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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. an I like to hear myself rant hearing. Come on, Dr. Condi Rice has to come back for a second day??? Why so she can hear the dummycrats like that moron boxer hear herself speak again? Come on, this is about the biggest waste of time, money, and human energy...is there anyone in America who thinks that Dr Rice will not be nominated????? Actually now that I think about it, let the games continue.....the dummycrats who did nothing but use thier time yesterday to spew more hate speech against the administration are simply continueing their tired trend, and frankly it appears that most of America has lost interes in what they have to say. What the hell, let them listem to themselves for the balance of the week...no doubt the sound bites that they create will additional ammunition for the good guys on the right.
  2. dude you just made way to much sense. She is going to have to go and see her therapist now. This definately will put her into a downward cycle. I am not sure if enough meds can be perscribed to cure her wacky illness.
  3. For America's sake, lets hope that he does run. If only we could be so lucky.
  4. Wow this is what a guy gets when he gives a soldier his due. Whats next is Mary mapes and dan rather going to do an expose on me?
  5. Boomerjamhead has more then enough friends. Afterall he was part of a history making force that has freed nearly 50 million people in the past 3 years. I think that the vast majority of those people would gladly call Bommerjamhead thier friend. I know that I do. Soldier On Boomer!!!!
  6. News Article This is unbelieveable. Now our military along with military help from Australia, Japan, and malaysia have been told to get out ASAP, definately no longer then three months. I guess the radical islamic fundamentalists are going to be helping with the reconstruction of that crap hole country. I just wish that GWB had the balls respond to Indonisia with a big ole "See Ya" and call the troops back home TOMMORROW. I say that one more day there is 24 hours too damn long. Screw these third world fools who would bow down to the terrorists, and shamefully slap the face of those who are only there to help people in need.
  7. First of all as a life long Republican let me say congradulations. Isn't it a good feeling to be on the winning side? What we like to call the "Right side" Next, while I somewhat share your thoughts in general, I in no way feel as pesimistic as you do about the state of our country, or our economy. I feel that both are in good hands, and will continue to be served well. Lets start with the job creation thingy. Over the past 12 months this so called bad economy has produced over 2.2 million jobs. That my friend is greater then any time in the past 5 years. You have to look at the whole picture and not just a snapshot of one month at a time. I can personally tell you, I work in the meat of the manufacturing industry and companies are spending right now on capital improvements and updateing their facilities like almost never before. If these companies felt the least bit hesitant about the near future ( 2 - 3 years ) they would not being spending like this. As far as investors go, I am not sure who your friends are but most major economists are rather bullish on 2005 and well into 2006. I do not see where you are picking up this negitivity. Mow it is true that there are always those people who are negitive about the market no matter where it stands.....I call them the chicken little...they are always waiting for the other show to drop so to speak. Fact is, most fourtunes are not made that way. Money is made when people see the oppertunities and take advantage of them. Trust me on this one, this is a great time to be on the positive side when investing. For those who are crying about a hrad landing, I believe the same thing was being said just a year or so agao when they were saying we would never see DOW 10,000 again. Yea right. regarding GWB and how he will be remembered, well we will just have to wait and see on that. Afterall there is still 3.5 years remaining on his watch, and much can and will be done. I just don't subscribe to pesimistic negitive thinking....in my opinion it is for losers who have no hope. Now that is not to say that in 5 or 10 years as we look back, history may paint a different picture. But at least in that case...it will be somewhat based in fact. Finally regarding SS you can count on the fact that the dummycrats will be nowhere near on board with this one. When was the last time that they initiated any meaningful reform of a social program or introduced one meaningful new program? I am not sure how old you are but trust me, any and every time a leader like GWB has taken the inititive to fix something like this or make meaningful change he has been met with enormous resistance. It is just the way of things. Thats why such men are referred to as LEADERS...they lead. If he was interested in what the polls told him about this issue, it would have been dead on Nov 4th.
  8. Dude, are you on crack??? Please you are ranting like an algore cloan or something. Lets pick aprat your flawed little rant: Don Rumesfeld was out of the game for a while when he was asked to be SECDEF. But once he was in the cabinet, he was up to speed pretty quick i am sure. I see zero relevence between the two circumstances. brent is simply totaly out of the loop. And he has been for a very long time. Iraq in a mess. Well I guess you might say that, but in the same breath you could also say that 90% of the country is far better off then under saddam and they are well on thier way to a normal existance. And what you call false optimism is really not false at all. It just so happens that the administration has a very optimitis view of the situation. I prefer that to the gloom and doom that you like to roll around in. About your ignorant comment that the employment numbers are just because of people replacing soldiers who have been killed in Iraq, well...your stupidity speaks for itself. Please show me where 2.2 million American men and women died in Iraq during the past year please. Finally, I think you should strongly consider uping the dose of your meds. I don't care what your doctor has said, you are definately on too low a dose.
  9. Whatever mik, basically Brent has recieved no intel at all. What he said is bascially his opinion. And just like 10,000 other pundits out there, his is just really one more. It has no real significance. By the way, you guys lost...get over it.
  10. What an elitist attitude. Why am I even slightly surprised. These jobs are surely meaningful to those who now have them. You act as if everyone should complete HS, go to a few years of college, and then be guaranteed a professional or highly skilled postion simply because it would be nice if they had one. Fcat is sweetpea, people have to earn their way. Sometimes even the old fashioned way....by coming up thru the ranks. Only an elitist would expect it to be any other way. I guess that every job created during slick willys time was a high quality perfect little job right.? You make me wanna puke.
  11. Hey pasta joe, maybe you should call it a day. Lets see how many statements are wrong just in this post shall we??? 1) policie of allowing record deficiets: Please show me where this is their stated policy. Because as we all know, that after all is what a policy is, something that is stated. Please check back with me on that. 2) uncontrooled spending: Umm, did you hear of this little thing called 9-11??? maybe not, but it did happen and we had to basically catch up from 8 years of neglect. The same thing goes for our military. It was whittled down to the bone, and we had to spend our way back into reality. Get a grip my man...clinton did a great job of wreaking the very things that were supposed to protect us. 3) Militarty pre-emptive intervention: Umm, did you understand any of the UN resolutions? Just curious. This was basically an extention of what was already taking place. Perhaps you can ask the pilots who flew the No-Fly zones if they thought that they were still at war with saddam or not. Just curious. 4) No control of our borders. Don't be silly, while it is not yet perfect (and by the way it never will be) the size and scope of what we are doing now dwarfs anything that we were doing pre 9-11, and definately during the clinton yeras. Umm by the way thats when the 9-11 attackers came into the USA, just thought that i would remind you. But to say that we have "no control" is simply a stupid statement because it implies that we literaly have no control. We have come to expect more from you then that...please try harder.
  12. Could not have said it better myself. When will they start to understand........THEY LOST!!!!!!!
  13. Umm, with all due respect brent might have been a good National Security Adviser to GWB's dad, but he has been out of the game for a longggg time. He is of course entitled to his opinion, but that is really all it is. He shares no meaningful intellegence on the region with anyone, and he is no different then you or me. So please tell me do you really have a point? Or are you just suffering from a copy cat syndrom???
  14. Of course that depends on the quality of the individual. You make it sound as though this is their last gasp before they hit the streets and the park bench. While it is true that a high percentage of small business's fail in the first 5 years, it is also a fact that many of those who may fail the first time pull themselves up by their boot straps and try again, and then they get it right. I did the same thing. It took a few times until I finally got it right, and did it right. You should not assume that those who left their jobs or lost their jobs did so for something less.The desire to be your own boss and build something meaningful is very strong. And regarding the increased health care costs that is not always th case either. For example most self employed peple get to write off a portion of the insurance premium so they can actually save money. Finally you do not make profits from an employer...you earn a wage or salary. You make profits when you are the entity doing the selling and the profit comes from how successfully you do your job. There is literally no comparison between a wage/salary and the making of profit as a self employed person.
  15. rkfast, you beat me to it. Can't wait to see those and other compleling posts from our leftist queen.
  16. hey come on, you don't expect her to concentrate on the facts now do you. That would cause her to have to give up the hate march. her post above absolutely 100% confirms the point of my posting. Anything that is good for the country ie job creation is BAD for the dummycrats who hate any positive that GWB and friends might gt some credit for. For that I say TY sweetpea, keep up the good work.
  17. Umm, where is your proof of that swetheart??? Did you do a survey of the 157k that started new jobs this month. Listen, you can spew anykind of crap that you want, but I like to stick with the facts. 157k more people are working this month then last. Not all of them were offered CEO postions, but at least they have taken the first step on improving their situation...and released their lips from the tit of the goverenment. Oh darn, 157k less potential suckers for mikey moore and the other hate mongers in your party to potentialy recruit.
  18. Pastajoe you are correct to a certin extent. What these numbers fail to show is most small business owners job creation. By all accounts these numbers are growing by huge numbers. In large part due to favorable tax conditions. My wife for example is one of them. The timeing was right for her to make the move. This is mainly supported by the continued low unemployment percentage ( 5.4% ).
  19. Of course it is. They have to keep feeding the rabid fat boy moore crowd so they continue to pony up their dollars. This is simply amazing that nobody with even half a brain in that party could stop these assclowns from continueing their assult on the party.
  20. You know it just figures that the dummy crats are soooo not over the election. Is there any wonder why they continue to lose ground in both the house and the senate. Before long the dummy crat population inthe senate will consist of and old drunk liberal from Mass, and a flamer from Calf. with nothing in between the coasts. When are some real democrates going to take that party back?????
  21. More positive employment news Once again there is good news for America in the job creation dept. Looks like we added 157k new jobs in Dec bringing the total new jobs created in 2004 to 2.2 million. This just happens to be the best in the past five years. Of course the dummy crats were spelling out a gloom and doom senario during the election and as we can clearly see now...it was just another case of wishful thinking on thier part. Thats "Bad wishful" thinking of cousre because bad news is about the only thing that the dummy crats count on to win elections these days. Oh well, theres always next time. Maybe they can try harder to screw things up for the next election cycle.
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