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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. I think I'd prefer a draftee as Bell's replacement, at this point. Did anyone else see when they were reviewing, and kept replaying, the forward pass / fumble by Fitz? Bell got beat by his guy, and then just stood there holding his arm as the play went on. Each time they replayed it, my eyes instantly went to that guy standing there, like a baby, while the rest of his teammates were blocking and fighting.
  2. Wow...just wow. I mean, celebrating a member of the team you "support" because he suffers a brain injury? You realize that a concussion is a brain injury, right? You also realize that football is just a game, right? I know Bills fans are rabid, and I know that the game is important to us. But, is it so important that we celebrate (more or less) a serious injury to anyone, much less a member of the team that we say we support? What did Trent do to you, personally, to ever warrant you to have ill will for him? Please don't come back with examples of his poor play in a game that he uses to support himself and family - a game that you watch merely for entertainment. This does not count as action Trent has ever taken against you. I look forward to a response.
  3. Had the internet been invented the last time we beat the Pats*?
  4. I'd say it was less of a freak thing and more of a dirty play. They drove him backwards after the whistle blew and slammed his head into the turf as they were twisting it sideways. If any play deserved a 15 yard roughing the passer penalty, this one was it. But, I agree with your general point that sacks happen to every o-line.
  5. Liar. I believe he caught 3 in the first half.
  6. Really? Why do people have to be Edwards fans or Fitzpatrick fans? I am a Bills fan, and by extension a fan of all our players. Ergo, I am a Edwards fan AND a Fitzpatrick fan. I hope beyond hope that whoever is starting plays well and root for them. I can't believe you actually call yourself a "Bill Backer" - Its plainly obvious to me that you are, in fact, the opposite. Anyway...back to my regularly (or irregularly) scheduled celebration.... VICTORY!!!!
  7. Actually, I would argue that Trent has made those passes. He made them when he first came into the league. (Washington game his rookie year, anyone?) It's just been since Adrian Wilson seemingly gave him a frontal lobotomy with that hit last year. Trent looks like he has lost all confidence behind this o-line. Which is just another reason that anyone wanting us to draft a QB with pick #1 must like the merry-go-round. We'll be on it for another 5 years. We need to build the line. A top flight LT before a QB, please. No one could throw behind this line... I miss Brad Butler!
  8. I beg your forgiveness, putty tat!
  9. Are you kidding? Buggs' play (from what I have seen) has been absolutely atrocious. He constantly appears to be out of position, allowing big runs up the gut of the defense. I don't recall ever seeing Buggs make any kind of play in the 3 games that he has been in there. Ellison, on the other hand, has been in on several of the 4th down stops and is getting good penetration on edge rushes. Of course, I am no expert. Just a fan watching the game on TV.
  10. Baldinger: "Hey Billick, you got a spot of ketchup right there" Billick: "Dang it Baldy, are you pointing at my shirt or my pants?"
  11. Ok. Maybe, maybe not. I think the evidence that points me to the true architect of that team is this. What did Gruden do with TB after that year? What did Dungy do with IND after that year? I realize that this debate could go on, and never have a resolution. I think my main point was the pure hatred of a man that is widely considered a great coach and a great human being. Thats it. Maybe I took it off on a tangent...
  12. Ok, can you point me in the right direction? Or, should I just Google "What Warren Sapp said about Tony Dungy"?
  13. Hate Christians much? Good grief. Dungy a loser in TB? Seriously? He built that Super Bowl team - Gruden happened to be in the right place at the right time to cash in on Dungy's work. Maybe if you took off your TO shaded glasses for a minute, you would be able to see more clearly and not be so freaking emotional. It is a game, after all.
  14. Sooooooooooo... Who inherits the kick returning duty? I wasn't terribly impressed with Roscoe back there last week. Would they chance it with McGee?
  15. Gotta be C Mac. Why is this guy even on the team? Is he that great on ST? I haven't seen him on the field on offense at all.
  16. Please tell me you are kidding, Wiz. A linebacker is going to be your leading tackler on ANY team, regardless of the caliber of the team. Ellison gets so much crap on this board, but much of it is undeserved, IMO. The guy is having a solid year, so far.
  17. But, if you win that game, then there is no tie to break!
  18. Its awesome how we get to see Rodney Harrison call T.O. a clown and accuses him of "mefirst" antics and only caring about himself, as opposed to the team. Predictably, NBC only showed a snippet of T.O.s press conference to help them paint this picture. Yet, amazingly, when I watched the PC, I saw a T.O. that was frustrated at a team performance. He didn't throw anyone under the bus, which he could have, and clearly indicated that it was team loss affected him. Even when the rabid media was lobbing him softballs... T.O. is really going through a humbling experience in Buffalo this year. I hope that he comes out the other end better for it. For those of you hoping that T.O. pops off at the team to expose their losing ways....well, it amazes me how you guys waste your time posting on a Bills board when you could clearly be spending your precious time on the team that you really support.
  19. I think thats sorta the point. Olbermann likes to throw his political opinions / jokes in on highlight reels, or even when just talking football on the show. I watch football to get away from the mindlessness of the world. Politics are about as mindless as it gets, IMO. That's not to say that I don't have a political opinion, however...
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