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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. Yea, but my question was ....can it be caught by having sex with monkeys?
  2. Thank you to all who have welcomed me back. Regardless of weather your salutations are sincere or not, it is good to be back. I would also like to say that the circumstances surrounding my absence where brought on by me, and I hold no grudge against any moderator on this board. They do a good job, and they try to keep things clean. To that end I say Bravo! Keep up the good work. Now on with the banter.
  3. Thank you friend, it is nice to be back...I guess. But like I said, it is nice to be back, and I look forward to communicating with old friends.
  4. The body of the young girl was found earlier today, and the sick freak is in custody. God Bless her family, and may the sexual predator who did this to her rot in hell with his good buddies.
  5. kofi = a nice and gentle man who would never allow the rape of a nations youth.
  6. I think that it is nice of us to show the muslims that we are really kind and friendly people. Maybe then they will like us, and not be mean to us anymore.
  7. Link Just wanted to remind everyone what a splendid job kofi and the Un are doing in the Congo. Just imagine what another 3 or 4 years will bring there.
  8. Link to Article I am happy to see that we take care of those who help us. Kudos to the USA.
  9. Is it really caused by having sex with Monkeys? Can someone with some expertise please help us out here. Ebola Virus strikes again !!
  10. I just wanted to say welcome back to me. My most recent exile is over (we will see how long it lasts) and I just wanted to be the first to say....Welcome back to me.
  11. Why do we have to refer to the hard working well intentioned people who work in our government as "idiots" They are not so different then us. Perhaps we should try walking a day in thier shoes before we throw around these types of shots. Just a thought.
  12. Hmm, when I made a similar style thread a few weeks ago and it was promptly deleted and ultimately led to two week vacation. I was told that it was a silly topic and may provoke partisan responses. Wonder what the difference is here. Just curious. Actually I have no probelm with the thread, I think that it is both thoughtful and interesting. My opinion is that there is room for this and many other similar style threads. I just wish that the consistancy that we expect, could actually be realized. Everyone please have a peachy keen day.
  13. Dear Moderators. My password does not need reset. Nobody is posing as me, I am my own person..the same as I have always been. I am surprised that someone (bluefire) would be so concerened about my status. However, I do apprecite the concern and the reference to Gandhi may be somewhat overblown, but I guess a little flattering. In any case you can be sure that if I have any requests to make of the moderators I will be sure to do so on my own behalf. In fact I think that I would contact that very nice young man Darin if I had any concerns...he is a very helpful fellow.
  14. Hello Oliver I like French food. generally speaking French people are very kind and nice people. While the governments of our two fine countries may have some differences, that is no reason for the people of these countries to not get along. I say viva la france and have a nice day.
  15. I think that alot of really nice people worked hard to get this bill passed. They deserve alot of credit. Not everyone is perfect, but as long as we all try hard, then good things should happen. All of this republican and democrate nonesense is for the birds......I think that all people in politics are nice people and they should be trsuted and appreciated more. They are doing the work of the people. God Bless them.
  16. Can't we all just get along? Why does there always have to be so much back and forth in all of these posts? people should just accept the fact that gay people want to be married to. They are people just like everyone else, and we should not stand in the way of their wishes. In fact we should encourgae them to share in the same type of loving relationship that other couples share. Is that really so difficult?
  17. I like survivor, it is a very exciting show. Except for when they send someone home...I wish that they could find a way around that part of the show. It just seems so political. BTW, I will bet that they get to see some beautiful sunrises, and sunsets.
  18. What nice stories about your 4th grade teachers...especially the one about the good looking woman. I believe that people who are more pleaseing to the eye, definately have a way of getting thru to young boys. Well I attended school #60, and I loved all of my teachers. I really miss those days.
  19. Thak you for your kind words and encouragment. This is very nice to see. Normally I would have expected a flame out by now, but this makes me feel sooo much better. With regards to your comments I understand what you are saying. However, I meant no particular disrespect to this day whatsoever. In fact I think that I referred to it as spectacular which is a very high standard indeed. However, I had to pay some homage to the fact that Tuesday was an "Exceptional" day. and as we all know, there are not many higher expressions then exceptional. If I in any way portrayed today as less then spectacular then I appologize to anyone who I offended. It was not meant in any way to make today seem less special. Again, thank you for your kind words, and I will be sure to take them under advisement and I will be sure to be more selective in my words next time when I am comparing the wonder of one day to the next. Wow, perhaps maybe there is hope where i thought none existed.
  20. I remeber my forth grade teacher Mrs. Woods. She was a very nice person. Never blew anything up but she was always very encouraging to us and always made us feel like we were all special. Of course she never rally blew anything up so I cannot compare her equally to the teacher in the link, but none the less she was a wonderful person who deserves a little credit for having such a positive influence on my life and the lives of so many others. Thank you Mrs. Woods
  21. Wasn't the movie Troy about a trojan horse? That was a neat movie...but a little violent for my taste........however the scenary was overwhelming.
  22. Once again I was up at the crack of dawn and was able to share the morning with the birds and the deer in my yard. Of course I was quite and did not disturb the deer because I wanted to enjoy thier beauty. It was very crisp, about 10 degrees or so, but the amazing thing is, there was not a breathe of wind. Total stillness, and there was such a peaceful feeling that came over me. I harkened back to Tuesday when the morning sun was glistening off the ice covered branches....that was an exceptional day. Today was a spectaular day, but not exceptional. Of course none of that matters, what matters most is that as human beings we are kind and respectful to eachother. We should all recognize that we are different yet similar in so many ways, and we should rejoice in the fact that we are here in a forum where we can see so many differing opinions and poits of view. I am truely thankfull to be part of such an amazing collection of people. Everyone please have a Great Day !!
  23. Gay people are Gods children too. I am not sure exactly what your point is, or if this is yet another attempt to bring a level of meanness into the thread. In any case This is not meant to be a religious thread, it is simply a positive thread about positive attitude. Some people find that thier attitude is better when they are at peace with themselves. that all. Why is it that many on here have to make some sort of attack on someone because they themselves believe in God? Just curious.
  24. I am not sure that spreading love is my mission. Just kindness, and understanding. Pretty simple actually. You do not have to love someone to understand them. Just listen, and respect them. It is really simple when you allow yourself to be open minded and free.
  25. It appears that you are trying to make a funny. However, I do not understand your sarcasim. Is it possible to explain yourself a little better so that I may understand the leson that you are trying to teach. Thank you for your time.
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