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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. And...LA County itself is a pretty big place. Pasadena wasn't horrible by any means, but we moved (guess I should change my handle) last year to a *very* nice little city up in the foothills of the San Gabriel range. I too hear coyotes, see all kinds of wildlife, and can hike up a trail from my property to as deep into the mountains as I want to go...
  2. Just making the point that perfection is in the eye of the beholder -- and includes more factors than the weather. Why do people get so uptight about others' opinions on their chosen dwelling places? Who knows? My money is on those folks being pretty insecure individuals.
  3. Agreed. NO biters here. The last time I went to Florida I was eaten alive by the bastages. Over 72 bites in *one* evening. That was 30 years ago and I've never seen any good reason to return.
  4. (Bad form, I know, replying to my own post....)Hmm, I seem to remember that you're actually in the Seattle area, not Oregon, though your TSW profile still says NW Oregon I've hung out in Seattle and also in some towns further west like port angeles & sequim. Great natural beauty up there. Froze my kiester off on Whidbey Island though, when the wind comes whipping off the sound...
  5. I've only made it out to Hawaii once, and it is indeed close. Perfect for some people...I'm just not one of them. No hard feelings, eh?
  6. I've spent some time in Oregon (mostly in Portland & around Reed College) and it's a very nice place. Went skiing at Mt Hood with a friend from College and his brother and had a great time. My "no place is perfect" comment was referring to more than just weather, by the way.
  7. Not really. I like to travel light. Hate accumulating stuff, *especially* breakable stuff. That's how I roll. The same thought has occurred to me occasionally, when I'm stuck in traffic and it's like 105 degrees out. No place is perfect.
  8. I don't have any precious heirlooms. And my house is *very* solidly built, thanks!
  9. There are some investment products like ING's sharebuilder* which allow you purchase stock shares in fractional increments. I believe ETRADE* has (or had?) something similar. * I am not recommending either of these products since I've never used or evaluated them. Just noting that they exist.
  10. I was in the middle of interviewing a job applicant this morning, when the room started bouncin'. I tried to convince the interviewee it was just leakage from our sound-stage, and I think I had him going until the other employees started streaming out the doors. This one lasted a while, but didn't feel all that strong where I was (at work, in Hollywood). The strongest one I've felt was probably the Whittier Narrows quake in 1987. My girlfriend & were actually tumbled out of bed in my apartment in Pasadena; the wall cracked open, a lot of crap fell off shelves & broke, etc. The aftershock a few days later at friggin' 4:30 a.m. was fun, too. The biggest quake I've been in was 1994 Northridge (really centered in Reseda), which killed 70 or 80 people and broke the I-10 freeway. My wife's apartment in Northridge was red-tagged due to that sucker. Still, not too bad for over 25 yrs. of SoCal living....
  11. Hey Angela wasn't half bad once upon a time. Even when I was 14, she was probably better looking than these two...dunno about the cheese grater thing, tho'. Maybe in a reeeeeal dry stretch... I must confess, I did sort of have a "thing" for my Junior High Art teacher. (She was way better looking than Honeybutt). Sadly, she happened to be a Sister. Of the Roman Catholic variety. Not too sure how well that would have gone over.
  12. Good grief. If I was in the shower and turned around and saw one of those mugs, I'd feel the urge to... ... take a shower immediately. So all-in-all I suppose it could have been worse.
  13. "They refused to launder the prisoners' undies with TIDE, and look what happens when you use that other brand -- YELLOW STAINS!!"
  14. On the 2-disk DVD release of X2 (the 2nd X-Man film) there is an interesting Special Feature about how they constructed their Oval Office & West Wing sets. I found it pretty interesting. They even made sure it was updated to accurately reflect GWB ordering the Oval Office carpeting to be changed from the traditional deep blue color to some horrible pinkish-beige-y hue.
  15. Whom, the receptionist? Sorry about desecrating the thread. I had the shot and I took it. The made me do it.
  16. I'll miss TR. He would have really enjoyed the upcoming election. This week sure did suck majorly. Can we get a do-over?
  17. Understandable. They're dropping like flies this week for some reason.
  18. Yes, you're right, of course. At 3:30am my brain thought "Shane..." and my stupid fingers typed "Conlan" for some reason... And I agree that Tom was as good a DC as any we've had. Which, oddly enough, has nothing whatsoever to do with DC Tom.
  19. I remember him from the days of Smerlas, Haslett & Conlan. A good coach and a good guy.
  20. Hmm, is that the latest "flavor" of Hot Pockets ? (Still have not ever eaten one. )
  21. As long as he feeds a steady diet of FieldTurfTM to Brady, Beck & Clemington I couldn't care less what motivates him to do it.
  22. W - Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks 1 p.m. L - Sept. 14 at Jacksonville Jaguars 1 p.m. W - Sept. 21 Oakland Raiders 1 p.m. L - Sept. 28 at St. Louis Rams 4:05 p.m. W - Oct. 5 at Arizona Cardinals 4:15 p.m. Oct. 12 Bye L - Oct. 19 San Diego Chargers 1 p.m. W - Oct. 26 at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m. W - Nov. 2 New York Jets 1 p.m. W - Nov. 9 at New England Patriots* 1 p.m. W - Nov. 17 (Mon.) Cleveland Browns 8:30 p.m. L - Nov. 23 at Kansas City Chiefs 1 p.m. W - Nov. 30 San Francisco 49ers 1 p.m. W - Dec. 7 Miami Dolphins (at Toronto) 4:05 p.m. W - Dec. 14 at New York Jets 1 p.m. L - Dec. 21 at Denver Broncos 4:05 p.m. L - Dec. 28 New England Patriots* 1 p.m. 10-6
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