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Ron Mexico

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Everything posted by Ron Mexico

  1. I'm homeless, living in a cardboard box under a bridge in the Atlanta area. I shuffle in to Circuit city once in a while to get online and see whats up. I eat my own toenails.
  2. Ok, but how was the Aussie when it was younger? Doesn't experience count? Have you no loyalties?
  3. And just what the hell is that supposed to mean????
  4. No, still dripping like a bad faucet
  5. Yeah, my freind Richard Head has been complaining for years about that, now I know what he feels like.
  6. All my road games are fun! I just enjoy meeting new people wherever I roam.
  7. Now I need a good jersey maker, damn! Speaking of slipping it to Stojan...... He's not that quick.
  8. In respect to my TBD brethren, I will use the ballwashers at every opportunity.
  9. I have my tickets, I will be there, you will rue the day you decided to put me near 18 hoes.
  10. Give me her number, I'll date her and give her something that will keep her occupied for a while.
  11. My kid had a coach that completely turned him off from football. He had started in three seasons before he went to high school always on defensive line. He went out for freshman team and surprisingly he was a made a starter as an offensive guard. The first two games were fine, the team won and everything was fine. The head coach loved him, but the offensive line coach was a nutbag. The guy was high strung and very vocal. There were games where the head coach would spend time calming down the offensive line coach. We were even penalized for unsportsman like conduct based on this guys yapping. He would ride all the guys, not just mine, but he would really rip these kids. One day my son came home from practice and said he was demoted, I didn't get upset, and my son was not pissed since the pressure was off him for a week. At the pre-game they are going through the plays and walk throughs, I see the nutbag coach looking over his notes and then he calls out my kids name and says, "you're starting"! I felt kinda relieved, but then I thought about the other kid, who since Tuesday has been thinking he was the starter. My kid played the whole game, came out for maybe two plays. The remainder of the season pretty much went the same way, benched tuesday, or wednesday, but come saturday he is starting. The kid was on a rollercoaster. All he had to look forward to was that when he got to JV he would be free from this guy. Fast forward to next season. When he went to the first practice, there is nutbag, waiting for his line from last year, he had been promoted. My kid went through the first practice, and it was his last, he never went back knowing that this guy would be on him a whole nother season. I mentioned it to someone else, they said the guy was the a decent guy, but that's the only way he knows how to motivate, I was pissed because I really enjoyed watching him play.
  12. Been there done that....enjoy the gift that keeps on giving
  13. The funny thing is, no one did it till almost 8 PM last night....
  14. And I.P. Nightly Who Flung Poo (chinese author)
  15. I don't need any alias', although, some like to call me Mike....
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