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Everything posted by Ennjay

  1. Interesting that the South tends to be fat and New England tends to the opposite.
  2. "He played for the Kokudo Bunnies of the Japanese league in 2001 . . . " (There's a great punchline lying around here somewhere . . . )
  3. Thanks. The nfl.com stats page is working now, so I could find those plays.
  4. Has a Bills TE caught a pass tonight? Has a pass been thrown to a Bills TE?
  5. Thanks, but why would you waste a seven-day free trial on a preseason game?
  6. Your assessment of Giants fans is dead on. You'll find New Yorkers generally don't really know much about football.
  7. Some time ago -- maybe a year? -- a new IKEA opened on Route 4 in Paramus, which you may know is the middle of Mall Heaven in North Jersey. Lots of anticipation and publicity, nutzo traffic jams the first weekend. In two or three days it all blew over and now it's just another ordinary big store with its own parking ramp. My wife cruised it once and vowed never again. I still haven't been there myself. So the answer is: no, you're not missing anything.
  8. This is going to be a perfect case of deals being affected by the lack of an extension of the CBA. All the other big-money CB contracts amortize the signing bonus over at least six years, I believe. If Nate signs today he can only be amortized over five, meaning the per-year cap hit will be higher for the Bills than it was for the teams that signed the other deals mentioned in the story. That makes it that much harder for the Bills to do an extension NOW. Of course, the amortization limit would apply to anyone else signing Clements, but as of today only the Bills can do that, and the rest of the league -- which would have to wait until February anyway -- gets a break waiting for the CBA to be extended while the Bills' hands are tied.
  9. People seem to forget that TD gets along fine with Rosenhaus, who is also WM's agent. I don't think either has any personal lesson he wants to teach the other. As other posters have said, it's all about slotting. My bigger concern is that Rosenhaus claims to have something like 94 clients. Not all of them are draft choices negotiating their first contracts on the eve of training camp like Roscoe, but if Roscoe doesn't sign until Rosenhaus can be in the same room as TD, and he's flying around to other camps, then when do we get our turn at him?
  10. I thought there were sites listing every team's draftees and who's already signed. Does anybody have a web address? And while I'm asking: the Bills have, what, three down and three to go, correct? They've signed Preston, Geisinger, and Gates, right?
  11. This is going to make such a huge difference this year. You can't overstate how much pressure JP and the running game will take OFF the LT, whoever it is, compared to what we're used to. In some respects there will be more pressure on Big Mike because JP's natural rollout will be in his direction, to JP's right. But RT's tend not to see the best pass rushers, who line up on the blind side (like Freeney).
  12. I think Moulds will continue to draw more coverage than Evans this year because he'll still be the bread-and-butter receiver. I also think this will be a GREAT year to be the Bills' slot receiver, since he'll routinely draw the most favorable mismatch on D. Now if only we threw to TE's . . .
  13. I have no problem with Michaels. And I actually thought Dan Fouts knew what he was talking about.
  14. I believe he's moving to the ESPN Monday night pre-game show in 2006.
  15. I've often said that Joe Theisman blows dead moose chunks. Does anyone have a better one-line analysis?
  16. This is too perfect. Is there a ring of fame at Pro Player Stadium where they could engrave this? And if you were Don Shula, at this very moment would you be (a) planning to die so you could roll over in your grave or (b) laughing uncontrollably?
  17. Have you considered the Garden State of New Jersey? Oh . . . yeah . . . well, never mind.
  18. That's interesting. I didn't see the promos you did WITHOUT Shore, but I saw so many WITH him in recent weeks I made a point of running the other way from this show. So when they're right on top of a broadcast they shift marketing gears and drop Pauly (who's show it is) from the promos. The network's got to have a lot of confidence in the show (and a lot of negative feedback for the original spots) to pull a move like that.
  19. Hmmmmm. You may be right. They have a lot of positive indicators: coach in his second year (meaning the program's already been installed), a scattering of decent talent after some years of drafting low, and a very forgiving division (GB's on the way down and I just don't believe in the Vikings no matter who they sign). Plus they're in the NFC, where it doesn't take much. If Grossman isn't a washout . . .
  20. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Last Thursday, at the age of 65, he shot a 75 on that course. Yes, I know, he didn't make the cut. But last Thursday, at the age of 65, he shot a 75 on that course. I mean . . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. There is no way no how Jax was delivering a 2nd to Buffalo. No way. No how. This is all after-the-fact CYA for the benefit of the Jacksonville market.
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