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Everything posted by Shoto

  1. Horrible trade on the Bills behalf, the Baltimore blogs are praising Ozzie, I wish I could say the same for our GM.
  2. Lee Evans for a late round 4th pick, horible trade. The Baltimore blogs love this trade and are praising Ozzie for this deal, I wish I could say the same for our GM.
  3. 4th rounder is a total waste we could of gotten that next year, bad trade Buddy.
  4. Anything less than a 3 rounder would be a total waste, we have Lee under contract for the next 2 years, a second or third rounder would be good.
  5. ESPN Mike & Mike will feature the Bills on Friday morning 8/12/11, should be interesting.
  6. Cool picture, however I say no to a dome....I may be sick but I love winter games outside.
  7. I live in Va Beach, I was planning on bringing several of my friends who are Redskins fans to the game at the Ralph. To show them how to really tailgate. Once I learned the game was going to Toronto, I cancelled all the plans. I have been to the Rogers center for several Baseball games. I do not believe it has the atmosphere as the Ralph. My two cents. I need your input. A bunch of my friends who are Redskins fans want to check out the Toronto game on 10/30. Anyone ever been to one of these? Any tips/advice? I'm angry they chose this game for the series. I was hoping to come to Buffalo!!
  8. With the 3rd pick of the NFL draft the Buffalo Bills pick a Hockey player to lure Toronto fans to the Roger Center. aey
  9. With the 3rd pick of the 2011 draft the Buffalo Bills choose “A New Mascot” Buffalo Billy's production has suffered over the last few year………..Before you start hating, this makes as much sense as the Maybin pick or any of the last five 1st rounders draft picks.
  10. Amen!!! quote name='offsides#76FredSmerlas' timestamp='1295403479' post='2090189'] I'm so tired of people like yourself saying Ralph is cheap. Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith were drafted and he paid them because they performed. The reason it looks like he doesn't pay free agents is because no free agent wants to come here. Free agents want to join winners or teams that are in warm weathered cities and not worn down pit holes like Buffalo. I spent 27 years in Buffalo and it doesn't have much to offer other than great people. The bottom line is the Bills drafted well in the 80's and because we had a good nucleus of players "thank you Polian/Butler" other players who were free agents wanted to play here. Bryce Paup, James Loften, and guys like Sam Adams wanted to come to Buffalo because they knew we had a team that could compete. Ralph Wilson will pay guys to come here but you can't force them to come when you are not winning. Also, as far as coaching goes: there were many years when Ralph went after the top coordinator such as Mike Mularkey and Greg williams. Is it his fault they couldn't get the job done? He also had guys like Wade Phillips and Chuck Knox who were coaches who had previous success. By the way this year he tried and went after all the big names, Gruden, Cowher, Shanahan, etc... Insiders were saying RW would have spent the bank to get one of them but guess what "they didn't want to come to a team with no talent". THE CURE------>start drafting better and Ralph will pay for all the missing pieces.
  11. I'd say it has worked pretty good for him, he invested $25 K for $650 million, not bad. All while establishing a loyal fan base. I like an engaged owner. Long Live Ralph....Go Bills
  12. If it keeps the Bills in Buffalo...Yesss Does anyone really want Galisano to own the Bills?
  13. Anything to keep the Bills in town "A 25-year-old Washington, D.C., investment banker whose family roots run deeply through Buffalo soil has an interesting idea -- a financial plan he thinks could help keep the Bills here over the long term. Under Stevens Brady's plan, fans would loan money to the next owner of the Buffalo Bills by purchasing low-interest bonds -- called Bills Bonds -- that would reduce a new owner's often-choking interest payments..............."
  14. There will as many Steeler's fans as Bills fans.
  15. Biggest mistake Ralph ever made was letting Bill Polian walk. The room wasn't big enough for both egos and Ralph took it on chin from the day Polian walked and years after.
  16. I totally disagree with your point. The players have a responsibility to the game and winning or getting better every week should be the number one priority. As a fan this is what I expected. I do not have sympathy for under achieving millionaires. As a fan I expect more and if the team or the players cannot meet my expectations I will check out. I will not root for another team I simply do not care as much about football as when we are winning. Fair weather, no, just a realist, and yes I remember the 1970’s. Sports is entertainment. I focus on different entertainment needs, Go Sabers! The Bills have not been very entertaining for several years. I will never feel sorry for a player’s feelings. In Public Safety and the Military do you honestly think people care about their feelings. NO they do not. However, they are expected to do their job to the best of their ability get it right when their life is on the line. This is much more important than Professional Sports.
  17. It is not a rebuiding year. It is a Tearing Down year. Before you rebuild you must have a solid foundation. The 2010 BILLS clearly Do Not have a good foundation. Yes we are that bad. Once we have a core group then we can rebuild. 2011 will be a rebuilding year, 2010 year will need a complete demolition.
  18. I believe the entire Front Office of the Bills should be terminated, everyone! Trent went from starting to unemployment in 2 weeks. This makes as much sense as firing your offensive coordinator the week before the start of the season. Maybe if the front office cannot judge talent they should be fired! After all we haven't had a playoff appearance this century. Does anyone BILLIEVE in this front Office? Fix the problems at the top and the rest will follow. The reality is our team has been in decline for the past 10 years and Russ Brandon does not have a football mind. The people of Buffalo desire better. Shout
  19. Die Hard you can always come back.....Farve made come backs fashionable...Thank you for your input and I agree The Bills are on the right track and they will be better than most people think. quote name='DIE HARD 1967' timestamp='1283349985' post='1951428'] This is not a knock against the board, actually its the opposite.....wonderful place to hang out. I am going to tell you a little secret but this will change your attitude about your threads and comments! Are you ready? I played for the Buffalo Bills 1967-1972. I read your comments and I now understand the fans better. Just a little warning here! The players do frequent the message boards, and they do care what you write and yes I personally know 1 former player that posts here!!! Yep, it is true! If you investigate, you could easily figure it out! I did ! I PMed the guy and we now chat from time to time! So why leave the board now? No player or former player is interested reading garbage about why a player should be waived or why he is overpaid.These are proud, proud former star college football players. The career is short, the physical burden is high and the players are just people. We all have emotions and nobody enjoys bashing! The Buffalo fans are the best but by far the most frustrated. I will stop by from time to time and read some topics but my responding days are over. Oh, and my prediction for 2010? Some of you place to much importance in high skill players. The "team" will determine the final outcome. Buffalo is better then most of you think and a playoff birth is not impossible! I thought about placing my real name here, but most likely someone will say I sucked or I was just a good solid player. Either way I will not be happy because football was my LIFE and still is! So I ask the question and this is a good one..... IF YOU WERE A FORMER PLAYER,WOULD YOU PLACE YOUR REAL NAME ON THIS BOARD? If you think about it very carefully, the answer is no way! Some will call this thread a hoax but that should be expected from fans in today's world! Everything is a hoax and everybody is a fraud, not always true guys! Some people are honest and until proven otherwise, learn to trust people! Good luck on your threads, the season, and GO BILLS!!! -DIEHARD 1967
  20. Maybe they were just busting Berman's chops. He is a huge Bills fan. It has been painfull but Super Bowl Champs in 2011 you heard it here first
  21. MY Last Clap at Camp I needed a shot to cure it!! The Bills are very concerned about clap at camp.
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