poverty level wages while recording record profits borders on exploitation?  If the market eliminated your job you might feel differently.  I feel that  there is a cost of doing business in this country, always has been, and part of that cost is a living wage for full-time workers.  Otherwise the buck will be passed to someone -- usually the taxpayer.




    I am not a religious person, and don't find this topic to be about religion. I know many non-religious people who I would consider very caring and compassionate, and some religious people who are not. I am also an Economics major, so I place more value on the laws of supply and demand than a made up number such as the poverty level.


    There is an article in todays Rochester paper on Medicaid fraud. NY State has paid at least $3.6 million in Medicaid payments for dead people. It sums up the incompetence of the people running these welfare programs.


    If the market eliminated my job, I would have the skills and education to find a new job. It may be tough for a while, but that is what many years of hard work and fiscal responsibility prepare you for.


    As I said before, there are certain people that need and deserve the Government handouts, but the majority of the people collecting these handouts do not fall into this catagory.

  2. If Wal Mart doesn't support its employees, though, it's likely the government will with your money through tax dollars.  This means food stamps, health care, etc. etc. etc. at an almost certainly less efficient cost than could be provided through Wal Mart.


    Think about it.


    And unless you want people to die or just be completely put on the squeeze, there has to be a solution.  It's certainly not indicative of a very Christian nation to say to these people, "you made bad choices, therefore you must suffer for the rest of your life."  You know, forgiveness, all that stuff.




    I am against most welfare programs. They often times fail to help the people that they were set up to assist. If someone simply refuses to work (2 jobs if necessary), I see nothing wrong with letting them starve while providing food and shelter to their children only. If you are incapable of supporting yourself, that is when public assistance should step in. I realize that there will always be people taking advantage of the system. I see many people in the stores purchase food with their food stamps and tobacco and beer with their own money.


    It is not fair to force a company to provide higher wages and more benefits than the market demands simply because it makes a large profit. It is not Walmart's job to provide welfare programs.


    We all "suffer" to some degree for the choices we make in life. I should not have to pay for someone elses poor decisions. If you feel the need to help them, by all means be "christian" and give money to a charity.

  3. I now have a reason to dislike Obama. He has teamed up with some of the anti-Walmart groups. I can't stand all the crying about Walmart paying low wages and poor benefits. Nobody has ever been forced to work for them. Most people who work there appreciate their job. Let's try to destroy one of the biggest employers in the country because they are a big bad business! I can almost remember when it was a good thing when a business succeeded and produced great profits. If you are working an entry level job at Walmart and you are not a kid or retiree, you most likely made some bad choices in life. I don't know too many people who worked hard in school, went to college or work after high school and again worked hard, and ended up making minimum wage for a retailer as an adult!



  4. So what?  It doesn't hurt anyone....they don't want to say it, then they don't want to say it.


    Regardless of what you or I think about it, who are we to tell a Community College Student Government how to start their meetings?




    I wonder if they receive any Federal $. Perhaps they could make a real statement by declining any state or Federal aid?

  5. They sent him everywhere during the campaigns, and more people came out to see him than the candidates he was stumping for.  His charisma and cult of personality are through the roof, and to tell you the truth, the fact that he doesn't have a long political rap sheet is a bonus, rather than a detriment.




    But does anyone know what he has done or plans to do? I understand he has a good personality. I have even heard the incredibly demeaning "he speaks so well for a black man" quote more than a few times.


    Perhaps the lack of political history would help him, but it would also put a big target on him once the real debating starts. It would certainly make things interesting. I have to admit, I don't dislike him as much as the other Democrat possibilities, so maybe there is something to the "put a charismatic newcomer in the mix" strategy.

  6. Hillary is waaaaaaay too divisive a figure to ever be considered for the Presidency. Just the mention of her name illicits strong, and usually negative, responses from the wing nuts. In addition not many know that she is really disliked by the hardcore Left in this state, not only for her pro Iraq war vote but for her ability to use and abuse issues cosmetically for her political gain. Look for a Howard Dean type collapse in '08 from her.

    Obama would be a natural save for one fact....he's a negro. Very articulate, somewhat moderate and a dazzling smile don't make up for the fact that there still exists states like Tennessee and other spots of unenlightenment that wouldn't vote for him even if he were running against the Mighty Macaca.

    I like Feingold and would vote for him in a primary.




    I can already hear the outcry the first time somebody questions Obama. Everyone who opposes him will be labled a racist. The only thing I ever hear about him is that he speaks well and has a good personality. Has he done anything of substance in his political career? I'm not putting him down, I really don't know much about him.

  7. but doesnt tell ya HD or not :-).  I usually wait till DTV sends me weekly email, so far EVER Bills Game this year has been HD but early listing on DTV doesnt show it listed so could be first week without HD




    I thought the Detroit game was not in HD?

  8. but doesnt tell ya HD or not :-).  I usually wait till DTV sends me weekly email, so far EVER Bills Game this year has been HD but early listing on DTV doesnt show it listed so could be first week without HD




    It has the * for the games in HD. I have an antenna, so I would imagine if the game is broadcast in HD it wouldn't matter what DTV broadcasts. I don't get locals in HD with DTV yet.

  9. Things are just fine here in NYC and in the capital district.  I have no part in electing inept Erie County and Buffalo leadership.  That area has done itself in in large part, and has done little to attract new industries and forms of commerce.




    I'm in Ontario county in a town that is rapidly expanding compared to most others in the state.


    I can't wait to see how businesses respond to the election of one of the biggest crusaders against "evil corporations". At least we don't have to worry about Spitzer going after labor groups that may affect his votes. He sure was quiet when it came time to punish the transit workers for striking and breaking a very straightforward law. Could it be that they were union workers and they get special treatment?

  10. Unfortunately the most-funded competitor he had was supremely unqualified.


    I voted against Hevesi, went Green.  Fact is, until the third parties are putting forth enough effort and have some of the money they need to catch fire in these races, it'll be crooks vs. incompetents.  I also disliked Cuomo and didn't vote for him.  He's a d-bag for sure.  He not only tanked a whole third party in the last gubernatorial election, but he is very unqualified as you say and has a bad record in some of his past positions.  He certainly is a giant step down from Spitzer.


    However, to pin it all on downstate is ludicrous.  And where do you live that things are so awesome?  Last I checked NY and SF are perpetual hotbeds of innovation and commerce.  Eff off.




    If you don't realize that upstate NY is much more conservative than downstate, perhaps you aren't as innovative as you think. Things aren't awesome in any part of NY, mainly due to the fact that we have to live with the decisions of downstate voters.

  11. NY voted to keep the Comptroler who is under investigation for using taxpayer $ to taxi his wife around for years! He was told this was illegal years ago and continued to do it anyway. To top it off, NY elected an attorney general who isn't even an attorney (his dadddy was a politician though so he must be able to do it...see the Hillary/Bill rule). Downstate NY is truly the most retarded place in this country next to San Fran.


    What's next, a Coroner who is a necrophiliac?

  12. I brought a friend from NYC downtown to 'Thursday in the Square' in Buffalo.  I'm not sure there was one black person there.  He pointed it out, I didn't really notice.  But once he said something, I looked around and was like, "Holy schit you're right."  Maybe R.E.M. was playing or something, I don't remember.


    I'll have to pay attention at the next Bills home game, because I honestly don't notice.  Off the top of my head it does seem predominantly white.  However, no more so than the Bills game in Tampa last year.


    At the risk of making vast generalizations, it does often seem that 90% of the ticket scalpers are black.  I would say the "Tickets for Sale" guy standing next to the "I Need Tickets" guy on 20A (near the 219) are my favorites.




    We always slow down and yell "look behind you!" to the guy with the I need tickets sign. That one never seems to get old.

  13. I'm a die hard Republican, but a little girl on TV last night told me that Republicans want her to get diabetes and die...I guess I have to vote Dem to save her life!


    On a side note, they should really call diabetes livabetes and it would not be so daunting.

  14. Thats so much harder said than done.


    1. Thousands of people park in people's yards when going to a Bills game


    2. Security for 70,000 + peolpe is insanely hard. Even if you have 1,000 cops (which is INSANELY high ... I think it would probably be more around 100-200 cops/game) that would still only be 1 cop for every 71 people.




    Or EASIER said than done.

  15. Thats great news maybe hes out for the rest of the season,and well have a running back that plays with some passion in A Train.Now if Losman could get hurt in the first quarter next week we would be in great shape for the remainder of the season.I slug down,1 to go




    Campaigning hard for tard of the week huh?

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