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Everything posted by BoondckCL

  1. You may be right about a few things. But most of the people who bring up topics like this think that all of the people in the first round are going to be hall of famers. I agree that you can formulate an opinion, but there is no certainty behind those opinions so therefore it is just empty reterect. It is not a personal attack of any kind, it is just that i think it is a little pre mature for this.
  2. I don't mean to offend, seeing as we both were anti that guy comparing this draft to Sept. 11th, but i think Ko Simpson is not that good, and i think the only reason that he has lasted this long is because there is something wrong with him. We already have our safeties and i think that we need to focus on the o-line and a pass rushing DE.
  3. I wanted Bunkley, i'm not afraid to say it. But now that i have done a little more research on Whitner I think he will have the potential to make an impact this year. I agree with you that those people who are not willing to get behind these rookies should go cheer for someone else. We are Bills fans dammit! Although negative, we can always find some positives worth accentuating on. I mean hell, a year ago we all thought that Donahoe was great.
  4. The thing is, is i think that Angelo Crowell stepped up last year and i think we are set at linebacker. Would it be nice to have a pass rusher to come off the edge on third downs? Yeah it would. But i think there are more pressing needs like a DE or a tall WR or TE possibly for redzone pushes.
  5. This is a stupid topic. I'm sorry, it is. The fact of the matter is that year in and year out there are certain teams that have "great drafts" on the first day. But really there is no way to tell how anybody did. The only thing you guys are going off of are names, potential, and reputation. NO HARD FACTS. Wait three years, and then ask this question.
  6. The fact of the matter is that i hope this kid works out and i am cheering for him all the way. Maybe it is just because i am in such a desperate state of mind that you could feed me dog sh*t and i would think it was steak. But i think if Marv thinks this kid will work out, more power to him and Whitner as well. Is he going to be good or not? I don't know, i am neither a judge nor jury. Nor am i father time, as that is the only thing that will purely be able to tell the truth about all of our draft picks.
  7. Why do we even watch ESPN? They are complete morons. They don't know anything about the draft beyond Matt Leinart, Vince Young, and Reggie Bush. The rest of their answers for the whole draft were along the lines of "he has the potential", ""impact player that this team is looking for", "he just wins football games and he is a natural leader", and "He has the type of presence that can change a team". I don't know why we take it to heart everytime ESPN says something moronic and just further prove their ignorance when it comes to completely comprehending football.
  8. I think the Texans or someone else will take Jean-Giles before the Bills get to pick. I also think that if we were to get a defensive end, we would have gotten Tapp, only because he can take D'Brick to the house as he has done before. I think we are looking at the Center from Minnesota, Fred Matua the OG from USC, or a pass rushing DE. I would also like to see a tackle but i think it will be a guy that is not thought of very highly.
  9. Agreed. He looks very athletic, and by having the defensive backs to cover receivers for extended periods of time, that allows the linemen to get pressure and sack opposing qb's. If the opposing QB is impatient, a lot of picks could be seen in Buffalo this year. Marv is just trying to compose a power house defense.
  10. No offensive players picked yet. The guy that i really wanted with this pick that was taken before we picked was Tapp. Guy took it to the house against D'Brick in the senior bowl. Since he was gone, i wanted either Pope or Jean-Giles, but since we didn't get them, Marv better pray that the defense dominates within the next two years.
  11. Am i one of these people who made themself out to be an ass?
  12. Watson will be there in the late third or early fourth. He is this years Antajj Hawthorne.
  13. I think if he were there in the fifth, then you might consider taking him. He is the fastest path to the quarterback and can't move a midget when it comes to run blocking.
  14. I think Pope would be a great acquisition for the Bills because we need a tall large target for the redzone. Marv and the rest of the front office pretty much know who everybody is going to pick and i think if they don't think that Pope is going to last and they wanted him, the Bills would trade up and get him.
  15. If you saw the FSU game against Miami you would know that he is going to be a bust, it isn't rocket science. No offense, but it isn't. Bunkley and company sacked Kyle Wright for a record amount of times and i just remember a couple of those sacks coming from off tackle on his side.
  16. May i ask a question, why the hell are all of the top draft picks dressed like pimps in that segment with a runway during commercial breaks? Seriously, Matt Leinart looks like Keanu Reeves from the Matrix, D'Brickishaw Ferguson looks like the Notorious B.I.G. and Vince Young looks like he should be on a corner in Bronx backhanding women.
  17. The more important question besides how much money Leinart lost is how much were the Bills screwed by him not coming out last year? The logic being, if Leinart had come out last year, he could not have fallen so much this year, which means that with Cutler being the only quarterback available at the time Buffalo picked, how much higher would the demand have been for a team like Denver to draft Cutler? In other words because of the availability of grade A prospects at the quarterback position at that point in the draft, who thought that they could trade up for less with another team besides the Bills, and still get their hands on a quality QB prospect? Had Leinart come out last year, Buffalo would have been more than likely able to trade down and still get the guys that they wanted, and keep the picks that they traded for McCargo, and trade the picks they would have acquired through trade with a team like the Broncos, Eagles, or Rams.
  18. Good view, i think if Spencer is there the Bills will take him because he reminds me of someone like Ruben Brown. Based on this first first round pick, i think it is obvious that Marv tries to draft guys that are similar to guys that he had success with in the past.
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