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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Didn't you see the dude that got into that little box in Ocean's Eleven? Well maybe it was Ocean's Twelve but definitely not Ocean's Thirteen. I think he was in all three but the third one sucked even worse than the first two. Anyway that guy didn't learn that stuff in his local gym.
  2. I don't get it. I am definitely not saying to choose sides or not choose sides. That is up to you. What I am saying is to respect the history of Israel because Noah and his sons and daughters saved us all.....and they were the Israelites.
  3. I don't get it. I think going back to Noah's arc is sufficient since everyone else was dead at that point and history pretty much started over so therefore we owe our history to the Iraelites. Even though we all owe a debt there are too many sittin' around; and some in high places. History repeats itself and if people aren't careful the pieces are gonna fall on them. Don't be one of them that just sits around and gets caught up in details with no prospective like you are a zombie.
  4. Joe Mama? I know it's bad....I'll delete it soon but couldn't stop myself.
  5. Not only is it not classified....they've been filming it and posting it on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqjfZnJEURM
  6. Birthday edition web show? I don't think you should. Just relax and have a fun day.
  7. If I'm going back too far in history for you to wrap your head around things well then I'm sorry but I am doing so in an effort to provide some prospective.
  8. True. It does all seem to be going according to the plan, doesn't it?
  9. This is what makes me sad. Disdain? Do you have the same disdain for the prehistoric Egyptians that beat the crap out of Jews like Moses? How far back do you go with your anger? I do not want to get into who is right and wrong about this because you can go back really really far. My POINT is that without the Israelites like Noah, his sons and his daughters none of use would be here to even have these fights. Please keep your misinformed opinions in other threads about the Middle East. This thread is more about history and not for the zombies following one side of the fight or the other.
  10. I am saddened by the recent rude responses by the Israel hating zombies on the board. I made this thread as non-political as I could. Please get past your hatred toward Israel and stop shooting the messenger. Open your eyes. Sometimes I wonder where all God's children have gone. Sitting in the dark? Living all by themselves? Posting anti-Israeli stuff on the internet even though the Israelites saved the species? It just seems weird.
  11. Wow. I am back now but it looks like Alaska Darin, aka Mr. Limbaw suspended me for this thread. I want to be clear that I am not "pro-Israel" when it comes to all of today's arguments but from a historical prospective we do all owe the Israelites. It seems to me that this is a fact due to Noah but Mr. Limbaw obviously disagrees and thinks that it is not only an opinion but somehow suspension worthy!?! I don't get it.
  12. I am glad that the anti-Irael crowd, with one exception, has not started making inflammatory posts it in this thread. It signals to me that they realize they owe Noah, and thus Israel a debt of gratitude. It is also understandable although a bit disappointing that they haven't acknowledged this in writing. I just hope they remember this little history lesson when another opportunity to bash comes along as it probably will.
  13. Did you read the post? It basically explained why people owe Israel a debt of gratitude. Not a free pass but a debt of gratitude. Your reply basically ignores that and takes the zombie like approach of being spoon fed by stereotypes. Don't be like that. P.S. It also looks as if my post wasn't the only thing you failed to read. The section of 4th grade English discussing the difference between than and then also seems to have slipped by.
  14. Look, I am not too political and I really don't like all the fighting and war that goes on. I also know that no nation or faction is totally innocent when it comes to all the fighting. I am not nigh eve. However I know enough about history to know that some things last forever. With all the Middle East seemingly against Israel and reading about how some people don't even think Iran is a threat I want to remind you all of a little history. And no, it is not the history of WWII which is horrible but also relatively recent and harder to learn from. It is also not history that proves one side is right and one side is wrong. It is history we should all remember. Way back in history no one ever spoke to Noah. They all laughed at him instead. He worked on his arc all day and all night. He often worked alone. Only Noah saw the 40 days and 40 nights coming. He took his sons and daughters with him. Many many many people died and without Noah it is possible that the human race could have been extinguished. And when the survivors of the flood were the only ones around who were they? Yeah, you guessed it. They were the Israelites. So whether you are Jewish, Christian, Mormon, atheist or another religion, you still owe something to Israel. That something is your existence. I think the Middle Eastern Mormons, or Muslims as they are commonly known, have every right to address their grievances with Israel but when they say they want to wipe them off the map and exterminate them they should think back to history's near extermination and thank Israel that we are all around to have something to fight about. I also think that the people sniping at Israel from afar need to remember these facts. There are even some on this board. No offense but all you zombies repeating lines you hear on the news or from wherever should read a little history.
  15. DC Tom's admiration for you increases every day. I would have a hamster named Sammy. Does a Gogglebot count as a pet?
  16. Flutie's passes also didn't like anything in their way. That is why they hated Sam Gash's feet.
  17. Exactly what I said when I noticed you reviewed the Smurfs. I haven't seen VA Bills around here for years so I doubt anyone gives a crap about the Smurfs.
  18. Nice selective outrage there chief. It's ok for black people to be offended by this? I tend to agree but then you go ahead and act as if people with mustaches are some sort of second class citizens. What if some Armenian kid in the class had a mustache and was offended? It is second grade so most Armenians have mustaches by then. Nobody cares about that, right? What if the kid was assigned to be Tim Conway and he came in dressed as a jockey like that character Conway used to play? Should short people be offended? Don't get me wrong, I understand the outrage, just not the selective outrage. Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhO7dMEthK4
  19. Do you think the Saints would trade him for the Human Chia Pet?
  20. I think the Preakness is this weekend. After that I'm not sure what there is to do in Balt. I hear the O's park is nice. You could buy everyone a taser and go around zapping bums. There are tons of them.
  21. ......and hockey pucks to use as bribes......and btw leave a few trillion synapses at home or you won't fit in.
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