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Everything posted by brihs2005

  1. Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried. -Winston Churchill
  2. Why is everyone so down on McGee that they think he can't be a starting #2 Corner in this league or for this team. He had a REALLY rocky start, but he started to come into his own later in the season. I didn't see a lot of the same mistakes that i did in the first few games he started. While not a shut down corner i like what he brings to our Defense and think he has earned a starting spot. I agree we need more depth at Corner, but it seems that everyone is looking to land a FA corner or draft a corner so McGee can go back to being the nickle. Did i not see something during the last 6-8 weeks of the season where McGee played himself out of the starting lineup instead of into a solid #2 corner on our depth chart? Your thoughts...?
  3. They said he was limping around the combine yesterday. I think if his stock falls we pick him up in the later rounds and let him rehab a year. Makes Teague expendable after next season (if the kid is back to form).
  4. He was touted as the best center in the draft. Was he originally on our radar? Will he fall a few rounds making him a steal on day two? Anybody know what they are talking about when it comes to this guy because i am completely ignorant about him. Thanks
  5. Titanic is the one that comes to mind. I have different tastes than most and different opinions on what i think is good and not. My sense of humor is "out there" as well as my opinion on what good acting, directing and writing are. I thought the whole Oscar crop was pretty weak this year, and as award shows are getting more and more overhyped i think the awards themselves mean less and less. I think that the Oscar winners have been chosen in such political ways that it is more of an honor to simply be nominated than to have won. BTW my props to Don Cheadle, one of my favorite actors since the early 90's who finally got some recognition.
  6. I haven't seen it, but honestly it seems like an over-hyped Hollywood movie in a year where there was no major blockbuster. While not basing my decision not to see the movie off of the article, it is worth a read. I do appreciate Skip Bayless' journalistic style (although i sometimes disagree with his perspectives). http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=bayless/050225
  7. Its really an interesting process as far as selection is concerned. A lot has to do with RPI, good wins, bad losses, etc. Buffalo, while competitive, have an RPI in the mid-60's currently. That is not good enough unless some major teams slip up in front of them before their conference tournaments. Their only good wins come against Kent (RPI - 72) and Miami (RPI - 43). Miami (OH) is a mystery to me. Their RPI is solid but they are not that strong of a team from what i have witnessed personally. I saw them get embarrassed against my Bulldogs (Butler) at the beginning of the season and we currently have an RPI in the low 200s. Two good wins (not necessarily great wins) for the Bulls really doesn't help them enough without a few other things falling into place. The only chance they have of getting an at-large is if they win the next two regular season games, and then win their way to the MAC Championship game. If they lose that game on a bad call, a buzzer-beater, or some other strange event they have an outside chance. I was surprised to be informed that the selectors do pay attention to how a game is lost in terms of at-large bids hinging on championship game results. Schools that sometimes have as few as 5 losses (see Butler 2002) with more quality wins are left out of the tournament. Be that as it may, UB should be proud and assuming they don't lose in the first round of the MAC tourney, they should get an NIT birth which is great for their program. Hopefully they can keep it up without Battle next year.
  8. While acknowledging that your list is pretty accurate as far as players who are better or comparable to TH, it is extremely unfair to say that they are "clearly" better than him. That one word drastically changes your argument. For what its worth, you did not mention a back on that list that plays for the Cards or the Raidas. Its trading a need for a need and i don't think a pick will be necessary for the deal to go through. That being said, i am becoming less optomistic as far as this deal going through - not because of the compensation, but the rumors that TH will not play without a new contract. Hopefully we will find out this week.
  9. Oops. Thought he retired again. Nevermind that though then.
  10. Although i don't disagree, see Eric Crouch. (BTW, he is someone i wouldn't mind Mularkey taking a look at and try to coax him out of retirement)
  11. I think the type of receiver we need to look for would be in the Moulds frame. Wouldn't mind him being a bit raw, but when Eric retires we will need some size from our wideouts to compliment Evan's speed. If we are going to take a WR on the first day i think he needs to be big and phyiscal.
  12. nodnarb - Thanks for posting this. I was looking for away to procrastinate on all my papers that are due this week. Man, i don't want to wait 7-8 weeks for draft week.
  13. WOW! His hands look incredible. He is huge and running in the 4.4 range. He could be a real weapon for MM and TC. This could be an interesting pick in the second day, assuming he makes it there. With 40's like that, he may not make it out of the third round.
  14. Forgetting this new evidence about his sub-par 40 times, i think TD's comments were merely posturing in hopes that a player he may want may slip just one more spot further. In the grand scheme of things, one player making a jump from a middle round to an early round may seem trivial, but it could set in motion a new draft strategy for most teams and let a player fall to the Bills that may not have otherwise.
  15. My girlfriend says "Wow" when i do it 2 times!
  16. Any woman that can wear a jersey or a baseball hat and look good in it can get me hooked emotionally. I am not sure what jersey will be my next... Either Willis, Evans, or JP, (Baker would be a cool jersey to have but i have no idea if he will even be on the roster next year) I think Willis is the safest bet for a long career, followed by Evans. The #83 is just cooler than #21 no offense to Willis.
  17. Correct me if i am wrong, but i thought Adams, Fletcher and a few others become UFA's after 2006. Clump, anyone, confirm?
  18. I think that PW vs. NC is one way to look at it. I also think that within an hour after the LJ for TH trade goes down (if it does) PW will resign with us. I think LJ has a domino affect for us. Also important is MW renegotiating his contract. If that and LJ happens i think we lock up PW for three seasons, and Nate for 5 years this off-season. I trust TD. Well, at least i hope i can trust TD.
  19. I am a big jersey fan. I usually get one every year to pump me up for the season. I am wondering, considering we are unlikely to get a stud rookie, or a stud FA, who i should get for next season and how most of you selected the jerseys you currently have. Do you buy a jersey of the QB? Do you pick it because of the #? Is it your favorite player? Is it the biggest name new to the team? I have always been a fan of winfield (i got his jersey the last year of the red white and blue) Have Clements (my favorite Bill currently, and 22 was my former jersey number) Have a TKO (big free agent two years ago) and have a Moulds (Cause he has some serious game and because i wish i could have been a wideout). Do you take a chance and buy a jersey like Vincent, because he may not be here in a few years? Do you try and only buy jerseys of guys that will be around for a long period of time? Any insights or am i just a putz for going to class or dress down fridays at work with my Bills jersey on (not to mention wearing it to the bar on sundays)?
  20. SDS - just so i can be ridiculously jealous, how many people have sent you codes so far? And how many last year?
  21. I think TD is trying to build a balanced team. PW is not worth 5 a year. And i don't think he will sign with any team for that. I think he makes 3 MAX somewhere. I still believe he will be in a Bills uniform next year after he realizes that the Bills will pay 2-2.5 for his services and other teams will only go as high as 3. Most importantly though, its Balance that is needed. #2 defense in the league doesn't matter if you have an offense in the low 20's. Give me a better offense - in the top 15, and a similar defense to last year - in the top 5, and its hard to imagine playoffs will not be in the cards for us.
  22. Maybe he means that since Henry is going to the Cards, SF is going to have get ready to play him twice a year? Maybe? Possibly? Any chance at all?
  23. Yuchhh! The fans here in Indy suck. They don't deserve a new stadium. For as good a team as they have, there are maybe 30 die-hards in the whole city. They can barely sell out the RCA Dome that seats 55,000+ :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Indy Fans
  24. She's got a point there. Roy Williams is pretty sick and i would chip in $5 to TD to make him our starting safety opening day. (not possible) Oh wait! you meant Roy Williams instead of our entire defense? Yeah, i don't even know if this is an argument. In fact, i am going to go laugh a while then return to the board.
  25. Yeah, call a dentist. I chipped my left front tooth when i was a kid and every five or six years the filling they put in comes out and they need to repair it. It doesn't hurt and doesn't take too long if you find a good dentist. Most cosmetic dentists should be able to help as well. If you can't find any in South Bend, i know there are some down in Indy (where i live), or Chicago is closer, and they are bound to have a few on the North side where all the money is. I hope you got up and finished the game of beer pong like a man. Hope it works out for ya.
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