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Everything posted by BoondckCL

  1. to absolutely struggle this year. Not because he is not capable, but because we are rebuilding. I think Losman is going to be the victim of a rebuilding team and will have to be protected from the rabid fans that will be calling for his head after this season. The offensive line is the biggest question mark on the team seeing as we have no idea what we acquired this year in Gibson, Reyes, and the draft picks. Losman is going to have a hard time this year, so i think it is just about that time to publicly state it so that it doesn't come as a shock later on in the year. Even if we are rebuilding and we go 6-10 next year, people will still be pissed off and Losman will be gone because some people are too impatient. I cannot think of one quarterback who completely developed in Buffalo because we are worse than Red Sox Nation when it comes to waiting for a championship.
  2. I think it is simple as to why we are paying Josh Reed. He has crude pictures of both Modrak and Levy on Brett Favre's ranch spending time with some goats.
  3. A couple of questions to be asked with this current development from "deep inside Buc land". Hmm... Mike Williams, what have you gotten yourself into? First you get cut from the Jets and now your in the dog house in Tampa? Do you fit in the dog house? Why does your name sound so fimiliar? Will he be a Buc on opening day? Hey Seattle's left tackle Jonas Jennings got hurt again, anybody hear about that? Wouldn't that be wierd if the Jags traded Mike Williams to the Bucs, and Dan lost a dollar?
  4. I was more speaking in terms of nobody really knows what he brings to the table so therefore we should not pass judgement (Although it is what we do best). He must bring something or Levy wouldn't have brought him in.
  5. I'll join in this CPR for this thread for the time being.
  6. "THE red sock", you sure it isn't something that goes between your legs once a month? I say this because this is without a doubt one of the dumbest replies i have ever seen. Why do you think that McGahee is not skating on thin ice? Oh wait i forgot his production was so great last year. McGahee is turning into a mediocre player, he couldn't break a run for a long gain if the opposing defense was not on the field. He is not showing up for mini camps, which is possibly the dumbest thing you can do when there is a new regime in town. The Levy era has no commitment to McGahee, and his contract demands, his assinine statements, and his sub par play are not going to keep him on this roster past this year if he doesn't pull his head out of his ass. Lee Evans has not proved himself as a #1 receiver yet. Peerless Price thought he had proved himself as a #1 receiver after his last season in Buffalo when he was playing opposite Eric Moulds. The fact of the matter is, no matter how much you think that Evans is a number one receiver, he has not taken on the double teams that he is sure to get with Moulds' absence. Because he caught a couple of passes when Moulds was getting double teamed does not mean that he is a #1 receiver. He still has the chance of ending up a Peerless Price, so don't count your chickens yet you ignorant jack@$$. With the Nance thing and jumping on the bandwagon, i wouldn't say practice squad is jumping on the bandwagon. I like the idea of having a WR that is over 6'2" on the team who is there if we encounter any problems in the red zone, as we did last year. I am still baffled by your reply to my comment about Euhus. Did you think Lonnie Johnson was good or something? I was simply saying that he will be on the team if Brad Cieslak is not all he is cracked up to be. And what makes you so confident that he isn't going to be on the roster? Is it your sources from deep within OBD? Because you are almost as arrogant and simple minded as SOPRANO. You don't know what Gibson brings to the table. He is a mountain of a man who will be on the roster, and i'm sorry to break the news to you, but the Bills line was not that good last year, thus making the competition wide open for starting offensive linemen. So it is not out of the question that Gibson could start by NE. IF he gets over his weight problem, i could see him starting over Gandy. I'm sorry if you wanna keep all of the crappy players that were on the roster last year, but they aren't going to win us anything. Not this year, not next year, NEVER. If you want to follow a team with a guy like Ryan Nuefield, than you could probably follow Canadian Football, cause i'm willing to bet that he is playing for the Rough Riders or the Argonauts. This is a team that needs new blood and one that needs to break up Donahoe's "Friends of the program" club. Keeping some guys that he brought in are not going to do anything for us.
  7. Just in case some of you guys forgot, last year the Bills asked Duke Preston to practice his long snapping abilities. This could be a place where we save a roster spot, thus allowing us to keep another WR, CB, or DT. My predictions and reasons for the outcome of some of the players. Depth as well. QB-3 Losman: Will start in NE Holcumb: Back up to step in if Losman can't handle it Nall: Holcumb's replacement next year RB-4 McGahee: Skating on thin ice!!!!!! Gates: Going to be a good solid player. Looks like Kenny Davis to me. Anthony Thomas: A-Train may need to be greased or something Williams: Scat back. STRICTLY scat back. FB-1 Shelton or Goldsberry:Only factor here is age TE-3 Everett: Hoping that he is the first coming of a TE to Buffalo Royal: Just signed, not gonna cut. Strictly 1st down + goal line. Euhus: LONNIE JOHNSON potential (Will end up working at the gas station across the street with Sheldon Jackson) WR-6: Once again this year, one of the hardest positions to trim fat. Evans: Hoping he can step up and make transition to #1 Davis: Injury prone potential, but a solid player Price: If his head emerges from his arce and he shows up Reed: Don't know why, Marv must think he sees something. Parrish: Strictly a PR, maybe some slot work Aiken: Special Teams, beats out Wilson and 'Fred' Smith Nance: Practice Squad, might be brought up if trouble in red zone OT- 4 Peters: Great size and hands down our best. Jerman: Solid backup last year. Will make the team this year Pennington: Lucky enough to be drafted by Bills in '06 (McNally must have asked for him) May start. Gibson or Gandy: Depending on Gibson's weight. OG-5 Villarial: Will be gone next year with inflated salary, needs production to return in '07 Reyes: Temporary clay filling, not the concrete we are looking for. Back up in '07. Preston: Can play both guard + center. Lots of upside. (Could start by end of season) Merz: Anyone surprised considering the only real option is Anderson? Geisinger: Depth pick C-1 Fowler: Once again, clay filling for now. May see Duke Preston slide in to start by the end of the year. DE-3 Schobel: DUH Kelsay: Needs to prove it this year, but will be on 53 man roster. Denney: Improved at the end last year. On the bubble though. *Will sign a guy with good potential to PS DT-4 McCargo: Will start in NE. He is Rocky Bernard. Triplett: Just signed from the Colts #1 defense, not a chance he gets cut. Anderson: Third year player, jury is still out. Sape: Fan favorite. Good player for depth and Cover 2. Williams: Practice Squad. OLB-6 Spikes: Possibly the best defensive player Crowell: Improved a lot last year. Besides McGee, may be best player drafted from rd. 3 on. Posey: Insurance Policy incase Fletch gets hurt and Crowell has to move over. Good in coverage as well on TE. Haggan: Solid back up. Special Teams Stamer: Special teams GOD. Ellison: Makes 53 man roster. May see Practice Squad during season. MLB-1 Fletcher: Anchor of defense. Only one because Crowell can play both. CB-5 Clements: Shut down corner from '01-'04. Hopefully we see the old guy again. McGee: Of course he's our number 2. Youboty: Nickel back this year, get experience. Starter in '07 filling vacancy left by Nate. King: I think you will see him improve a lot this year. (BOLD PREDICTION) Greer: Had his moments last year. If he does not show drastic improvement, gone in '07. S-4 Vincent: Still one of the veterans on the team. In his last two years. Whitner: Will start in NE Simpson: Going to be Vincent's under study for this year. May step up next year depending on Vincent's salary. Baker: Will still beat out Bowen because this guy hits so hard it will make your nose bleed. P-1 Moorman: BOLD PREDICTION K-1 Lindell: Unless Dan Giancola comes back. HAHAHA LS-1 Mike Schneck: May be cut if Duke Preston's LS has improved. If so a Free Agent acquisition may be likely. Just some thoughts on the subject matter. I am unsure if it is so hard to make cuts because we have a decent defense or if the whole team sucks. Oh well, that's what i have.
  8. I also have to admit that i am feeling more comfortable with these picks as time passes since draft day. I think that on draft day it was the idea of fixing the offensive line quickly that got a lot of people upset initially since it is a high priority. Not to mention the #8 selection of Donte Whitner. I think it helps that Brian "the Brian" Billick confirmed that he was going to pick Whitner with the #13 pick. With the passing of time in between the draft and now i have gotten more comfortable with the concept that Marv is building a team and not just looking for a quick fix to the problems like Donahoe so desperately tried to do. Instead of drafting o-linemen that may not work out, he is establishing the strong hold on defense and will worry about the offense next year. I also think this is a great topic seeing as not to often do you see someone retract statements previously made. I think that the people who have not come around yet, will come around by training camp and if they haven't come around by then, they have probably never had any hope for any Bills squad for any year. Our selections on defense were the smart move to make for this year, and i think Marv's realization of that only proves that he will probably do a very good job as GM. I was kind of skeptical about this draft at first but now looking at the talent and potential that we have on defense maybe we could skyrocket to be one of the best teams in the league in two years on account of this draft.
  9. If you want to reverse what i was saying about McGahee not helping out Losman to Losman not helping McGahee, than it would just negate the whole argument to the offensive line again, and i don't think that Steve McNair would really help at Left Guard. Which therefore points to the fact that Losman is not the problem and we do not need a washed up quarterback who is slower than Keyshawn Johnson.
  10. I heard Antione Winfield wants to be traded from Green Bay back to the New York Jets.
  11. The best part about this whole mock draft is that by next year's draft half of those guys won't be top ten picks. It happens year in and year out. Rod Wright was supposed to be a first round pick after last years draft and at the beginning of this year and he fell into the second day i think. Just goes to show how ignorant and stupid these sports writers are.
  12. By sleeping with a women who has slept with 10 million men!
  13. I couldn't agree more with the cheesedick comment. I agree with you on this, but not the McNair topic.
  14. But if you really do want to look at stats, i guess we could if you want an "informed post" and some logic. In 2005 Steve McNair started 14 games, during which his touchdown to interception ratio was 16-11. Now lets look at Losman, only started 8 games this season and went up against some pretty stiff competition when he was playing. Losman had a TD-Int. ratio of 8-8. Not the best stuff but it was his first year starting, without an o-line, in a new system, and with Willis McGahee having almost no production to help him out. I'm sorry, if you have been in a system for 11 years like Steve McNair, you should have a better understanding of what your goals are as an offense. But i guess that is pretty hard to do when you aren't at the practice facility because you are pulling your weekly injury schtick, cause you don't want to go to practice. One of the main things about McNair is that he can make a play with his feet if necessary. McNair is now 33 years old, and as you get older, you get slower. So it helps prove that 50% of Steve McNair's game is going to be gone. In Decemeber games in TENNESSEE, McNair in 4 games had a td-int ratio of 2-2 in 2005. That is in warm weather, not in Buffalo. Losman went 4-4 in td-int, and he played 2 games in December. So i'm sorry if you called me out and i made you look ridiculous. I actually agreed with a few of your threads over the weekend, but you view point on this subject matter is completely ridiculous and it shows that you did not look at the stats that matter in order to have success in Buffalo.
  15. I would say that McNair is more like one of the most over rated QB's. There is no way that the year that he was "co-MVP" he tied Peyton Manning in any way shape or form. I think it is just the NFL trying to make atleast one all star on every team so that they have someone to market in every town. McNair is a joke, he was on the team that screwed the Bills in 1999 that prevented us from winning a superbowl, and he's injured everyday. He is the only QB i know who gets injured every year, gets praised for being such a warrior, and then some how gets elected to the Pro Bowl.
  16. McNair went out there and gave himself up. HAHAHA
  17. Nice referrence to Notorious BIG.
  18. You wouldn't happen to have any links that some of the negative people on this site could view, would ya? Because these people are willing to comment on everything and everybody, but everybody knows that they do not know much about what they are talking about. I will admit right now, i do not know much about this years draft picks due to the fact that i was mainly focussing on things like d-line and o-linemen. So it will help me as well
  19. Why don't we try to look into why Marv and Co. made these picks. Instead of sitting here complaining about the picks, why don't we try to get a better understanding of where the Bills are trying to improve so that we can B word if we don't improve by the end of next year.
  20. Alright, well when you put it like that, i guess its alright to play along every once and a while. Although they are still going to suck drastically again next year, i would say that San Francisco had a fairly good draft when you consider that they picked up Davis to help out Alex Smith and they also got Manny Lawson, who could end up being a leader on that team later on down the road. The team that on paper had the best draft though that put themselves in a position to really be effective next year is Arizona with the drafting of Leinart, Lutui, and Pope. Although they didn't address the defense at all, i still think it was a good draft, but the neglect for the defense will end up being their achilies heal. How was that? HAHA
  21. I read that earlier and i think that McCargo will probably start on opening day. The thing about McCargo is that he draws double teams and opens things up for the players around him (i.e. Mario Williams and Manny Lawson)
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