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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. we all saw mike williams' character, it was all over tv. he did espn commercials and numerous interviews where all they talked about was how great a person was. you think mike williams doesnt have the talent? he could be a pro bowler if he wanted to
  2. Mike McCarthy = Gregg Williams (as a head coach)
  3. i couldnt agree more, i've wanted to make a thread about this for a while but havent. At the time, mike williams was touted to be a great player. And yes, you can judge draft picks when they are taken. And this was a good one. We needed a tackle, and williams had all the talent in the world, he was athletic, personable, and massive. Point being, it is not TD's fault mike williams failed. TD made the pick we needed and everybody loved it because mike williams was thought to be a future star. When is it mike williams' fault he failed? when do we say mike, you had all the talent to succeed, you had everything, and you didnt do it?
  4. hey guys, why dont we trade for todd collins
  5. no way we sign Arrington. He hasnt even been playing this year besides the recent playoff game. He has character issues and levy will not sign him. Even if we levy liked him, why would we sign him? With all the holes to fill why would we waste money on our strongest position? We have crowell we dont need arrington.
  6. I repeat.... D'Qwell Jackson will be a 1st rounder after the combine.
  7. i thought he was kidding about the madden thing...
  8. maybe if we trade for some midol he'll be alright
  9. who the hell wants mike williams? do you agree that we have the worst line in football? if we dont need him, then who does? hahaha
  10. if all those guys are gone, dont trade down, MICHAEL HUFF BABY!!!!!
  11. maybe...... but how is that your first priority lol, like why are u even thinking about that lol
  12. personally i've seen worse, i mean to be kicked out of the damn school? come on, im hoping it was just because it was the last straw then i understand. And i give credit to the school for actually following procedure with a talented athlete and not brushing it under the rug.
  13. i would rather have a 3rd round tackle instead of shelton, i think he's another mike williams. And simon wouldnt have helped because he comes out of the games on run downs, hes a rush DT. At least he did in philly, and sam rayburn came in
  14. he just simplifies everything, they mostly play a zone and if they are in man they have 2 deep coverage, he puts more responsibility on his studs and they live up to the challenge.
  15. I think if the team that gets him as a strong organization and a scary head coach i.e. parcells, he might be ok. He is clearly better than Michael, it isnt even an argument. Whatever team that gets him could potentially have a franchise QB. This isnt like maurice clarett or adrian mcphearson where you dont know if they will be a franchise player or a bust, we know for a fact marcus can play and will be a star, for this reason its a shame i think he will still go on the first day even though he shouldnt but he will. i think he needs someone to set him straight, probably a strong headed guy in front of him like a brett favre or someone.
  16. Get: - A DT - Safety help at both positions, if you think milloy and vincent can do the job, at least get some young back ups than can play when they both retire - figure out whats going on at corner, if clements leaves we need one, and i'd rather see a FA brought in because i think if we had a rookie our corners would be way too young, kevin thomas would have the most experience - Big WR, we need a wr if moulds goes and maybe even if he doesnt, but i want a guy with some size for the red zone. I think if moulds stay you draft one (maurice stovall or matt trammell) and if he goes we have to look into free agency - A TE, we dont know what we have in Everett, i really like Mercedes Lewis from UCLA, he fits the TE and red zone threat. - obviously o-line, i think we sign some people and draft some people. I like peters and preston, maybe gandy at guardm the rest i could care less if they stay or go - a backup for willis at RB, im a little disappointed we didnt find out what lionel gates could do at the end of the season - And dammit, LETS GET SOME CONFIDENCE!!!
  17. Pickett is just like any other DT we have, small and cant stop the run
  18. the year we took mike williams we passed on dwight freeney and roy williams (dallas)
  19. D'Qwell Jackson will be a 1st rounder after the combine.
  20. Thats wrong also, Eugene Wilson was a 2nd round pick, thats right, 2nd. And Samuel was a 4th round pick. Unless the draft is only 5 rounds long, you tell me how those are late round picks.
  21. I honestly believe that when all is said and done, Oshinowo will be a 1st or 2nd round pick, i'd love to have him. He's the best well kept secret.
  22. oh man, how did i know this would start lol. My grandma also throws a good ball, get er' done.
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