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Everything posted by Shoto

  1. Years of loosing we now have a lower approval rating than the US Congress. The Bill are just as dysfunctional as Congress, as a lifelong Bills fan (1963) this season has sucked the life out of me. I am tired of not having a team to cheer for in December. There is NO HONOR for 12 years of loosing. Russ Brandon should be fired his product (Bills) stink, with no hope of getting better. I am tired of eternal optimism, I want results I want to cheer for a winner. The longer the season goes on the worst our team performs and that is a direct reflection of the leadership and coaching, every team has injuries, quality teams have players waiting for the opportunity to play in the NFL. We just make excuses....just like congress....show me quality leadership and quality players.
  2. Russ Brandon should go as well, his product (The Bills) stink, to put it mildly. It is hard to market quality when the product is broken. As a life long Bills fan (1963) we desire and should demand better. There is no glory for loosing this long.
  3. Sorry, but it's all about the TV market, thats were the money is.
  4. Anybody see the Miami game it was less full, I aggree with your assessment.
  5. Shave it for the sake of a total Make Over..it's what the team needs a TOTAL MAKE-OVER
  6. I wouldn't pay Stevie yet. He still needs to prove he is a #1 receiver, he can not get seperation on a 3 yard out for a first down. Stevie should shut up and let his numbers do the talking. OBW his numbers are not that good.
  7. I just throw up!!! Oh wait thats during and after the game....thats the affect the Bills have on me.
  8. The kid will need theraphy if she keeps rooting for the Vikings. She needs to be more stable like Bills Fans...............................................
  9. McKelvin is a total bust......anyone off the waiver wire could do just as good. Edwards needs to go not much there cannot make the necessary adjustments.
  10. 1959 he paid $25,000 for the team and they called him a fool. 2011 the Bills worth $800 million, they call he cheap. I think he is a Genius!!!!
  11. Colin is nothing more than a shock jock of sports radio after 10 minutes his voices sounds like my wife...wawawawawawawa...wawawawawaawaawa
  12. Why does Buffalo keep getting kicked in the face....did anyone see the half empty Paul Brown Statium in Cincinnati? The Ralph has never been that empty.....Iknow I know TV dollars, what BS.
  13. I can't get passed the dropped punt that cost us the Monday Night game
  14. I place my own name on it...Shoto Tim #42. It's the only constant name that won't get traded with for cap reasons....although sometimes I get very mad at myself but thats a different discussion.
  15. The A Team was Van Miller and John Murphy
  16. Why are we talking about Trent Edwards.....get over it.
  17. Get there early, and stand by the tunnel near the practise field, all the players go through the tunnel to can entery, if you have a VIP pass you can go to the tunnel, most players are very accomodating, and most sign after practice, I think you will get his notice with the college jersey. Good Luck
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