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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Really? Come on... How many times do you need to make this ridiculous statement in this thread? I understood that you had no clue the first time you made it. You didn't need to repeat it again and again.
  2. Grammatically speaking, parentheses would have been more appropriate than the commas. Oh, and I think you misspelled "unbelieveably". Now, can we STFU and get back to making fun of Mr. Pain?
  3. So did Jason White. Has anyone seen him play in the NFL? Winning a Heisman means jack when it comes to the NFL.
  4. I'm sooo glad you aren't the GM. The offseason is supposed to be boring. It's when we go back to spending time on Sundays with the wife and kids!
  5. only 283 American dollars, my friend... that was hilarious!
  6. Sounds like you need another magazine, bro. Never can have too many!
  7. Really? Firstly, I am sure the appropriate people will get with Trent to see where his head is at before he is given the starter's role again. And, by appropriate people, I mean the Buffalo Bills coaching staff - not media and fans with pitchforks on a Buffalo Bills message board. Secondly, even IF he did give some statement to the media, the story would be sensationalized to portray whatever side the media thinks will sell advertisements. It always cracks me up that people expect to get the full story from the media about anything and everything - like we have some sort of right to know everything that is going on in Trent's head.
  8. Oh, I'm well aware of what your point is. My point is this: Who cares what Mayock (or any of these talking heads) thinks. If you value Mayock's opinion so much, then you have to see that he didn't list Byrd as one of his top 5 safeties. And we all know then that means he won't amount to a hill of beans. Yet, contrary to crystal ball Mayock*, Byrd turned into a Pro Bowl safety. How did that happen? *sarcasm added for effect
  9. He also has Jairus Byrd from Vanderbilt under CBs. The fifth best CB, BTW... IOW - who gives a flying flip.
  10. Wow, Marshawn is 7x more powerful than a diesel truck... Too bad he still loses his job to a D3 product with 7x more heart than him!
  11. I believe they said that they wouldn't be angry - not that they were "excited". Besides, what does it hurt? Calm down...
  12. Of course we had a good pass defense rating. Opponents had no reason to pass when they could run at will.
  13. They talk about every single scenario behind closed doors, and even within earshot of the press. Its up to the press to feed us what they think we want to hear, is controversial, or will otherwise sell newspapers. No doubt they talked about Gailey having the freedom to pick up a new long snapper if that is what he wanted to do (since he is the head coach). Yet, we aren't discussing that. I have no doubt that he will cut either Edwards or Fitz. But, do we need someone to tell us that he has the freedom to do this?
  14. This seems like the classic case of making a mountain out of a molehill. Nix just said that Gailey has freedom to do as he pleases. This is news?
  15. I wanna know why Thurman was sweating like a pig during his PC. He must know something and is having trouble keeping it to himself!
  16. I have watched the shows, and I haven't heard it. Do I have to listen to it in reverse? Please, educate me.
  17. I don't recall ever hearing any of these "experts" on any of those media outlets say that Edwards (or Fitzpatrick, for that matter) is not an NFL quality QB. It is espoused ad nauseum by multiple members of this board, but I don't recall hearing it at all outside of TBD. So, can you please provide some evidence (links, quotes, etc) of these "facts" you claim? The ambiguous "everyone thinks that" won't cut it.
  18. Who? And please don't start naming TBDers.
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