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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Well, after that pick I guess I won't be shocked by any other moves the Bills make in the future. I guess we can expect to see us draft in the 2nd round a RB, and 2 WRs in the 3rd. What a joke!
  2. MM was complaining about Willis not running strait ahead all last season. That he was doing to much dancing in the back field. I thought like you, that he didn't bounce it outside enough because there wasn't any holes up the middle. Thanks for the re-cap.
  3. Cheer for any team playing against the "new" Bills.
  4. Let me play devils advocate here. He was kind of weak on his wording of the subject. Almost like a politician would word it so that if a trade does come down the line he can say "I never said I wouldn't consider any offers or that we didn't want any offers, only that there was no substance to the rumor, and that no one had made an offer yet." Why didn't he just say "We not interested in a trade, end of story" OK I don't really believe that, and I do think JP is genuinely in the Bills plans, but I just wanted to beat the Marv Bashers to the punch.
  5. It must have just been me. But when JP was on the field I felt a lot more excitement in the offense's play. Like at any time we could score. With Holcomb I felt the offense had to struggle for every yard it gained. Maybe because it seemed like it took 3 completed passes in a row to get 1 first down when Holcomb was in. JP might not beat out Holcomb or Nall, but God I hope it's Nall then.
  6. I'm one of the above. One of the biggest problems I see is that people can not agree to disagree with maturity. It has to result in name calling and insulting you mother. Which is sad, because a “good” argument can lead to insight and actually create more exciting topics to be discussed? If you can ignore the aforementioned posts, you'll find that this board can be very knowledgeable. Happy posting.
  7. I say we treat the whole team like we are treating Losman. If after 8 games they don't make the pro-bowl... call for their head. Oh wait! That's means the only ones left on the team are a punter and long snapper. Never mind.
  8. There are some things that even Marv can't fix.
  9. The Bills also have a RB who's all about the money.
  10. In order to keep the competitiveness of the NFL, revenue sharing is a must. That is a given. But if I'm a Daniel Snyder, why would continue selling my stadium's name or any other "local" merchandise, if I'm going to end up giving it to the NFL. Especially when some teams don't sell their stadiums names at all. Like the Bills. Maybe the NFL need to either force all teams to sell their stadium's name, or tax the ones that don't an amount worthy of value of their stadium’s name. Or cap the amount of extra revenue a team can bring in on its own. I can see the NFL not wanting to limit any income so capping revenue seems unlikely. The only other option I can see is the NFL taking control of all merchandising for all the teams, and then splitting it up.
  11. It may not have an effect on his play but it certainly had an effect on his judgement. Would he have quit football if it wasn't for his "need" for weed? I don't thing so.
  12. Reasons why not to legalize any drugs.... 1. Ricky Williams. I rest my case.
  13. IMO if the new regieme has any doubts about JP they should unload him now. If they have doubts, then the first sign of trouble they are not going to be confident enough in him to work it out. They will yank him, and we'll have 2005 all over again. Personally I think it would be a mistake, but if they don't trust him, they should dump him. Of coarse then I see him going to the Jets or Dolphins and kicking our @#$.
  14. I've herd crazier ideas. Like a 328 lb. undrafted TE bring converted to the starting right tackle. I guess I would have to know if there is a benefit to having him cut before training camp, or if the experiment doesn't work, cutting him during the normal cut down dates.
  15. Just what we need another rookie coordinator! Yikes! How is DJ suppose to delicate responsibility to his coordinators and just over see everything, when he has to worry about a rookie DC. Come on this hire is a joke. BTW I just wanted to be the first person to B word and complain about the hire. I really think the new DC will be fine.
  16. Yeah! Let's trade our 1st round QB who's had 8 whole games of playing time, for a 3rd string QB with even less time and a 3 round pick. Wait let's trade Evans and Mcgahee for thier 5th Reciever and 4th running back, and get thier 4th and 5th round picks.
  17. They increase the prices darn near every year, so no big deal, but they're timing sure does suck.
  18. TD would not have recognized Big Ben for the QB that he is and would not have selected him anyway.
  19. If we are making up theories, how about this one... The trainer accidentally mixed up a cortazone shot for Losman's shoulder with estrogen. Now it really doesn't affect JP's play, but Trey Teague is afraid to have him walk up behind him.
  20. I was talking to a friend of mine a couple of years ago about EM. My friend is not a Bills fan BTW. He said that he "didn't think EM was that good because he had to be standing still to catch the ball." That comment stuck in my head as I watched him play from then on. I found it to be not so true as the fact that he just doesn't run that many 9 routs. He has run a couple this year, one for a TD, but still most of his catches he is standing still or just cruising not sprinting. Is this just the type of receiver he is?
  21. Open competition at QB? I don't know. I don't like it. If you want to bring in a new QB fine, but then dump JP. I shutter when I even think about the QB carousel of Flutie-Johnson. Personally I like JP. (of coarse I like toe jam). But there's something about the guy that makes me feel like he's getting it. I'd go with him as the starter next year.
  22. Now this I agree with. (Don't know if that says much about me or not) But when MW was healthy last year he was a road grader. If we could get him to re-do his contract for next year, I'd be willing to switch Peters to the left side and put Mike back at the right.
  23. I just can't see how any of our OL men are worth keeping. Think hard about this. If you were GM of any one of the playoff contending teams, and all of our OL were FA's who would you honestly pursue? I say playoff contending because that's the first plateau of a good team. And if you are the GM for say Houston, San Fran, or us, you take what you can get. I know we can't 86 the whole OL, but let's face it we are not going to get to the playoffs next year if we have to keep any of these guys as starters. The argument of keeping CV, & JP doesn't fly with me at all. If they were worth keeping why wouldn't we be running to the right all day long behind these guys? The other 3 guys Don't ask me how we fix this mess, but I wouldn't be against us drafting and FAing only OL and DL guys. But we won't we'll get "the best person on the board" and be able to boast that we have "One of the best LBs corps" or "Lot's of RB depth".
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