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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. O.J. will be honored, and he deserves it- he was a cut above the rest.
  2. What's he doing throwing? He should be running at all times. Matt Leinart!!!
  3. Is that your tombstone epithet boomer? RIP to a fine journalist
  4. McGahee was terrible. He couldn't run anywhere. Tackled in the backfield on numerous occasions. He should watch Shaud Williams. I wouldn't mind seeing an open competition for starting RB. Based on your logic, isn't that right Riddler, you doofus?
  5. Some high standards on this board. Bledsoe was 10-16 for 93 yds on three drives. They got 9 points out of it. That doesn't sound too bad to me. Believe me, I agree he is washed up, but that's not a bad scrimmage performance (like JP's horrific 6-10)
  6. Bills had a cake schedule last year. All numbers (offense, defense, ST) were boosted by the four NFC West games. The last game they played was their worst. To me, 8-8 doesn't seem like an unreasonable prediction. I am ALWAYS overly optimistic, and I have been saying 9-7 for awhile. I see your point- the article shows love to the team, but the record prediction does not. But I think this guy would be a little off-base to throw a 12-4 out there. They still play the Pats twice, Broncos, two trips to the West Coast against improved Oakland and division champ San Diego, as well as Carolina at home and Cincy away again. Those certainly could all be wins, and they certainly could all be losses. Last year the Bills laid an egg against the good teams. I think the NFC is weak in general, but I liked Rams, Shehawks, Cardinals, 49ers better than I like Falcons, Bucs, Panthers, Saints.
  7. Is Puhonix going to have a wild bash at the pad in your absence? Good luck with your girl and the fam- it can be a little nerve racking. Be careful, she may love Buffalo so much that you won't be able to drag her back to FL!
  8. The claim of Bills fans beating Pats fans with beers reeks of untruth. First of all, the guy said the Bills fans were using full, unopened beers. Wasting a full beer on a Pats fan on a warm fall afternoon does not sound like something any Bills fan that I know would do. Besides, whoever the Pats woman was who got lumped up, I'm sure she had it coming...
  9. What happened to the 19 year old? She's probably 20 by now. My advice is to have fun with her but don't take it too seriously. Do whatever you want. I honestly can't think of anything fun to do where drinking isn't involved (or at least where drinking would make it more fun.) Have as much sex with her as possible and try to talk her into some naughty things (again, this is easier when they're drunk, but she's young and impressionable so you have a shot.) As for the Canadian, find a message board where somebody cares. We were talking about frolicking with a 19 year old and you screw it up by getting all mad. Buffalo's largest suburb, Toronto, is okay but French Canada is pathetic. Bunch of prissy bitches (and those are the dudes.)
  10. Good move by MM. I'm sure JP was goofing with the other scrubs on the sideline and thinking (like the rest of us) that Bledsoe sucks and if I was in there.... "What's that coach? I'm in? Me? But my leg..." I'm sure that whole experience was a whirlwind for JP and he realized how fast-paced NFL action is. The fact that he looked terrible on national TV must have knocked a little cockiness out of him and given him some extra drive. Props to Mularkey for sending him in, when he probably knew ahead of time what was going to happen.
  11. A lot of rediculous posts. On the first drive (JP's first ever as a starter), the Bills covered about 40 yards (from their 30 to the Packers 30) and JP converted two third downs with completions to Moulds (nice read) and Parrish (nice pass). They had a 3rd and 5 on the GB 30 but their 9 plays were up. What if they converted that 3rd down and went in to score? I think a love affair would be going on with JP on this board. Additionally, he wouldve ran in for a score on the pass he threw high to Josh Reed. But hey, he threw it high in the back of the end zone where there was no chance of getting picked. Not a bad move. As for his one bad pass, I would not have minded at all if the GB CB picked him off and returned it for a TD. Losman will get picked this season, so he might as well get used to it. Better to make mistakes now than in the 4th quarter of week 1. All in all, JP looked confident and the Bills looked like a superior team. Those of you flipping out about JP's performance need to reassess where you thought he would be at this point. He looked like a talented guy making his first start for his team. His talent showed on the field, as did his inexperience. Were we expecting otherwise?
  12. Welcome aboard bro. Disregard my signature. How'd you end up a Bills fan instead of falling into that Bermuda Triangle of teams down there?
  13. It's hard to think in terms of injury when you're dealing with the NFL (apart from keeping your quarterback out of unnecessary contact.) Injuries are a part of the game and can happen at any time. I think you have to put the best guy back there to return punts no matter what. It can be such a weapon, you almost have to risk the big hits for the big plays. Besides, Roscoe is playing with the big boys now. He's good enough to make it to this level, I don't think you can say he's too small to do this or do that. I agree, I was a little shook by putting Clements back there. Him going down would have been tragic. But Roscoe almost seems made for the job, a la another smurf Miami guy, Santana Moss.
  14. Wait, how do YOU know he got an extension? What's that? Oooohhhh, a CONTRACT extension. I get it now.
  15. I have heard that Detroit is beautiful in February....
  16. The young man is tossing a football right now. You've done wonders with your short life Hunter- you will be missed. Best wishes to Jimbo and the family.
  17. That's cool...How big is the pic you have? Let me know if you're looking to pass it on, I would be interested. Thanks
  18. If you go through the metal detectors at the Buffalo Airport, and then turn left, there is a sportsbar right there on that corner. On one of the walls, they have the whole wall dedicated to a supersized image of the scene on the field when the Bills beat the Jets to clinch the AFC East in 1988. Fans all over the field, goalposts coming down... Has anyone seen this "mural"? Anyone know where I can get a copy of that pic, or one that is similar?
  19. This appears very pessimistic for an optimist. I'm almost more scared of Houston at home than Tampa on the road. I'm heading down for that game, so I will be sure to drink enough beers to will the Bills to victory. Should be interesting to see Cadillac play, I was a big fan of his in college (and won a lot of $$ on Auburn last fall!) Nonetheless, 3-2 seems like a pretty reasonable prediction for first 5, and I would be happy with that. Sure as hell beats 1-4.
  20. Hmmmm....outside the box, eh?? How about the old Bisons batboy, The Butcher, at LT?
  21. Crystal ball 5 years away- Kellen Winslow II starring in the exact same post. Also, I believe Rob Johnson's career was cut short by a brain injury.
  22. Agreed. Carson Palmer was 18 TD and 18 INT last year for an 8-8 team. I'd expect JP in that area. The part he needs to learn is not to mope around after he throws a pick. Get back on that horse baby!
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