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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. Are the pakistanis terrorists? Are they sponsoring the killing of innocent women and children in Isreal? Hmm, just curious.
  2. yes indeed we are vidicated. BTW, my mother works for Wendys in their marketing division, so I do have a personal agenda here.
  3. Link to story Well it looks like our old pal putin is working hard to keep the balance of power fairly equal in the middleast.....all in the name of peace. I guess putie simply wants to keep the terroroists free from incoming missles thats all. Well, we appreciate his caring ways, and his kind gestures. Perhaps he would like it if the USA sold some nice little weapon systems to the Ukrain. Afterall, it would just be in the spirit of balancing the power in the region.
  4. CNN link Looks like they caught this wacko nut with a sticky finger. Well at least they should have a fingerprint to work with.
  5. The only outcome that could have been better is if there were two dead losers instead of only one. However, if only we could have rehabed the two losers they may have eventually turned into model citizens. NOT!!!! The best loser is a dead loser...viva la pizza man!!!
  6. My opinion regarding gays in sports is this: As long as a gay guy does not try to touch me in my special place, then I do not have a problem with them. Now if they act like a sissy on the field then that will take care of itself.....no sissys allowed rule normally works well. On the other hand, if a good looking lesbian feels the need to touch my special place, then I may be more inclined to give her the go ahead....if you know what I mean. .)
  7. Please...if you knew anything at all about this bastard even you would not defend him. He hppens to be from my area and I can tell you the ONLY reason that he is not behind bars for the rest of his life is because of his position in the church. He is GUILTY beyond even the most remote doubt. He is a criminal of the highest order, and what he allowed to happen to the children of th parishes that he was over is something that he wil surely burn in Hell for. He alone could have ended the abuse that existed under his watch....instead HE choose to simple play musical priests and move those monsters around. His GUILT is not GUILT by association...it is GUILT in the most direct way. Please simply check the facts before you defend such a evil bastard as has ever existed. Again the only punishment that is worthy for him is to either be buried alive (so he can think about his actions for a good long time as he rots. Or he could be burned at the stake.....this would be fitting just because this way we know that there would be no possibility that any of his flesh remains here on earth.
  8. What more needs to be said. these are two of the biggest fools in the senate. Nobody should be the least bit surprised by these ass-monkeys who call themselves senators.
  9. All due respect....what you are right and he is wrong? What a fool you are. I you know so damned much why not stop be critical and write a few books. Show us some facts to back up your comments, and maybe...just maybe they will have a thread of credibility.
  10. Ouch, suddenly my nuts are feeling very vunerable.
  11. I read the book as well and I found it to be an excellent read. Dan Brown is a good writer and there is a good reason why the book has sold like a gazillion copies. I differ with you in one respect. I did not see the book as "Attacking" the catholic church so much as I saw it as offering another viewpoint. I actually see nothing wrong with the entire premise. Men are human, not devine and we often do things that at the time seem to make perfect sense. I am sure that if this story has any truth to it, then that is what happened. I also believe that revealing such a truth now at this time, would be extremley difficult for the very same reason. What we see as truth has been there for so long even in the face of overwhelming evidence a new truth is unlikely to emerge. Having said all that I look forward to seeing the Movie because Tom Hanks will be playing Robert Langdon, and I think he will be excellent in that role. However, I have not heard who will be playing Sopfia and I would like everyones opinion on who that should be. My vote goes to Penelope Cruz.
  12. Its because people in those contries keep having sex with monkeys. Thats what I have heard.
  13. So tell me, did these so called faulty machines only breakdown in areas where stupid people voted? Thats what it seems like to me. Please why is it that every election that the dems lose (and it just about every big one these days) the crying never seems to end, and the complaining over voters rights and faulty equipment in poor areas are endless? This kerry charactor should spend his time on something slighty more meaningful like...............checking into the criminal cost over-runs on the big dig.
  14. Isn't the term "Voteing irregularities" really just a nice PC way of saying that dumb people don't know how or where to vote?
  15. CNN Saw this today will I was looking at the Clinton News Network and I am still just amazed. We were so close to having this whiner as our CIC. When will he and the democratic party ever get over the fact that they lost?
  16. Lets hope that it spreads into Iran. That will make the pending invasion a little easier.
  17. WOW, I would have never lasted this long. Congradulations!
  18. Plain and simple......this pedifile enabler should have been placed underneath the casket of Pope John Paul II and sealed away for all time. He is a total disgrace to the Catholic faith, and the fact that he allowed to even be seen in public says more about the state of Catholic Church then any other instance or subject. When you cannot stand up and protect and defend the children and other innocents of your faith, then as a leader you have failed them and the world. Elimination by any means is the only fate that this bastard deserves.
  19. what are you bitching about? if your fool would have won he would have surely been doing the same thing and you would have not minded one bit. Fact is....your fool lost. Therefore you have nothing to do but sit around bitching all day. Whats the real problem here?
  20. I was thinking...with all of the good work that kofi and his friends at the UN have done with regards to protectiing the children in the congo, I suggest that they take charge of the state of Florida, and be put in charge of protecting the innocent children there. Does anyone else think that this would be a good idea?
  21. Are you saying that I can find the answer at a Big Boy resturant? I find that curious...but interesting. I will head there tommorrow for breakfast and see what I can find out. Thanks for the tip.
  22. Wow, can't believe some of the rat poop that is being thrown my way just for saying hello to everyone. I guess that since I have been gone, the board has been infested with blithering idiots. In any case, hello again to all my fellow TBD posters (even the idiots who don't even know me).
  23. thank you stuckincincy, how refreshing to see something written on this broad that is not hate filled. Its good to be back.
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