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DC Tom

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Everything posted by DC Tom

  1. Really...the Pegulas should buy the rights to that old ad campaign, and make a Bills video to it.
  2. Oliver, for the slow start he had this season, is really starting to show why he was a 1st round pick. If Edmunds ever learns to use his arms, this defense is going to be terrifying.
  3. The Bills have an outside rush going on today that...well, I can't remember the last time I saw an outside rush like this from them. 2015, maybe?
  4. Murphy has been doing pretty well the past four games or so. I don't quite understand the hate he gets.
  5. I muted the TV, and sync'd the Bills radio play with the TV. I haven't heard a word Booger Mc*****stick has blathered, and it's wonderful. It's probably why I'm actually enjoying this game.
  6. I gotta admit...so far, I'm finding this game very entertaining. I hadn't expected that.
  7. I've seen that called as PI, I've seen that not called as PI. I haven't yet seen that called on the field and overturned on review, either way. So I'm pretty sure the Bills are going to get ass-***** on this.
  8. I'd like it better if Edmunds didn't tackle like an armless mannequin.
  9. I'm so happy they shared Watson's text from Wednesday. That's the sort of coverage I've always thought football lacked.
  10. Lousy throw, and Allen ran a lousy route. That was just awful. They're never going to win, playing like that.
  11. Remember when the Obama administration finally got bin Laden, and Colin Powell said on Fox that "The Bush administration was not presented with an opportunity by our intelligence community or by the US Military to strike Osama bin Laden?" Yeah, neither does anyone else. What a thin-skinned bunch of pansy-ass insecure children the Obama administration was.
  12. Yeah, some crazies thought Infinite Reach was Clinton's attempt to distract from his impeachment too. People are idiots.
  13. BREAKING NEWS! Trump also had meatloaf last night.
  14. The #NoWarInIran hashtag is the stupiest hashtag I've ever seen. Which is why I'm putting it in this thread where it belongs.
  15. When your clothes are dirty...steal new clothes. Or steal the water.
  16. In 1218, Genghis Khan sent an embassy into Persia, which the Shah Mohammed II promptly killed. Genghis Khan then invented the principle of "diplomatic immunity," by sending his army into Persia. He absolutely devastated the region, and chased Shah Mohammed II to a small island in the Caspian Sea, where Mohammed II died largely of fright. Eastern Persia never recovered from that attack - the region was so thoroughly depopulated by the Mongols that the 2000 year old irrigation system collapsed from lack of maintenance. The Iranians should know, viscerally, what "violating an embassy" means.
  17. If Epstein does, we'll finally know he's dead.
  18. It requires investigative reporting, which no one ever does anymore. I know, just from reading military history, that that's typical of how ***** gets done. I rarely see it laid out in such detail for contemporary events, though.
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