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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. Wow, truely unbelievable. I come on here with a positive story of a person with a positive atitude and look what happens. I guess I simply expected too much. Apparantly, this forum is more prone to hate speech and persoanl attacks then I ever imagined. A sad day indeed. Just look how many posters on here have leveled personal attacks, and made jokes and worse. I ask why.......why is it that there is so much mean behavior here? Truely a sorry state of affairs. However, I am optimistic that good will always prevail. I am sure that there is goodness in all of the posters here, even those who seem to enjoy the mean attacks that they have laid at my feet. I will not give up hope that they will somehow, someday see the error of their way, and at some point begin to spread kindness hope within the pages of these threads. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this thread. It is only thru your involvement that we can make a true and fair evaluation. Please keep up the good works that you are doing.
  2. So much hate, and so little understanding. Hmmm, I am simply trying to portray a positive upbeat message, and this is how I get treated. As for me, I am accepting of people from all walks of life. If you are filled with hate and anger, I only hope that you will soon find some level of happiness. Always remember.....Don't be a hater.....Love the Creator
  3. I like Walmart, the greeters are always friendly, and I get a good feeling there.
  4. A fantastic story of how attitude matters This is such an uplifting story. I think that we can all agree with that. Please lets try and stay positive here. I challenge all of my fellow TBD friends to post at least one uplifting and life changing story every day. I think that this will help to show us that we are not as different as we may think. Life is short, stay happy and try not to have any conflict. Peace out.
  5. Well the only agenda I have is make the world a better place to live. I say we should all work hard to eliminate any form of debate or disagreement in our lives. I will work hard to make this dream of mine a reality. Hate is a terrible thing, it uses up so much energy.
  6. Who is out there worshiping spongebob? Is this a problem that is widespread? For hat matter who proclaimed a cartoon an icon? This all seems so unresolved. I know what Jesus would do, he would ask us all to be understanding of eachother and accept that as individuals we are all different. This should be celebrated. And as always......Don't be a hater....Love the Creator.
  7. I guess that AD does not like people being nice and kind. What a shame...
  8. I like the way back machine. Cartoons make me happy.
  9. Wow, two days in a row, I woke up to a spectacular sunrise again today. This is truely a wonderful world that we live in. However, I am often saddened to see some of the not so happy news that comes our way each day. For example today I read that Mrs. Johnsons storage shed was damaged by a fallen limb that had not yet been removed after the horrible ice storm that we experienced. I am sure that the community will come together and perhaps hold a bake sale to raise some much needed funds to rebuild this fine womans storgage shed. Then I read that Mr. Kurckenburg was invl=olved in a accident at the intersection of state route 49 and Hogpath Road. While the passenger in the other vehicle was treated at the scene with only minor injuries, Mr. Kruckenburg was not so lucky. He had to be cut from the vehicle with the jaws of life, and careflighted to Wayne Hospital. His condition was listed as serious, but stable. Please be sure to keep him in your prayers. As I see these stories in the news, I am reminded that not everything in this world is as rosey as my existance. So I will be sure to give thanks to God for my blessings, and continue to work hard to be an even better person. Always remember: Don't be a hater.......love the Creator
  10. OGTEleven, you are correct that is an old picture of me when I had two fine looking hang-me-downs. I was going for the nostalgiac look. Thank you for noticing, but please don't look to long.....that makes me feel uncomfortable.
  11. Spongebob cannot be gay, he is just a cartoon. I say that we should embrace all of Gods children and rejoice in the humor that such a cute little cartoon show brings to our homes. Have a nice day
  12. Why does everyone have to be so sarcastic and angry? This is a beautiful world that we live in, and there is room for all of us, regardless of our political feelings, we should all just try to get along. All this talk about the former mayor barry and the former president clinton, is nothing more then a deviation from the topic. This should be about the 40th president of the United States of America. Even those who hate him, should be able to stand together with others who hold him in high esteem, and have some positive feelings for Mr. reagan. Don't be a hater....love the Creator
  13. this is the new and improved Rich in Ohio. I am all about the special things in life. Since I had one of my nuts removed, I have become a new man. There is no right or left....only human beings. We all have our opinions, and we should not force anyone to have to deal with them. Don't be a hater......love the creator.
  14. News Report I know that many feel this subject is too full of contraversy but I think that we all need to come together here. Michael fell ill today and it is no doubt due to all of the pressure that he has been under lately. Surely there are some on this boadr who feel, "hey good for him" and there are others who feel "how can I help this poor man. I say, he is a man, just like any of us. He has feelings too, and we should wait until all of the evidence comes out, and the jury will speak. In the mean time, please just try to remember, Michael is just like us....a human being, and he deserves our love and support as he recovers from this terrible illness that has now hospitalized him. I think that a prayer may be in order here.
  15. Ronald reagan was a really nice man. He was alaos agood president. Some peopel did not like him, and that is OK, we all have our own feelings and we just have to try harder to understand eachother. I think that President Reagan makes a beautiful stamp. But I have to admit, I feel a little wierd licking him on his behind. I will also try very hard to insure that i do not send my Ronald Reagan stamps to anyone who might be offended by it. have a great day and happy licking.
  16. Sometimes when we get shocked with a high volatge device...it may hurt. But if we all just try harder we can come together in a peaceful way. I think that all we really need is just a little more love.
  17. I think that we should all just learn how to appreciate eachother and understand that we are just different. It is OK, we can still be friends and in the end the world will be a better place.
  18. and all is well with the world. Have you ever noticed how the morning sun reflects off the thin layer of ice on the small body of water? It is just the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. Or have you ever seen a mama deer and her fawn walking across an open field with the morning sunrise glistening on the frost that hangs on the branches of the trees and brush. It is overwhelming. There is a great peace in the world, and I wish good will and love to all mankind.
  19. The best thing I have seen so far related to kerry was an interview that Dowd and Lockhart had in the USAToday. It was a question and answer session and the last question asked each guy who they thought the leading candidates were for each party in the 2008 presidential election. Well that assclown lockhart listed them in this order: #1 kerry #2 edwards #3 queen hillary All I have to say is....Thank you LORD!!
  20. Listen, the death penelty here is what it is. What it is not is barbaric. Tell me the last time someones head was severed, or we used a hanging post or fireing squad. The probelme I have with these animals...and that is what they are...is that they are willing able and happy to severe a head, ear, hand leg, basically whatever to suit what they call crimes against Islam...that loving religion of peace. What a crock. The libs here should be up in arms and calling on the international community to step in help help these poor religiouly suppressed people. After all they are getting ready to do the same thing when it comes to GWB and his terrible band of religious and God loveing friends.
  21. funny does not even begin to describe her facts boomer. she is a boxer clone.
  22. What??? are you under the influence or are you always this silly? We have lost nothing pal........the war in Iraq just like the war on terror is a work in process. By what measure do you say we have lost there? Hmm, I guess that you are the audience that boxer, kerry, luger, and the rest of the nutjobs were chasing yesterday.
  23. By the way Dr. Rice passed the commitee with a 16-2 vote. Guess who the two pin heads were who voted no to Condi???? Oh no big surprise here....it was one freak from the left coast (boxer) and another freak from the right coast (kerry). Let me aska question: If these two losers were not working in the US senate do you think that they could even get hired by any for profit company? I really doubt it, they are on the wrong side of just about everything, and they are exactly the type of people who get thier ases fired because they act as a cancer to the team.
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