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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. That is one heck of a lineup there. I bet you NC folk are glad to be out of that grouping. If those states were a Jeopardy question, my answer would be, "What are states 46-50 in adult literacy rates, Alex?"
  2. A special thanks to someone not even on the list: Will Allen, for driving his shoulder into McGahee's knee, thus allowing him to fall out of the Top 3 in the draft and down to the Bills! Nice pop Allen!
  3. I'm envisioning her as 110 without her chalupas.
  4. What squad is she on? It's not Maurice Clarett's sister is it?
  5. I met the Why Guy in Taco Bell. Maybe I should call in.
  6. Well he's not lying...JP isn't Doug Johnson either.
  7. Oh boy. I thought this kind of talk was overwith for today.
  8. Yes! Every section at the Ralph has its own cheerleader. Throw in some fatties for the End Zone Crew!!!
  9. In light of the numerous gay threads in the air today, I felt it was only right to give the straight minority a voice here. Well, we are rapidly approaching my favorite part of the home opener- when the Jills come trotting out for the first time and get a roaring ovation from the sellout crowd. Pom poms, kick lines, scandalous dancing, and cleavage- it's everything a football game should be and more. However, looking at the rosters, I am a little nervous about our Jills. The Dolphins girls are always a favorite to win the division, and the Pats cheerleaders look to be bringing a solid squad to the table. Unfortunately the Jills could be looking at a third place finish in the AFC East. Thankfully, the Jets owner does not want such horrible distractions taking away from the product on the field, so by way of forfeit the Jills stay out of the basement. (Please note some rosters/photos are the '04 squads. Somebody needs to find out where their training camp is and send reports from there!) http://www.buffalobills.com/cheerleaders/roster.jsp http://www.patriots.com/cheerleaders/index...=2005cheersquad http://www.miamidolphins.com/cheerleaders/...d/2004squad.asp I have also included as a reference point the Cowboys (who are considered the standard by many) and the Eagles (because I've seen a few of their girls in photos and they were slammin). http://www.dallascowboys.com/cheerleaders/squad.cfm http://www.philadelphiaeagles.com/cheerlea.../cheerSquad.jsp NOTE- The Eagles site earns props because there is a prompt that warns children that they are entering a site with age-appropriate content. Then the first page pops up with their lingerie calender. So there you have it. No more thinking of that hot, sweaty, Brett Favre riding a tractor...
  10. Oh God! Let's call the Cowboys immediately and get Drew back. "C'mon Drew, when we said "You're Cut" we didn't mean that you're actually 'Cut'. Please buddy? It's like you said, it's your team."
  11. Yeah, I'd just pretend I was running a pass route, and he would leave me alone.
  12. JP said that meeting Brett Favre was awesome, not him wearing short shorts. He also metioned how much he loves chicks as he finished rubbing suntan lotion on Coy Wire's back.
  13. For some unknown reason, Rian Lindell was following JP around yesterday asking him what he was doing after practice.
  14. Did anyone else pick up on the homoerotic undertones here? I bet Favre invited JP over because he heard he was part-Mexican and he would enjoy doing some yard work.
  15. Not only on the ice, but I heard Daniel Briere say (about two weeks ago when asked about re-signing Zhitnik) that AZ didn't wear the "C", but he was the unquestioned captain and leader of the team. And we give him the good riddance? You're right, it would be easier to take if the Sabres were making some noise and at least throwing an offer out to some of the other players available. They are going fast and I feel like the Sabres aren't even involved. Article in the Buff News says Satan is interested in the Long Islanders also. Peca, Zhitnik, and Satan for Connelly and Pyatt. Ouch.
  16. You both make some good points and it was a good read- I like the devil's advocate thing we have going here. HD- keep an eye out for Willis this year. All reports say his speed is back to his UM days. Clearly he was missing his top gear last year. However, it's no secret teams will load up on him and force Losman to make plays. It was mentioned above, but why do the Pats throw to LB's in the end zone? I don't know, I just don't get it. I appreciate the sneak attack, but nobody really seems fooled by it anymore. The LB's usually have a guy right on them. Granted, they make the catch, but wouldn't you want a TE diving in the end zone with a safety draped on him? Lot to look for this season. Hard to pick against the Pats. Hopefully the Bills make them earn it. I saw some Jets preseason footage on NFL Net last night, Pennington was lobbing the ball all over the place. So hopefully they'll suck, and I think we're all in agreement here when we say that the Ferrotte/Feely two headed monster in Miami does not scare anybody. But Ronnie Brown does.
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