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Everything posted by loyal2dagame

  1. to answer the topic title.......... 0% he is too valuable to the bills right NOW, when there is no other o-lineman on the team worth close to what they are being paid.
  2. to me, leinart in the nfl is jp losman with a little better short passing game. for what it is i'd have to say the bills made the right call. there are other reasons other than kurt warner as to why leinart is not playing in az right now.
  3. might as well list the bills in the obituary column.........cause this team is dead
  4. so parcels going to 3 superbowls and winning 2 with 1 on a fluke makes him an achiever? how many years did teams coached by him miss the playoffs? jimmy johnson winning a championship with one of the best teams ever makes him an achiever? what did he do in miami? bellicheat "possibly" cheating to win his rings makes him an achiever? what did he do in cleveland before he bought a camcorder? your arguement doesnt hold water
  5. i can see the comparison. bengals had a good coach in the 80's with wyche, the bills had a good coach at the time in levy/phillips. when those coaches were replaced, both teams brought in enept useless coaches....bungles had david shula, followed by bruce coslet and dick lebeau. the bills had greg williams followed by meathead marlarky. the bungles now have marvin lewis who was suppost to be a good coach and bring the team back to a respectful level, and he did do that if only for one season. the bills have dick whom make us sick with poor clock management, horrible play calls, and is too soft on the players. so to recap, both teams have had former head coaches who proved to suck, both teams have hired offensive and defensive cordinators with no head coaching history, and both teams had a couple of dick's as coaches. the bungles were the laughing stock of the league for over 10 years, and as luck would have it, ralph wilson has had success in turning the bills into the same. fire everyone!!!!!! save for bobby april
  6. it has got to be the 7-9 when i factor in the 5-1 start. 11-5 is a great season by anybody's standards. 7-9 after 5-1 if down right sorry and falls on the coaching and player's equal inability to prepare and perform
  7. as long as we could have a legit chance to be competative and make the playoffs every season, i'd wait 14 years, it's already been 10 since the last time we sniffed the post season
  8. underachieved? what qb has he ever had before big ben? neil odonnell? bubby brister?, slash stewart? and still had a good offense underachieved? the guy ran a smash mouth offense which at times has been unstoppable with barry freakin foster among others, underachieved? his defenses have always been highly regarded- cant make a comment here as pitts d has always had solid players underachieved? the guy went to 2 superbowls and 6 afc championships, and made the playoffs just about every year. what other available coach can say that? if thats underachieving, i'd like to see what you call a good coach who holds up to your standards
  9. well, you know brilliant minds think alike......
  10. pooj, i think the yanks believe the average fan for them is the person who watches the games at home and buys their hats, jerseys, ect. the above average fan is the person who does all the above and goes to games. the high end fan is the person who could care less about them winning or losing, wears a suit to the game, and pays hundreds of thousands per year to go to the stadium for the games and barely watches the team on the field.
  11. on the positive side, sports teams are like the titanic. when the ship starts to sink, the rich are the first to get off the boat.
  12. their are some things in this world that are recession proof, and the yanks are one of them. now if there is a depression, all bets are off
  13. i got to watch my kids open all thier stuff with big smiles on their faces and excitement in the air.......... for me, thats the best gift. it might sound corny to others, but i dont care
  14. buckeye, i dont understand why anyone would look at any sports teams like this. it sounds like you are a yankee hating sox fan or something(i'm kidding). the yankees can print their own money if they choose. george steinbrenner made them that way. sucessful. the yanks sell more merchandise than just about any other pro sports team in the WORLD. off of those sales alone, they could afford to spend the same money on players as they do now. the economy is still good for them, so why should they not spend the money? if the company you work for started to dominate it's industry today, and all other companies in the same industry could not keep up with yours due to a better product and clients with deep pockets, would you feel bad? would you feel worse if your company that sits on top of the mountain now decided to give you a huge raise because they can? i dont hate on the yanks, any sports team or company for using capitalism leagally to get ahead.
  15. my remarks about him actually being intelligent is based on seeing/hearing him speak on various shows on several occasions; costas now, larry king, ect.
  16. just watching the news in orchard park, and they asked moron...er jauron about the extension and he stated " come on, you know the answer to that question, i do not discuss contracts......." russ brandon was then asked the same question with the reporter quoting adam schefter, and brandon looked disgusted and said "no comment"
  17. nobody knows the truth....it's like the jfk conspiracy; an enigma wrapped in a riddle topped off with a joke that equals egg in the face of all bills fans if mr wilson keeps this useless coaching staff(bobby april aside).
  18. so just to make sure i understand this, barkley presents 3 qualified black coaches and no white,mexican,ect, and he is calling the school racist. shouldn't he have presented the best options for the job rather than simply qualified black coaches? looks like the pot is calling the kettle black on this one.(no pun intended) charles barkley is intelligent, but most times comes off as a blowhard gambling addict.
  19. well, as far as favre is concerned, in 96 when he won the superbowl, the defense had a bigger impact than the offense... the pack's d had 26 int's and 31 fumbles recovered that year and held opponents to 13.1 points per game. so when the offense made mistakes(which we all know favre is known for) the defese picked up the slack to get wins. elway had one of if not the best o-line in the game for his bowl wins, a should have been hof runningback, and good/great recievers. marino also had a great o-line that gave him tons of time to throw, and thats what he did, which is why he had the career passing yards record until favre broke it. so to ask for names of miami's runningbacks shouldnt apply as the were not a run first team...... actually the were not run first, second, or third type of team so in conclusion........ the qb is only as good as the team around him to say anything else is crazy
  20. bring out the brown paper bags to wear over our faces, and garbage bags over our bodies- that will rep what this team and coaching staff is
  21. um, yeah he has, on more than one occasion. i remember a td to price with no time left, and possibly a pass to parrish on the sidelines to set up a game winner. EDIT: actually jp did it in back to back weeks where the bills won both games in the final 2 minutes: 2006 season vs houston texans- td to price followed by jacksonville jags- pass to parrish on sideline to set up lindell game winner
  22. 55th ces...... first in last out- base power. so while you may hav gotten to stay in hotels on deployment, we were building tent cities
  23. bill parcels would be my choice. every team he touches makes the playoffs. cowher was great in pittsburgh, but you dont know what he will do with another team, as he never had the chance to show it yet...... parcels has shown he has the midas touch
  24. If he wins a third MVP this year, which I believe he will if he continues on this way, he is surely going into the hall
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